2, who then throws the ball back and sits down. 41 5. The men should attempt to master the technique of crosses (skipping rope and crossing the arms in front of the chest on every other swing) and doubles (passing the rope twice under the feet on each jump). Krperschule and team sports may be practiced separately.It should be started with jumping, throwing, and running [or walking] training. After several strenuous exercises, a relaxation exercise follows appropriately. Training Course.12 IV. Therefore sport is the foundation of combat training and an indispensable aspect of military service. The demands of the body, corresponding to its state of strength, must be adapted to the preceding performances, whereby a balancing of the type of exercise is necessary. f) Passing the baton during the relay race. 49. Shortly before the next runner has given the baton, he stretches out the right arm to the back (hand spread out stretching from the body), the bringer simultaneously pushes the baton rod from under into the hand of the receiver with the front extended left arm (Fig. When diving, keep your eyes open to look for underwater objects. 81 d) Horse, across without pommels. After each stroke the student must pause and let the body glide forward. Keep trunk erect, and press bell upward and slightly backward over the crown of the head. 23 total ratings, 2 with reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Fig. Physical Fitness TRAINING VARIABLES Before explaining what a physical fitness program should look like, there are some basic terms that must be discussed. At least once in these trials, the soldier must run 5000m without pause. 95). 102 Throw with run-up: The run-up is about 15-20m. 48 Fig. After circling the weight once or twice, the weight is to be thrown backwards with straight arms over the left shoulder (Fig. The strength course is an excellent substitute for conditioning exercises because it develops many of the same aspects of physical fitness. Suitable here are company relay races, competitions, tug of war, etc. Step length position, throwing the ball backwards over the head (Fig. 2. The arm is bent. Step to the right, sideways: the right foot leads. Sportsvorschrift fur das Heer (a translation of the Wehrmacht fitness manual) 3,087 395 3MB English Pages [123] Year 1938 Report DMCA / Copyright DOWNLOAD FILE Polecaj historie Sportvorschrift fr das Heer (Wehrmacht) 1938 511 33 72MB Read more Ritterkreuztraeger of the Wehrmacht and SS 852 259 4MB Read more Climbing and jumping one bar to another of unequal height, squatting on one horse and jumping over to another while overcoming obstacles. I know you were looking for Wehrmacht Fitness Manual . After the start, 20 to 30m must always be sprinted through. They are 3m in front of the lower boundary lines of the playing field. 68. The long jump is a tuck jump, in which the lower legs are swung forward for landing. The other end of the rope is attached to the middle of a handle. 45 Fig. 10 The arms are loosely swung into the air slanted high and then converged above the chest or head and then back through towards the sides of the body. Picking up rolling balls. This series may offer you practical suggestions on exercises to incorporate into your own workouts, or simply inspire you to get in shape and embody the kind of strength and fitness that would make your grandpa proud! Editors note: This week were publishing excerpts from FM 21-20, an Army field manual from 1946 that includes the physical training program used by GIs during WWII. Set up to start running by placing the dominant leg behind the foot that is placed behind the starting line, bending the knee down on the other leg so that the knee of the dominant leg is located near the ankle of the forward foot, the tip of the foot is tightened into the starting holes and are carefully and deeply seated into back walls fixed in place ready to be propelled forward. 80 3. b) In the summer months, athletics (except trail running), swimming, and team sports should be focused on. 85 5. In the first practices, the right hand should be used with less force than usual. (Do not swim close to bottom of the pool) 46. Pull barbell upward to the overhead position in one motion. Left hook to the body, left hook to the head. (Fig. Fig. Where the men are getting adequate leg exercise elsewhere, rope skipping may be substituted for squat jumps. Left straight to the body, right straight to the head. The movement is almost like a dropping under the bell. Jumping over the horse, squatting on or standing on the horse, running over the back of the horse and jumping over a presented obstacle such as jumping a hurdle, a bar, or a higher horse. The blow goes overhead. 62 3. The left arm as an "attack arm" is set almost at a right angle. 22): Fig. Are you tired of fumbling over piles and piles of unhelpful stuff and organizations that just trick you? 126 In the right-hand thrust, the left hand returns to guard. Fig. After the kick off from the wall, the swimmer should glide through the water (Fig. c) Pike roll over 1 to 3 adjacent people (laying flat). Inhale as the bell goes up. Fig. 11. Jumping from taller diving boards is forbidden before passing the swimming proficiency test. Tournaments should bring the physical and mental capabilities of the man to its full potential. 4. 1 arbitrator is required for each game. The head is retracted. Find the personal fitness user manual you need at ManualsOnline. Fig. In a competition, each successful pass of a team counts as one point. The length of the track, the speed of the run, and the difficulties of the terrain are gradually increased. A point is also scored: 1. if a ball or player touches the leash, 2. when a ball is thrown over the leash. Diese bung zhlt zurecht zu den beliebtesten Trainingsmglichkeiten, da sie wirklich den gesamten Krper fordern. Turn away. What if I let you know that, as of today, there is an easier and faster way to access the amazing Wehrmacht Fitness Manual and even get some money back if you decide to buy it? It connects the described way of fighting and the close quarter combat. 4. Visit the Contest page to find out more. a) The stride leap. Step to the left, sideways: the left foot leads. Stand forward with one leg spread horizontally, bend forward with recoils. They are especially suited for early morning exercise, or for sessions in cool and wet weather. Every soldier which registers for a single competition is responsible for his own preparations. Boxing gloves, weighing 12-14 ounces (340-397 grams), are to always be worn during practice. When the ball touches the ground outside the playing field (the team whose side it lands on gets one point). Fig. Swinging throw backward over the head (Fig. Inhaling, press the bell upward to the overhead position. High jumps in various techniques (including roll-overs). Top reviews. Teaching method. 3. Push with a full start of 15-20m length right and left. 39) and continue circling them around without them touching the ground. Step position, straight thrust right and left (Fig. Fig. Repeat as many times as possible up to 20. Fig. Stand forward on the fourth rung with open legs, handle at hip height, falling into a deep squat with recoils. Hi, I went through the search engine on the Axis History Forum and I was not able to find German physical training manuals ( how many pushups, pull-ups and situps, running did the German soldiers do ) and German hand to hand combat manuals. Swimming underwater should be performed with the breast-stroke. Krperschule should be repeated occasionally, gymnastics with equipment should be emphasized. Fig. The fist hits with full knuckle and is turned at the last moment with the back of the hand facing up (Fig. 2. I know things aren't theway things used to be but I pray one of these days Germany will rise back into power, not necessarily Nazi but has many of the good moral values and the positive of strength that Germany had. 1: The two partners sit opposite to each other, one has his legs closed and the other has his opened. The goals are represented by two medicine balls 4m apart. A. attacks with a left straight to the body - D. defends with the back of his right hand. A lifeboat (wide wooden barge) must be present. These sports teach battle spirit, subordination to the common goal, mental fitness, and quick individual action. 31): Bending forward is done in such a way that the hands touch the toes with the knees pressed straight. 53. The men rotate from event to event upon a signal. Fitness manuals and free pdf instructions. 129). Each exercise starts and ends on the command "Start" or "Stop" in the rest position. Brett and Kate McKay January 14, 2015 Last updated: June 1, 2021. d) Coordination of movement (Figs. Stretching of the body in breast and back position with assistance. 32 Fig. All companies, the battalion, division, regiment headquarters, cavalcades, intelligence corps, etc. Squat 5. Jumping. The soldier may practice any sport which he desires in his free time. Ball training. 155 Wehrmacht D.(Luft)T.0229/4 - Messerschmitt Me 109 E - Beladevorschrift Abwurfwaffen 31 Kopie PDF 1940 OKL Berlin 2011-03 156 Wehrmacht D.(Luft)T.0291/3 - Sonderregeln fr Jagdflieger - Einsatz bei Flughhen ber 10.000 m 29 Kopie PDF 1941 OKL Berlin 2011-03 157 Wehrmacht D.(Luft)T.0842a - Heinkel He 115 - Bordfunkanlage 40 Kopie frei . Best Trapping Practices . Practice: In shallow water, the hands support the body on the ground or hold it to the edge of the pool. Therefore, every student should have the opportunity to participate in a quality health and physical education program. It is usually learned faster than soccer and doesn't require specialized gear. The arms stretch outwards while the torso bends forward. Crawl under a bench or other obstacles, free jump over a perpendicularly crossed horse and climb or hang onto a rope. He teaches the troops about health and hygiene issues. d) Organization and execution of sports competitions. 68.0 sec. 66. Language : English Swinging out of a standing position } the bar has to be at the 3. 4. The value of the training hours will increase if enough time is given to rest and clean the body afterwards. Approved in 1938 and published by E. S. Mittler & Sohn, Sportvorschrift fr das Heer ("Sports Regulations for The Army") was a physical education manual for the Heer (Army), the land warfare component of the Wehrmacht (Military of National Socialist Germany) In the course described here, there are seven stations for each man to cover in succession. Confident and safe swimmers should aspire to become lifeguards. He should have a special disposition for sport, have gained practical experience, and, if possible, participated in a course at an army sports school. 131 Fig. 102). b) Tactics. Then the last player of the relay team, once he has received the ball, runs to the place of player no 1. who takes the lead in his turn. Training of the free fight. Sport rules for the army from the 1st of October 1938 I approve the following sport rules for the army. 79b Fig. The legs should be tucked while in the air, the diver should fall feet-first while balled-up into the water. Fig. For a track of 5000m without remarkable obstacles, a time of 22m30s shall serve as reference. It comes to effect on the 1st of October 1938. 25): After lifting the leg, the thigh is sharply swung back with loose knee and ankle joints. The jump The jump in its execution is a stride leap, high jump, or long jump. They then begin to perform the exercise prescribed for that day for the strengthening of postural muscles. It is advised to train with underhand grip and reverse grip, the chin has to get above the pull up bar 2. 4. Side straddle, Abdominal crunches sideways (fig. Simply click on the images to read or download the PDF Files of your choice. In a sprint, the foot springs up, with medium-fast and slow running the foot is placed with the whole sole forward and rolled off. A punches with a left hook - D. defends with the back of his right hand, close to his head (Fig. 93 Teaching: 1. ( Two website links ). a) Technique. The run. Other running distances are: medium distances over 800m, 1000m, 1500m. When the ball touches the line or goes under the line 2. The valuation [of the body] is carried out based on sport aspects. 58) : 7. Christoph, Do you know anything about Wolfram Werner ? a) General: The run is the most valuable exercise. Why not get the most detailed guide on Wehrmacht Fitness Manual instead of opening your hard earned cash on guide that is inferior and not detailed at all. The winner is the party that scores the highest in 10 minutes. e) Do not use outdoor baths when the water temperature is low for too long. The exercises are to be done in the alternation of arm, torso, and leg exercises. Alternate the feet. Pushups headfirst, elbow stretching and curling (fig. a) Technique. I have the US physical training manuals and the US Navy V-5 . Management, Teachers, and Teaching Methods7 III. by EnjoyGermanHistory 30 May 2007, 22:43, Post On the command "Go! Practice: The straight punch is first practiced without footwork, then with small steps while counting, then with footwork. Step position, high pre-stretch (Fig. 6. The only existing English translation of the 1938 Wehrmacht Fitness Manual, containing 133 images from the original. 71 and 72). Thorough exhalation must be ensured. b. 7. The larger men should be placed in the rows with the heavier weights. His actions are governed by his commander. 21): With both arms held up, the torso is alternately swung to the left and right. Translated by a collaborate effort of anonymous translators, directed by The Bureau of Memetic Warfare. The technique of the training must be improved. Inhale with the upward movement, and exhale with the downward movement. 108 Fig. Repeat this as many times as possible up to 20. Jumping forward, backward, sideways: both legs perform a small flat jump at the same time. Each man rotates to each station twice, making a total of 14 stations. He should increase this number one each successive week. 8), laying position (Fig. Sportsvorschrift fur das Heer (a translation of the Wehrmacht fitness manual) Therefore sport is the . Part II: a) At the end of April, the trail running training will find its end with standard competitions. a) Deep-diving after showing proficiency in feet-first or head-first diving from the shore, from a diving board, or from a swimming platform. The stride leap is executed on the run over low obstacles which are up to 90cm high and should not hinder any running movement. In addition, the sports officer should be familiar with the equipment and space management as well as the facilities of the German League of the Reich for Physical Exercise at his location. 3. . 5 Fig. a) Long jump from the standing position. 67) 2. c) Management of training courses for teaching staff. This type of jump should only be performed from a one meter tall platform. ), usually paint a better picture of the capabilities of the recruits than a test of gymnastic training. Left straight to the body, left straight to the head. Fig. During this part each player moves one space back. No. 9. b) Arm movement: From the hold up, the arms are led sideways to forehead height, then the arms and hands are bent under the chest and loosely presented with the palm downwards. A. parries. Standing straight, jump (Fig. 41. 5. Eine der umfangreichsten bungen im Fitness ist das Kreuzheben. This manual describes the equipment and techniques used for identifying and clearing minefields and mines in general. Furs settle the New World -- "As fine a river as can be found" -- The precious beaver -- New Amsterdam, Title: The "Adventurers of England" on Hudson Bay A Chronicle of the Fur Trade in the North [Volume 18 of The, Arthur Goodzeit Award If the ball exceeds the playing field boundaries, the ball is brought back into the field by throwing it in. It should weigh about 20 pounds. 9. Deutsche Wehrmacht Neuschwabenland Archiv, 1938 Sportsvorschrift fur das Heer (a translation of the Wehrmacht fitness manual).pdf Wir haben eine neue Spendenmethode zur Verfgung: Paypal . Those runners which exceed the minimum required time by more than 5 minutes earn 2 bonus points instead of 1 for every 15 seconds under the minimum time limit. 5. Soldiers which take part in competitions must be well prepared because otherwise there would be a risk of injury. Sport forces subordination and hardens the bond and spirit of the unit. The throwing arm is stretched almost fully backward (Fig. Discussions on High Command, strategy and the Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) in general. 43 7. A wild swing is to be avoided. He repeats as many times as possible before ordered to proceed to the next station. Examples of games: a) Obstacle course. Erfahren Sie, wie wir und unser Anzeigenpartner Google Daten sammeln und verwenden. The same exercise can be performed with only one arm holding the kettle bell, alternating left and right each swing. Free fighting is only acceptable if attack and defense are mastered. Step position, throw the ball as a high throw (Fig. There may be other editions (this one was hastily made in approximately 7 hours of ininterrupted work) but I wanted to get this out, and I did it. 6. Special Series, No. First, the students are accustomed to water training with rest and patience about physical and mental inhibitions. 75 2. 130 2. To avoid overexertion of the participants during preparations, an occasional dispensation of other duties must be accepted. The first steps are short, fast, and loose, the arms swing sharply angled as the legs. 89a Fig. 73) } height of the head 4. Division and corps championships are organized by the responsible command center. Running position, spread legs sideways (fig. A. parries, also. The speed of the run-up and height of the jump determine the distance. the footwear of the players must be uniform in order to prevent injuries. 7 Fig. Supine position, quickly lifting torso and legs (fig. 3. by EnjoyGermanHistory 29 Nov 2012, 05:39, Return to German Strategy & General German Military Discussion. 6. 5. The lifeguards must learn how to swim with clothes on, how to handle someone thrashing in the water, how to rescue someone in the water, resuscitation, and how to behave in stressful situations. Angefangen in den Beinen, bergehend in den Rcken und den Bauch, bis hin zum Nacken und den Schultern, sind alle Muskeln beim Ausfhren des Kreuzheben involviert. Soldiers who are preparing for competitions may also receive training opportunities in official sports. In backstroke, the hands are guided sideways in the water until the arms, elbow joints, and hands are stretched out. Dismounting from the equipment is to be cushioned with a mat or deep raked sand pit. Each player tries to accelerate the rolling ball by punching it with an open hand. D. Boxing 50. The high jump is executed as a crouch jump or Scottish jump. These principals apply to all programs in general and must be addressed in the development of any fitness program. Gymnastics consists of: 1. gymnastics without equipment, 2. gymnastics with equipment. 96 b) The high jump. It may be made from a fruit can filled with concrete and a handle of any convenient wood. III. The ball is thrown over the line and must always be caught. 1. 6. Any ball that touches the rear of the playing field boundary of the opposite team is considered a point and can be achieved by all sorts of techniques. The party that catches the ball immediately starts the game. The back bend takes place quickly with raised hips without and with raising of the arms. 127) 5. Teaching handball. 128) 8. 84). 23): Fig. People with particularly good performances, especially noncommissioned officers, can receive further training in voluntary exercises in sports fields that are particularly suited to their inclination and disposition. The aim is to provide a wide range of training, if possible, with the addition of voluntary exercises. 4. 2. Now No.3 runs back and picks up No.4 and so on until all the players are at the target. The distance to be covered must be gradually increased. The games of 8-10 men are played in a series of relay races. Weapon tournaments dont belong in the area of physical education but in that of military training. The players of each team divide themselves appropriately into front and back players. Food Preparation. c) Testing the buoyancy of the water with deep breathing, first with help and then without help, by tightening the legs and forming a ball. Explicit Gymnastic posture is not required. Repeat as many times as possible up to 20. Square position, mill circles (Fig. and the central office of the D.L.R.G. Vegetable Garden Encyclopedia. The exercise group begins with relaxation exercises, followed by stretching and strengthening exercises. The goal of this training is to learn the breaststroke and backstroke. Search the history of over 804 billion 33): With sharp imprints of the hands from the ground, the chest opens to the limit of possibility. 99 The run-up to the high jump is a moderate run in which the last three to four steps are performed powerfully. 8. 5), kneeling position (Fig. That is interesting. a. Posture exercises. The non-commissioned officers are to be proficient in all branches of winter training. Best Sellers Rank: #390,547 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) Fig. 1 as a player faces the ball of his relay with about 2 m distance between him and player no. The Wehrmacht machine has a plugboard with QWERTZ layout, identical to its keyboard. 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