For example, when cats lick each others genitals, they exchange information about their social status, reproductive status, and health. You're not the Harvey Weinstein of the dog world. According to PetPlace, these glands "produce strong-smelling secretions intended to send chemical signals about that cat's identity to other animals." But why do dogs sniff butts of pets and not their human pals? It is a way for cats to show affection and establish dominance within the group.. This mutual grooming encourages the cats to interact in a way that bonds them together and helps to keep them contented and comfortable. Just a quick swipe of the area takes care of business. Male cats may lick another male cats bum as a way of establishing the hierarchy in their social group and letting the other cat know that they are the alpha. (Reasons), Why Do Cats Sleep in the Sun? Licking helps cats to create a communal smell and to strengthen their ties. Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Lynn Buzhardt, DVM, Contributors: Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Lynn Buzhardt, DVM. A cat's mouth may also open when sniffing another cat's anal sacs. It can be addictive: This behavior can be addictive, and people who are addicted to it may have a difficult time stopping. You may have wondered, Why on earth do they do that?. If you are ever concerned about your cats behavior, the best thing to do is to talk to your veterinarian. Familiar Scent 4. Your email address will not be published. Well, cats generally lick one other for the same reasons they lick themselves. You are not alone. After going outside, your cats feet, belly, and any other area that contacts the ground should be cleaned with a damp towel or baby wipe to remove some of the pollen attached to the hair. Why Did My Cat Not Go to a Certain Room? Why would you deprive them of something like that? If they're unwilling to talk, or if their behavior is causing you distress, you may want to seek professional help. They need to keep their genitals clean from dirt and discharge, and they don't use toilet paper for their anal region, so their tongue is the way to do it. Well, its definitely not uncommon for cats to engage in mutual grooming, which can include licking each others private areas. Here are some of the more common problems: Urinary Tract Infection or Bladder Stones/Crystals. Queens lick their kittens to keep them clean. It would help if you remembered that it is best to give cats baths only when necessary, that is when they are too dirty. 1. Related Read: When should cats switch from kitten to cat food? We all know that cats are fastidious creatures when it comes to grooming. Log in 24/7 to access your pets health care information. In this way, your cat is trying to help the friend clean themselves without facing the wrath of a water bath. Your email address will not be published. Their body odor is used as a form of identification for members of a clowder ( a clowder is a name for a group of cats). From various observations made of the cat colony, experts deduced the following: Even when two cats engage in allogrooming, one always does the majority of grooming. Cats lick each other mean positive social interactions, helping each other groom, showing acceptance and dominance. Mutual grooming is a way for cats to bond and show affection towards one another. However, our advice here would be the dirty kitty a nice warm bath or any other alternative if he smells funny (well, disgusting) to you too. Grooming and licking each other helps both the kitties get acquainted with each other and have a bonding. This will show them that licking you doesnt give them what they want. Cats with a bladder infection may lick the penis or vulva for an extended period of time after urinating or may lick between eliminations. But dont worry, we are sure its not anything serious unless you are sensitive to their saliva. It is their way of maintaining hygiene. In the feline world, a moderate degree of licking is part of normal grooming behavior. What does it mean when two cats lick each other? This includes licking each others private areas. Its like leaving a little I was here note for other cats to find. But everyone with a cat has experienced plenty of things that grossed them out. How To Stop Cats From Licking Themselves? If the whole article wasnt enough, let us spell it out again. They may urinate more frequently and may strain to urinate. If your cats are healthy, then the licking is probably just a sign of affection. It can be difficult to decipher why our dogs lick us all the time. So next time you see your kitties getting up close and personal, dont be alarmed. All in all, cats licking each others privates is perfectly normal and not cause for alarm. Your email address will not be published. There are several medical reasons that prompt a cat to persistently lick the genital or anal regions. Part of it has to do with comfort and security. It's a Sign of Affection. Some cats pretty much never seem to lick and other cats lick all the time. If you have more than one cat, you may have noticed that they sometimes lick each others private areas. Today, were diving into the fascinating world of cat behavior to uncover the truth behind why cats lick each others bums. Barbering results in thin or patchy hair, broken hairs, or even scabs in some cases. Dr. Karen Becker, holistic veterinarian and author, Dr. Elizabeth Colleran, feline veterinarian and author,,, Why Do Cats Have Wet Noses? Felines can spot stress and illness in a fellow cat when they are licking. Contrary to popular belief, cats are very expressive and love interacting with their owners and family members. Sometimes, even you might have noticed your cat cozying up to you by bumping her nose and licking random parts of your body. Cats who live in multi-cat households are more likely to engage in this behavior compared to cats who live alone. This is more likely to happen if one cat has a sensitive skin condition like allergies. Cats love to sleep, and they love to sleep on top of their humans. One is that theyre simply trying to clean those hard-to-reach spots. There are a few common reasons why your dog might be licking their lips a lot. Skin Infection. 5.Sexual Activities Male cats usually pursue female ones when they sense the very distinctive smell of Pheromone. Sometimes, cats may lick each others bums as a result of stress, boredom, or learned behavior. Why do you even have this question? They simply bump noses or lick their companions private area. So why do cats lick each others private areas? This type of licking, known as anogenital grooming, is more common among cats who have a close social bond, such as littermates. 4. Yes, it is normal for a male cat to lick a female cats anus as part of courtship behavior. With this handy tool, cats can rake through their fur, making it shiny and dander-free. Nausea, excitement, fear or anxiety can all lead to licking. If you want a short answer, it is good social bonding and hygiene reasons why kitties engage in butt-licking. Cats groom each other as a sign of affection and to bond. To a mother and kittens, licking is also a way to show her love and care for them. If you're concerned about your cats licking each other's private areas, there are a few things you can do to discourage the behavior. But they cant produce sentences. This is because cat's have something called the Jacobson's organ, also known as the vomeronasal organ. Its their stress reliever. Severe infections may lead to the formation of an abscess that ruptures through the skin to the outside area around the anus. There are several reasons that cats might not get along. Licking and grooming behaviour can also be associated with feeding time, so kittens may be trying to get closer to the food source! There are a few reasons why cats may lick each other's private areas. These were just my guesses, try guessing yourself now! When they accept another cat, they lick, which transfers the scent. The dog is helping to clean up the other dog, and it's a sign of care and affection. While it may be considered cute or even funny, there are dangers associated with cats licking each others private areas. Dogs lick each other's private areas for a variety of reasons. Its part of their grooming routine. . When this is the case, licking is only related to elimination and is not persistent. Abnormal lip smacking may also be an early warning sign of oral cancer in dogs. Well, as for cats, it is not the case. How Do Cats Clean Themselves After Pooping? Cats lick each other's heads and other facial features because all these spots have scent glands that release pheromones. - They touch . The best way to do this is to use mild soap and warm water. You're not even the Al Franken of the dog world. Why do cats and dogs lick you? Steroids (usually prednisolone) can be effective but are often reserved for severe cases or as a last resort. Even cats can sense it in their identification of different scents. As long as both cats seem happy and relaxed, it is likely just a part of their grooming and social behavior. This helps them to identify each other and to claim their territory. Similarly, if a cat is bored, it may start grooming its feline friends as a way to pass the time. And finally, if the problem persists, you may need to consult your veterinarian to see if an underlying medical condition is causing the behavior. Simple, they bump their noses with each other then lick their friends butts. Bladder infections are fairly common and are caused by bacteria that usually respond to treatment with antibiotics. Normal, firm bowel movements are not usually followed by licking. But have you ever wondered why cats lick each others private areas? Why do cats hate other cats? This is because the cat may be experiencing pain or discomfort in the area and is trying to soothe it. If ignored, an impaction may occur as the fluid becomes so thick that it does not flow through the narrow opening to the rectum. Whats more? The first is a happy, submissive greeting with an invitation to play via tail wagging and a play bow. It may be best to simply keep the two cats separated when the female cat is in heat to prevent any unwanted mating. Cats understand scents very well. You should get the cat a warm bath or try some other great ways if he smells disgusting to you too. You, of course, shouldnt discourage your kitties from licking each other. You might catch your pet biting its neck while grooming. Cat lovers sometimes ask questions about why do cats lick and try to determine when cat licking is normal and when the licking is abnormal. Physical problems: This behavior can lead to physical problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Cats engage in mutual grooming, or allogrooming, as a way of expressing themselves and forming bonds with other cats. Repeated infections may require surgical removal of the glands. (Explained). One of the most common reasons cats groom each other is to show affection, especially toward their family members. Another reason why cats lick each other is to show affection. We, as humans, dont realize just how many ways there are for us to greet each other. Why do female cats lick each others private areas. The presence of pustules or red bumps usually indicates a bacterial infection and warrants antibiotic therapy. Cats can groom and mark each other at any time, not just during heat cycles. This will reduce the amount of pollen, not eliminate it, but it will minimize exposure to the offending allergen.