The second story takes place on the Live Oaks plantation, Curry Island, South Carolina, in 1864. Tommy and his love interest, Mandy, go to the Chase home. Miss Etta seemed indifferent to the situation and said, " 'Girl, a black woman losing a job ain't no big thing!'"(p.191). Luvenia is sixteen years old. Lizzy marries Lems brother Richard, and they have a son named Elijah who works the land with other members of the family. Luvenia is doing her Godmother Miss Etta's hair and talks about her reasons for . Luvenia tells Malcolm that he must bring his cousin, Shep. Curry wins the tournament because of Tommys play at the end of the game. Miss Julia wants to bring Lizzy to the big house, but Lizzy convinces Miss Julia that she will come in the morning. During her an early conversation with Ms. Etta, Luvenia tells her that she might want to pursue what profession? What other words in the selection connect to this concept? Luvenia like Florenz "despite the older girl's annoying explanations of why 'the coloreds,' were inferior to whitesthere was a real vitality to her, a kind of bubbly air that Luvenia had always liked"(p.174). Florenz gets Luvenia to leave them with the offer of money so that she and Katie can be left alone with the young men. About 30 years have passed, and Lizzy and Richard Lewis' child, Elijah, is the protagonist. However, with a community sill not completely accepting of African-Americans, and reluctantly being apart of a lie to her employer, Luvenia's aspirations of a better life . Luvenia is worried that she will get in trouble, but Florenz assures her that she won't. By passing on the shackles worn by Muhammad, Planter wants future generations of the Lewis family to remember their ancestors and what they have overcome. Luvenia is living in the time where blacks were not considered equal to other races. As he packs for the trip, he reflects on how his aunts company and some Johnson City Lewises are putting up money to turn the Lewis land on Curry Island into a resort. Elijah has an idea and he asks Abby if he wants to go along with the idea. The reason he was beaten up was because he was white but he was marching in a black march. " No, no se lo _____ (servir) a la chica. The first part of the story tells of Muhammad Bilal, who is also called Hammad by his descendants (though he doesn't know it!). Luvenia drowns in despair when she realizes that she lost her job because of Florenz's lie. Tommy would have a scholarship and have a chance to make the basketball team. Beginning with the capture and enslavement of young Muhammad Bilal in 1753, The Glory Field journeys from the shores of West Africa to Curry Island, South Carolina. The Lewis family brings in the final crop of sweet potatoes from the Glory Field. Moses and Saran now have 8 acres of land bordering Live Oaks, but their not being able to pay taxes is a problem, and they worry about losing their land. "I have to make at least eleven dollars a week too"(p.144). May 1930, Chicago, Illinois Malcolm Lewis, fifteen-years-old, is the main protagonist in the book's final portion. Like many African Americans, they struggle to pay the taxes on their land. Skeeter was bitten by a rattlesnake while shooting hoops after the game. He plays the saxophone and the alto-flute. The Glory Field - Section 1 through 6 Summaries July 1753, off the coast of Sierra Leone, West Africa Click the card to flip The first part of the story tells of Muhammad Bilal, who is also called Hammad by his descendants (though he doesn't know it!). Saran tells Elijah to tend to the cemetery once a week. "If you get back in a short while, I won't kill himIf you don't, I'm going to have to break his neck"(47). The glory field section 2 summary. 139-208). Muhammad is shackled and forced onto a slave ship. This study guide contains the following sections: This detailed literature summary also contains Topics for Discussion and a Free Quiz on 209-290). Everybody at Lizzy's house are frantic because they know that Lizzy has to get going to meet Lem and Joshua. The Klan would ride at night and terrorize the blacks just because they thought that a black had been disrespectful to the whites, or not working hard enough if they were on farms that were sharecropping farms. "(p.177). When he is released, Tommy finds out that Leonard Chase will not help him get into college. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 28mm Painted Napoleonic French Old Guard Battalion Victrix Plastic Black Powder at the best online prices at eBay! The Deets family has a daughter, Florenz Deets who is about Luvenia's age and when " 'I clean her room I look at her books. 22 Who is Malcolm's great grandfather the glory field? After a small demonstration in South Carolina turns violent, Tommy no longer thinks the world will treat him fairly. During the gig, Malcolm remembers Planter, who recently died. Foster was hurt and Sheriff Glover had to point a gun to Foster's head for him to let him go of little David. The whites wanted things to be like it was before the civil war and they tried to return it to the old ways through terror and maltreatment of the blacks. The Glory Field: Summary Posted on May 19, 2019 by JL Admin July 1753. I think Tommy is really happy about going to college. The saga of the captive Lewis family begins on the Live Oaks plantation in 1864. The Lewis family is enjoying the picnic when old man Turner shows up looking for little David. Malcolm takes his life for granted, and this will be the first time he has had to take care of another human being. (pensar / jugar), purifiedsterncustomsbadefastingsummoned\begin{matrix} Tommy Lewis - The Glory Field Tommy Lewis Tommy Lewis is an interesting man. Malcolm is still at school, but is also a talented musician and composer. "More important, though, was that it would be a challenge in which he wouldn't be at all sure who was on his team" (p.222). She is surprised by her Grandma Dolly on the porch. "But don't kill me. Striving to go to college, she struggles due to the fact that she faces discrimination and constantly faces criticism and dissuading feedback. After the Curry Cougars win the championship, Leonard Chase, a basketball scout, offers Tommy an opportunity to skip his last year of high school and go to college, as long as he does not get mixed up in any riots or marches. Luvenia is in the choir and she sings a solo at church. A young woman named Luvenia Lewis lives in Chicago in the 1920s. They decide that the sounds must be coming from the fighting of the civil war, and that they have to keep moving because Mister Joe Haynes and the dogs are probably after them. She had one where a car kept running over Precious, Mrs. Deet's dog no matter how she tried to protect Precious. The boys are kicked out and ride in the back of a truck (which is transporting tannery products) to the Glory Field. January 1964. Nook Published April 20, 2011 Book details & editions After the war the family receives the Glory Field as their own farm. The whole time Elijah was in Chicago he had been working and "every spare dollar went . Reverend Bradley preaches about the Prodigal son. Tommy's family rushes Skeeter to the hospital, where he makes a recovery. Chase invites Tommy to play at Johnson City State College, and he asks if Tommy is willing to skip his senior year and go through the trials of being the first black person in a segregated campus. Luvenia contemplates how and what she will say to Florenz. Luvenia is complaining because she does not want to go to Curry Island to live. Luvenia is unhappy and upset about the deceit, especially about the lie added by Florenz about Luvenia being pregnant and what it implies about her. "Most of them were really nice" (p.91). This Study Guide consists of approximately 46pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - Each character's journey is fraught with its own challenges and turmoil as the descendants of Muhammad Bilal find their way through life. Star players are Colm Tuathail, Gabriel Lapierre, and Loc Maon- I wonder who is going to pay for the applications, is Mr. Chase? At the bottom of this blog read a summary of the novel, The Glory Field. Florenz gets her way and says, " 'Ladies shall we go?' She doesn't consider the suggestions for Luvenia, who at that point loses her employment. Lizzy is allowed to go back to the quarters and say good-bye. Luvenia is an African American sixteen year old girl who lives in Chicago, Illinois. Malcolm Lewis is dreaming that he is performing on a stage when he wakes up by a phone call from Luvenia Lewis, who is leaving for Curry. He is the same age as Malcolm, but the pair are polar opposites. Out of nowhere, Florenz and her friend, Katie Hornung, decide that they want to drive Mr. Deets' old car (the Ford) around, because, after all, he takes only the new car to work (the Oldsmobile), and the Ford sits there gathering dust. A basketball star with good grades at Curry High School, Tommy impresses all those present at the All-City Tournament. Luvenia is still upset and "somehow stopped the urge to scream"(p.192). Is the Citizens Council run by black or white people? Malcolm realizes he is a part of something special, strong and unbreakable. He is drafted in the Vietnam War and dies while serving. The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers is the story of an African-American family. When Tommy and Jennie were talking about the march, they mentioned the Citizens Council being at the march. " Off the Coast of Sierra Leone, West Africa Muhammad Bilal is traveling on a slave ship from Africa, where he was captured by slave traders. After Jenn leaves, Luvenia gives Malcolm money for two plane tickets to South Carolinaone for Malcolm, and one for his cousin Shepso that they can attend the family reunion. She plans to attend college using the money she makes as a live-in servant and hairdresser. March 1864. Dr. Calloway thinks he may lose his eye. He is working with Tommys father, who now calls himself Planter. Luvenia decides to go the Deets' house to "clean it real good and then talk to [Mrs. Deets] about what the bank said"(p.164). Her main goal (in the story) was to get into a college and start a barber shop. Lizzy lives withMoses and Saran. The Glory Field Study Guide consists of approx. Mr. Turner stops by the gathering and tells Saran that he does not know where his son is. _____selo (servir) al chico. Elijah tells Abby his idea of telling Mr. Turner that he will find little David if he lends the money for the taxes to Grandpa Moses and Grandma Saran. \text{bade} & \text{fasting} & \text{summoned}\\ They couldn't bury him in the Live Oak Plantation because the slave owner didn't allow them to. Tommy Lewis plays basketball for Curry High School and he is the star player of the team. " While waiting, Tommy tells his father that he thinks he can handle college, and his father sees his attendance there as progress for blacks in the community. Lem and Lizzy keep going, but they hear patrollers and their hounds looking for them. On the third day, Shep gets sick and Jennie, who is a doctor, helps take care of him. Luvenia wants Miss Etta, her best friend and her godmother, to write to her father to make him understand her wishes to stay in Chicago. Shep thinks this, too. I wonder why Mr. Chase said "And don't worry about the money for the application. The ship finally docks at Curry Island, off the South Carolina Coast, and Muhammad is taken to a plantation there. In 1964, in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, Luvenias nephew, Tommy Lewis, is a star basketball player for his high school, the Curry Cougars. The Glory Field Section 3: May 1930 Reading Check Why does Luvenia want to stay in Chicago? The glory field chapter summary. I got a wife and family. Skeeter had gotten bit by a rattle snake and he needed someone to take him to the hospital because his parents were up in North Carolina. At the bottom of this blog read a summary of the novel, The Glory Field. Each part of The Glory Field takes place at specific points in American history. The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers is the story of an African-American family. The Glory Field Cornell Notes May 1930. Saran, Moses wife, believes that Joshua is chasing his freedom dream north.. Instead, Florenz, Katie, and Luvenia take a joy ride around town. They learn that Joshua is a soldier there, too. Will I survive? She does not want to spend her life on the Glory Field, instead she aspires to become a doctor. Davids mother is dead and his father, Hamlin Turner, has entrusted Mr. Foster, an alcoholic, to watch his son over this weekend. To buy his future wife Goldie a wedding ring. You just fill out the papers, okay?" Things jump almost 100 years to Lizzy Lewis, a slave who works on the Live Oaks Plantation. 1911) and Luvenia (b. Elijah spent the past three decades in Chicago working and sending money to help keep Glory Field, but he grew nostalgic for the land when he went back to South Carolina for Moses funeral. It follows six young members of that family at different times in American history. When Luvenia arrived home there was a telegram waiting for her that read, "YOUR SERVICES WILL NO LONGER BE REQUIRED -JOHN DEETS."(p.188). Luvenia asks Florenz if she would ask her father to sign the guarantee, and Florenz says that she will talk to her father even though " 'Daddy does whatever Daddy choses to do.' I was happy because now she can become a doctor. Old man Turner leaves the Lewis place on his covered surrey, and Grandpa Moses says, "Serves him right. She escapes to Miss Etta's house to seek comfort, only to learn that Sister Stovall, a woman that Miss. Luvenia needs money to go to University. 291-368). Sister Clinton said that she saw little David with Foster and they were supposed to go fishing. Florenz spots some young men that her and Katie know and they drive over to the young men. Luvenia wants Miss Etta to help her to write a letter to her father to convince him to let her stay in Chicago. Crying, she approaches Miss Etta, who completely ignores her and continues to talk about a yellow woman whose coffin split. After the game, Coach Smith introduces Tommy to Leonard Chase, a white man who once played at Johnson City State. In 1900, they struggle to pay their taxes, and 15-year-old Elijah earns the money by saving a blind white boy. Miss Etta is Luvenia's godmother. Tommy brings the shackles and chains that his ancestor, Muhammad, wore when brought from Africa. The whole time Elijah was in Chicago he had been working and "every spare dollar went to Curry, holding the Lewis family together even when white females in the area failed. Shep finally agrees, but wants his half of the money and says he will meet Malcolm at the airport. The North Star representing freedom and the whip representing the south and slavery. Malcolm finds Shep there, but Shep is not interested in going to the reunion. "(p.176). Luvenia has visited a bank to ask about a loan to support her studies but was told she would need to prove a guaranteed income. There, Julia fawns over her while trying to get information from her. We learn that Shep and Malcolm used to be good friends, but they aren't anymore and he has a problem. How old is Tommy in the Glory Field? That night, Tommy goes to work at the Clarks Five-and-Dime. : "Elijah saw Sheriff Glover walking with Hamlin Turner. 'Mr. With Luvenias help, Florenz lies to her father about Luvenia being sick and pregnant. Luvenia walked all the way home. Her cosmetic factory is called Mahogany Beauty Products. (p.92) Summary Kelssek's tactical culture is fluid and direct, generally favouring technical and versatile players. Luvenia later starts a hair-styling business on her own. Summary Luvenia 1930 The Glory Field 1930 Chicago p. 141-154 Luvenia Lewis lives in Chicago, and she does not want to move back to Curry South Carolina with her parents Elijah, Goldie and her brother Richard. Free shipping for many products! It was a hard time for all. (p.208) "I am," Luvenia called back to him. Tommy is talking to his parents about the talk he had with Mr. Chase about going to a white college. Foster is always hanging around little David Turner's father because Turner has a lot of money and Foster can "borrow some drink money once in a while (p84). Luvenia Lewis Introduced in the 1930 segment, Luvenia Lewis is the daughter of Elijah Lewis and Goldie Paige. Joshua decides that she can run back to the quarters to say good-bye, but that she has to hurry. They arrives at the beach and a group of men were there. Muhammad is eleven years old when he is captured by slave catchers. Malcolm works for Luvenia. 59 pages of summaries and analysis on The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers. Etta Pinckney is Goldie Lewis' best friend and now she is Luvenia's best friend. Elijah and Goldie are now married and have two children: Richard, who is nineteen, and Luvenia, who is sixteen. Part 4 begins in Chicago, Illinois. Luvenia works in a house as a live-in maid for the family Deets. The glory field 1964 summary. However, when Skeeter is attacked by the KKK for marching with the blacks and almost loses an eye, Tommy wants to do something. There is a stare-down, and the search party continues. The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers is the story of an African-American family. Following the end of the Civil War, the Lewis family has been given eight acres of land next to the Live Oaks plantation. Luvenia is invited to sit with Florenz and Katie in the parlor and drink tea. When Elijah and Sheriff Glover start searching the island, Elijah goes one way and Sheriff Glover goes the other way. Luvenia writes a letter to her parents in Curry assuring them that she will make them proud. Lizzy listens to her Grandma's advice that Grandma Dolly's father told her. At home, Luvenia gets a telegram from Mr. Deets telling her that she is fired. Because Robert takes him to a white hospital, he and Tommy must wait outside while Skeeter receives treatment. The late Walter Dean Myers was the 2012-2013 National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. He was born in 1947, and played basketball when he was young. "We don't never get no credit." Three decades after the American Civil War ends, Freedom. The African American Lewis family works hard to keep their land. Hamlin Turner, David's wealthy father, offers 35 dollars for someone to find David. Luvenia and Miss Etta take care of the spilt casket by wrapping it with a sheet and a shawl. Sheriff Moser wants the black march called off, but organizers refuse because they believe things will not change if they do not march. Mrs. Deets says, "And why would you be interested in college?It doesn't workYou are a maid. The storm was howling and they had a rough time rowing back to the mainland. "I am"(p.208). In the locker roomTommy's hand was shaken a hundred times. What does Luvenia need in order to get a loan from the bank? "Sheriff Glover unsnapped the leather flap on his holster, pulled the long-barrel revolver from its nesting place, and pointed it at Abby. On Sunday, Moses consecrates the burial ground behind the church the Lewises and others have built. Luvenia dreams of being a teacher and knows she is intelligent enough to go to college. It follows six young members of that familyat different times in American history. When Luvenia arrives back to the Deets' house on Sunday she talks to Mrs. about Mr. Deets signing the guarantee so that she can go to college. Sheriff Glover sets Foster's broken leg and finally carries him back to the boat. Elijah has a friend Abby, and Abby wants to go start a fishing business with Elijah instead of farming. Grandma Dolly sees her leave and tries to warn her of the dangers of her actions, but Lizzy still goes, taking water with her. Lizzy Lewis, thirteenyearsold, has been born and raised on the plantation. Joshua tells Lizzy that she must leave with him and Lem or they will have to kill Joe. Calling Mr. Deets from Miss Ettas boyfriends phone later that night, Luvenia learns Florenz did tell the truth, but Mr. Deets will only give Luvenia a reference, not her job back. Malcolm plays his music with Planter in his heart. Elijah and Goldie want Luvenia to join them at the Glory Field. The slave catchers were of the same race as Muhammad. I was raised in Chicago and I'm a Chicago girl"(p.143). However, Malcolm knows that he is using crack cocaine. When Malcolm plays it a second time, Jenn starts playing along with her cello. Luvenia wants Miss Etta to write Elijah a letter to convince Elijah to allow Luvenia to stay in Chicago and go to college. The whites offer the blacks the North Star in one hand, but have the whip in the other. It isn't until his journey to the reunion with Shep that he starts to see things differently. The next morning, Tommy attends Sheriff Mosers news conference instead of going to school. For example, in the opening paragraph, the narrator explains that metal gathered from the Dead Places must be purified, or cleansed. The movie Glory is about a story within a historical event, which is known as the civil war. And young, talented Malcolm Lewis receives an unexpected surprise when he visits the Glory Field and helps young and old bring in the last sweet potato harvest. 16 . It is August 1994 in Harlem, New York. Skeeter is a fifteen-year-old white friend whose parents are at a revival in North Carolina. The Glory Field, published in 1994, is the story of an African-American family's journey from slavery towards equality. (p.111) The boys stare Sheriff Glover down and Sheriff Glover puts his gun away. Luvenia did not feel right about the lies that Florenz told her father and Luvenia felt physically ill. "it was what so many whites expected of Negoes: that one day they would show up and announce that they were pregnant"(p183). Luvenia's "dreams were tortures"(p.168). This character's section is based during May of 1930. His great-aunt is coming over shortly, as is Jenn Che Po, who is trying out for the band. Jed and Miss Robbins emphasize that the races should stay separate, not mix, and remain in their own place. "States looking for some good people" (p.219). Luvenia was busy doing choress to get them done because Florenz had invited her to drink tea with them. It was a year ago since they worked the fields on a Sunday. Luvenia is convinced she will get into a college, even though many of the people she meets doubt it. She went to the bank to get a loan to go to school, but the bank manager told her she needed a letter of guarantee that she will have a job until she pays back all of the money. Tommy asked" (p.258). She is extremely talented and wants to try a new kind of music, instead of the classical music she usually plays. Miss Etta was more concerned with the death of an aquaintance, Sister Stovell, and the casket is cracking and the services tonight. His great-aunt Luvenia asks Malcolm to find Shep and take him to the reunion in the hope that the journey may help Shep recover. They harvest sweet potatoes in Glory Field for several back-breaking days. Everyone is happy when they return, but the sheriff takes credit for finding David and Mr. Foster. Grandma Saran asks, "What are we going to do about little David?" Joshua gets Mister Joe Haynes pinned to the ground, and Mister Joe Haynes begs for his life. Miss Etta throws a rent party (house party in which guests give money to help pay the hosts rent, or pay some other expense) for her, and Luvenia plans to use the proceeds to start her business venture. At the main house, Jenniewho married Tommy and had a daughter with him before he died fighting in Vietnamgets them settled. He is trapped with other slaves in close quarters for a voyage of at least a month. They're not that hard. When Sheriff Moser tells Tommy to unshackle him as this is an "illegal demonstration", Tommy tells him that when his ancestor was sent to America to be a slave, they shackled him with these shackles. Summary: Follows a family's two hundred forty-one year history, from the capture of an African boy in the 1750s through the lives of his descendants, as their dreams and circumstances lead them away from and back to the small plot of land in South Carolina that they call the Glory Field. Muhammad Bilal is traveling on a slave ship from Africa, where he was captured by slave traders. She works as a domestic for Mr. And Mrs. Deets. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Glory Field. Luvenia Lewis lives in Chicago, and she does not want to move back to Curry South Carolina with her parents Elijah, Goldie and her brother Richard. He also works at Mahogany Beauty Products, his great-aunt Luvenias cosmetics chain. Proud and determined, she wants to become a student at the University of Chicago and follow her dream of becoming a teacher. For the last several years, Elijah Lewis has been obsessed with keeping the Glory (read more from the Part IV: Chicago 1930 Summary). Lem and Joshua leave with their unit, and Lizzy is given the option of going North with them. She sends Elijah and his male cousin Abby to look for David on the water, as it is believed Mr. Foster took him fishing on a nearby island. In the Epilogue, the shackles bought by Planter at the auction are passed on to Malcolm, following Planter's death. She plays amplified cello. In the morning, Lizzy is given work cleaning the boots of white officers and packing wagons while Lem becomes a soldier. Elijah, though, is certain that he will someday return to the Glory Field. One of the nurses came out to tell Tommy and his dad that they could see Skeeter. Florenz devises a plan to be able to drive the car around town and requests for Luvenia's permission. Lizzy woke up and all of a sudden remembered where she was and she felt scared. Live Oaks Plantation. There, the sheriff announces a meeting between blacks, business leaders, and White Citizens Council leaders. Rushes Skeeter to the mainland blog read a summary of the Glory Field main house, but they hear and! Boots of white officers and packing wagons while Lem becomes a soldier there but. Crying, she wants to try a New kind of music, instead of Glory... To Live to let him go of little David with Foster and they had a daughter him. Life for granted, and Lizzy keep going, but organizers refuse because they believe things will help. Land next to the fact that she has to get into a college, she wants to Lizzy. 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