They stoop slightly, have low, jutting fore kreen are roughly seven feet tall at the shoulder, with sixheads, snouts, canine teeth, and short pointed ears. The character decided it was time to change professions. Business impact [ edit] The original 1996 release of the Core Rules resulted in unhappiness with TSR from retail stores that stocked the product. Or, if the wrong side iswinning the fight, a goblin isn't above reevaluating his alle Minotaurgiances in the middle of a battle. Friends-andenemies-are never forgotten. .136Weapon Master . . . Proficiencies: Reason is used as the base number forsuch proficiencies as engineering, navigation, armorer, Bonus Spells: This is the number of additional spells thatweaponsmithing, spellcraft, and astrology. .93 Adding Substanceto Psionic Combat ..148Using Disadvantages 93Proficiency Descriptions . 94 Using Psionic Powers 149 Closing an Open Mind .149Trait Descriptions .. 104 Psionics in a Round 1.50 . Of a Half-elvescomprise a single subrace (see below). chance not to be noticed by passersby. Proficiencies: This score serves as the base number for ch proficiencies as animal handling, animal training, rid- (-land-based, and riding-airborne.19 1st 3rd 0% f 'Spell Table 11:Willpower Willpower Magic Def.24 5th, 6th oorb25 6th,7thNote that the extra spells are cumulative, and the priest can 18 1 7cast only those spells allowed by his experience level. . These pages hold the keys to humans who spot secret doors as easily as do elves, thieves who sense illusions, half-ogre sword masters, and a multitude of other unique characters. 19 +4 % Spell Failure: This is the percentage chance that a 25 t4 7*priest's spell will fail when cast Those priests with low intu-ition scores run the risk of havingspells misfire. They average 7-8'tall, character classes. Project Coordinator: Steve Winter. They are the most com-mon of all the dwarven varieties, as they adapt well to life Abilities ages. Or, if the player wishes to create his own 14-17 +4 18-20 +5Hairfoots' SpecialAbilities a percentage chance equal to-his Wisdom score of iden- Attack bonus Savingthrow bonuses tifying a potion by appearanceand scent Infravision, 60' Stealth Reason bonus (10): +1 bonus tothe Reason subability. . It's woefully unbalanced and notoriously non-playtested, and adds almost nothing to the game except more clunkiness and unnecessary mechanical bits. The list can be expand-ed, and details can be added abouteach event. shock result is equal to or less than the listed chance, the Max. ability to inflict double damage with a leap. No two look alike, but allof weakness and decadence in hobgoblin society. The fightefs six ability scores are:Strength 16 Intelligence 12Dexterity 14 Wisdom 8Constitution 12 Charisma 11Leon doubles the fightefs Strength score (1 6x2=32), I I 10-11 40and dividesthe 32 points as follows: Stamina-1 5, Musde-17 (1 5+ 17-32). human parent enough to pass for a human in public. If the check is passed, the attack roll bonuses versus particular enemies.item performs until it is turned off, put away, or its duration Deep Gnome Racial Penaltiesexpires. The ability score adjustments notedareswanmay, thri-kreen, and wemic appliedafter a character has metthe requiredscores. If the roll fails, the character 6 2 cannot attempt the same feat again. 10 - 7 - II9- 1-2 If the character's Constitution falls to 0,Bullywug 12 10 Druid 14 12 he dies of dehydration.Centaur bb. All swanmays carry a magical token of some Ogres are great brutes standing more than nine feet tall, kind-a ring, cloak, or belt, for instancethatallows them towith thick torsos, heavy limbs, stringy hair, and warty hides. Chapter Nine (pages 142-175) details psionics in the Player's Option system. Unlikehim any time he can, and then strike from ambush only some other barbarians, lizard men are likely to react to thisafter he's sure his enemies have been weakened to the with violence instead of curios'ky.point where they can't threaten him. A FCQatyr thri-kreen has probably lost its truefamily in some disaster orThe half-human, halfgoatsatp are a race of pleasudwsawing beings, Like the sylvan locationsthey dwell in, are another, and accepts its companions as a substitutefamily.personificationsof nature, embodiments of all that is wild andcarehee. discardingthe results of the other dice, Leon's rogue char- acter has the following ability scores: Here are rnree new mernods of aerermining a cnarac-tel's six ability scores. The character was forced to flee and become an adventurer, maybe with the goal of preventingthe spread oradventurer rather than face certain punishment Suggested future occurrence of the disaster that cost his home. Racial Languages: A character from a demi- human subrace receives an initial package of lan-Exceeding These Limits guages for no additional cost in character points.However, no character can know more languagesthan his or her Intel- The DUNGEOMNASTEGRuide included an optional rule ligence/Knowledge score allows (see Table 9). The chance of success 4-6 +1is 1-5 on ld6. Fighter .47 Paladin .. .48 Ranger .. .49Chapter 2: Ability Scores .. Rogues ..51 Thief .. . They suffer a -2 penalty toHill dwarves live in areas of rolling headlands-often reaction rolls only when on board sea-going vessels ordwelling underground, though they are known to have out- when in large bodies of water.posts on the surface. Aarakocra Alaghi +2 Strength, -2 IntelligenceThis is similar to the dwatven or gnome Bugbear +1 Strength,-1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaabilities as described earlier in this Bullywug + ++1 DexteWy,-l Intelligence, -1 Charismachapter. Elves are fascinated by magic anddevote time and energy to studyingarcane forces. . Detect any grade or slope in the passage they are passingthrough, 1-5 on ld6. Their beards are white. Abilities cost to natice a concealed door.either 5 or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions Tough hide (10): A few rare human characters have abelow. could be he searches for loved ones lost when the disaster struck. Kobolds tend to be cow- ostracized even by good ones. Look to chapter four for more informationon type of campaign. merman, and Languages: Gray elves begin with six languages of theirundersea common. dwarf is at least 90feet ahead of a party of charactersAnything he purchases costs 10% less than the listed without this ability, or accompanied only by charactersprice. . Character point cost: 45 Most surface dwellers consider deep gnomes, or svirfneblin Sword bonus (5): +1 on attack rolls usinga short sword as they call themselves, to be the gnomish equivalents of gray dwarves and dark elves-evil counterparts of their or a longsword. Many swanmays give up routine adven-character ogre is rare in the extreme-the intelligence andcharacter necessary to rise beyond the petty cruelties and turing to guard their homes against the forces of evil, but aappetites of their kind just isn't found in many ogres. Perseus, Hercules, Hiawatha, Roll dlos to determine their hit points from 1st to 9th Beowulf, and Sinbad are fighters of legend. They are a serious lot, Ability Score Bonus Levels given rarelyto frivolity. Strength 16 Constitution 12 All Stamina 15 Health 12 All 1 s,2s,and 3s rolledon hit dice are considered4s. . WebPlayer's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to D&D Characters. . Webwith the PLAYER'S OPTION: Skills & Powers rulebook. Muscle 17 Knowledge 13A character with a highWillpower would be difficult to harmwith mind-affectingmagic spells, could be quite stubborn,and would resist interrogation. Followers (5/10): By purchasingthis skill, a fighter can gain followers as described in the player's Handbook if he establishes a stronghold and is at least 9th level. If the character with the 14 result hadAbility C h e c k s "Leon, see if your 17 Muscle instead rolled a 15 or a 5, the other competitorwould have fighter can lift that iron chest." .. to attack rolls against kobolds and gob lins In addition, ogres suffer a -4 pen- Druid 12 17 aity to hit dwarws, and ogres, bugbears, I and gnolls suffer a -4 penaity to hit gnomes. The new rules are tailored to the character point system. always mindless killers. . 98% I L .4,4.,0/I"" % Learn Spell: This is the percentage chance (on1dloo) that a wizard can learn to cast a particular spell. Leon records this on his character's !35record sheetStrength 16 Constitution 12 485Stamina 15 Intelligence 12 535Muscle 17 Wisdom 8 II 18/01-50Dexterity 14 Charisma 11 Subabiliies are used as the base numbersfor many pro- 19 ficiencies in the PLAYER'SOPTIONsystem. "Yes!-l made it with a 4!" If this is purchased as a 10-point ability, the fighter can attract fol- lowers whenever he establishes a stronghold, regardless of level. r. Create magical pipes: Satyrs can create pan pipes w. Racial weapons: At 5th level, a thri-kreen automati-that can cast charm, sleep, or cause fear effects within a 60 cally gains proficiency in the chatkcha, a crystalline throwingfoot radius.To gain this ability, the satyr must invest 4 char- wedge commonly used by the mantis warriors. WebPLAYER'S OPTION Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. This background event also helps explainplayer and the DM. They weigh between 200 and 250Goblin pounds, and their hides are covered with tough scales of dark green to brown. However, sincethey occasionally reside near each other, gray and deep Hill Dwarves' Special Abilitiesdwarves tend to come into conflict over the resources of Infravision, 60' SavingThrow Bonusesthe Underdark Melee Combat Bonuses MiningDetectionAbilities An average gray dwarf is about 4' tall and weighs 120 Hill Dwarf Racial Penaltiespounds. products of human and orc parents. more. zerai is usually strongly loyal to his race, even if he is Natural attacks describe any natural attacks the character can make without any weap- completely out of contact 3ns. They are geared toward simple survival, and they 1 tible to extremetemperatures.concentrateon their environment rather than on philosoph- rompanion (10): The elf gains the companionship of a cooshee or an elven cat. Also, certain smaller races may have the a b i l i to spot concealed doon and hiddenenjoy combat bonuses against half-ogres. Ran away from home: The character fled home earlyin life. Freeze Saving throw bonus Gnomes have some difficulty using enchanted items. Languages: Rock gnome player characters start with: Short sword bonus (5): +1 to attack rolls with shortcommon, dwarf, gnome, halfling, goblin, kobold, and the swords.simple languages of burrowing mammals-moles, badgers, 9 Saving Throw Bonus (5): like dwarves, gnomes are r eetc. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Such masonry.characters can have exceptional subability scores, just asthey can have exceptional Strength scores. The swanmay requires a magical token (a ff. This modifier is applied auto-matically, without any effort on the part of the character orplayer makingthe saving throw. There are new rules covering critical hits, tactical options, and combat maneuvers such as shield walls, disarms, and more! Characters from other classes can have scores of 18 inStrength subabilities, but cannot have exceptional sub-a b i l i scores, and do not roll percentile dice for these subI Muscle Open Bend Ban/ If the number rolled on 1 d 100 is equal to or lessMuscle "3. larger.)q. The book was designed by Douglas Niles and Dale Donovan. The character point cost must be met for good, and just in the world. For example, Theodor the fighter has 24 YbVoan Intelligence/Knowledge of 12, which gives him 3 bonus 25proficiencies under the standard rules, or 3 extra character 97%points under the character point system. Gnomes also love living things and Deep Gnomes' SpecialAbfkiesfinely wrought items of all types. . Any unspent points can Ised to acquire nonweapon proficiencies or saved 1 Ise during the game. This further reinforces the idea thatcharacters with low scores are not as capable as their corn DMs who wish to grant characters with high abilityrades with higher scores. questions have been subsequently answered in accessories ntly, in the AD&D 2nd Edition game rules. . If a paladin knowingly commits an evil War machines (5): The knowledge to operate heavy act, the characters status as a paladin is forever lost. However, if an aquatic elf Tall and slender, gray elves have amber or violet eyes and silver or pale golden hair. insix chance (1 or 2 on 1d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six (1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door. Tallfellow HalflingsHairfoot Halflings Character point cost:35Character point cost: 30The most common halfling, hairfoots prefer rural settings. Anyone encounteringa sylvan elf outside his home allows an elf a one-insix chance (a 1 on 1d6) to noticesuffers a -1 reaction roll penalty, as the elf is uneasy around it If activelysearching,an eWs chances improveto a two-strangers. Secret doors (10): A human with a trace of elven blooddamage from many weapons. Each ability score must have at least 5 74 173d6, but no more 6d6, devoted to it. SuggestedNWPs: Any. FlindBugbear flinds are warlike humanoids with many of the worst traits of hyenas and similar scavengers. Abili- Languages: Hill dwarves can speak their own tongue aswell as other dwaiven dialects. . 4594 A charauor with a high Fitness x o r e nbs great en- 50% durance and can suffer more damagethan other characten while continuingto function. example, a player fond of dwarven characters could choose from the hill, mountain, gray,,or deep varieties.Table 16: Racial LevelLimitsaasS d Hum Players who selectsuch a U-- - -Bard character purchase the barf Gnome H a l f 4 tiakrcw#-og.w* standard packageof abili- U dderic 10 12 9 14 4 8 U 1I ties for the subrace. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. . There is more information about this in chapter four. Without a place in the world,ards and whiners, but are quick to turn on their enemies they have developed great patience and a surprising degreewhen they find themselves with an advantage of numbersor position. Gray They suffer a -2 penalty to reaction rolls when they are indwarves rarely venture above ground, as they find sunlightto be painful to their eyes. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and others. .109Disadvantage Descriptions Limitationsto Psionic Powers . Lycan- in a particular weapon. Maybe he owned a tav- 3 Enslaved ern, was a brewer, or made a living painting portraits. A check for malfunction ismade every time the dwarf attempts touse the item. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! ing results. The character's statistics now read:18 9th 18 - Strength 16 Intelligence 1219 9th All Stamina 15 Reason 11 1 Muscle 17 Knowledge 13 Dexterity 14 Wisdom 8 Aim 12 Balance 16 Intuition 10 Willpower 6 Constitution 12 Health 12 Charisma 11 Fitness 12II 25 . His 2d6 result is a 4. A paladin can do this as often ashe wishes, but each use takes one round.Faithful mount (5): The paladin can summon a specialst& at 4th level. A koboldstands about three feet in height, witha scaly hide of dark brownto rusty black, and glowing red Mongrelmen are often enslaved by evil societies, andeyes in a vaguely dog-like face. . . Their faces are very hippopotamus-like, with small eyes and ears, and their skulls are exceedingly dense and strong. Each such statistic is broken down into a pair of sub-statistics, and all the existing ability scores of the character now start to depend in one or the other of the sub-statistics. This concept is expanded message Know )-: Knowledgechecks can be used when char-with subabilies. Their hair can blond, brown, red, black, and shades in between- They usually wear their hair long, sometimes coveredthough with few exceptions it is always curly. . Aquatic elves serve to keep the evilinhabitants of the depths in check.Sahuagin are particularly hated foes, asare sharks that are large enough tothreaten sea folk Skin colors vary from silver-green topale blue. Player's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. The character'sStamina bonus (10): +.1 bonus to the character's Sta-mina subabili score. Other types of dwarves Melee Combat Bonuses MiningDetectionAbilitiesdistrust duergar, and as such, duergar suffer an initial -2penaltyto reaction rolls from their cousins. than their hill dwarf cousins', and their skin tends to have a reddish tintGray Dwarves' Special Abilities Mountain dwarves are often wary of hill dwarves, as theyInfravision, 120' SavingThrow Bonuses are suspicious of their cousins' dealings with the outerMelee Combat Bonuses* StealthMiningDetection Abilities world. dehydration; A character withb e l Limits by Class this restriction is vulnerable to dehy- dration if he spends too much time out of the water. They limbs and a tough, sandy-colored exoskeleton. ability checks that mirror the class abilities of rogues. Scores of 18 are possible only if the total of one or more 7ChaDter 1 1dice, added to the base of 8, add up to exactly 18. . Depending on the number of decide to arm wrestle to see who gets the first choice ofpoints in each subability score, the character can make treasure. Both charac- as they now stand follows: ters' rolls succeeded, but the 14 is a higher degree of suc- cess than the 6. Combat penalties for fightng in waterbenefits and hindrances exactly as it appears. The chart below offers a scores of 13 in both Stamina and Muscle.These characterssolution to this problem. Strength 14 Dexterity 15 Method VII: Each player has 75 points to divide among Constitution 9a character's six ability scores. . WebThe 2.0 version added for inclusion Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns, Player's Option: Combat & Tactics, Player's Option: Skills & Powers, and Player's Option: Spells & Magic . Pages 188-192 are an index to the book. For example, thri-kreen and alaghi cannot wear armor; centaurs, wemics, or bullywugs can't wearPenalties magical boots or magical armor due to their unusual shapes; and so on. . A lizard man is a reptilian humanoid standing between six and seven feet tall. No longer must all halves have exactly the sameRace AdjustmentsDwarf +l Con,-1 Cha abilities, &lk,and bonuses. . These points can be spent to customize a halfling Stouts suffer a -1from the general skill list below, or they can be used to reaction rolls from elvespurchase a subrace's skill package. Note that thri-The races described here include:aarakocra, alaghi, bugbear, bullywug,centaur, flind, i f f , githzerai, gnoll, gob Ability &ore Requirementslin, hobgoblin, kobold, lizard man, min- I Just like demihumans, characters must qualiifor h s e optional races byotaur, mongrelman, ogre, orc, satyr, meeting certain abilii score criteria. Stealth (10): When the elf is alone and is not wearing metal armor, he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. All the pointsfrom a d6 must be appliedto one ability score. However, a lizard man in plate mail (AC 3) is AC 3. conservativetones. . If the result is equalto or less than the number listed for the character'sMuscle score, the door opens. . World of Greyhawk: 5985. a lawful good cleric of at least 7th level, confess the act, and seek penance. If a player prise checks, or a -6 if the bullywug attacks with a leaphas a specific character race from an unusual campaign from a place of concealmentworld that hewishes to use, DMs can simply skip the selec- f. Amphibious: The character is at home in either watertion of Racial Abiliiies and take the character race with all its or air environments. Half-orcs can be members of the following classes:use later in the character creation process. . If the creature wears armor that is superior to its nite planes. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Cec-of curiosity. Players can continue to spend cies. Their hair is usually white orpale gray. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! They tend to avoid bloodshedwhen they can, stayingin the shadows and l i n g by petty theft and scavenging. If actively searching, the character's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1d6)Half-Ogre customized half-ogre character, he can Abilities pick and choose from the list of half- to find secret doors, and a threeinsix (1,2, or 3 on 1d6) ogre abilities listed below. This allows a dwarven character to have more than a 4determining if the ground is stable. Each of the abilities below cc Table 20: Paladin - It Progressionto 10 character points. Each class ability usually costs 10 character points. Tomas' character, with a 6 Muscle rolls a 7 and Brian rolls a 12. A player of the forest folk. You can add new kits and character abilities, as long as you keep hold of them and don't let it unbalance the game. Malfunction checks apply to magical wands, rods, Dueto their unfortunate reputation, deep gnomes sufferstaves, rings, amulets, potions, horns, jewels, and all otheritems except weapons, shields, armor, gauntlets, illusionist a -2 reaction roll penalty when initially encountering indi-trappings, girdles, and-if the gnome is a thief-items that viduals of other races.mimic thieving abilities. Simply put, Brian's charactergot lucky, and the nextbility of a character with a low ability score succeeding match between the characters could turn out differently.where a character with a higher ability score fails. They can be within 5.attempting to disbelieve somethingwhich is actually an illu-sion suffer a -2 penalty to the attempt Balance bonus (1 0): 1 to the character's Bdance sub ability score. Marshallfighter lifts the chest. Thkse are from 1 1 to 12 by spending 1 character point. . SuggestedNWPs: Dancing, etiquette, gaming, 19 Went to sea musical instrument, and so on. One estabishingcharacter statistics. Possible reasons include: boredom, wanting to seethe world, breaking free from an unhappy home life, andwanderlust. The rule is: for each point in a see if either character could ovelwhelm the other with asubability above 15, the player can roll an additional 1d20 burst of Strength. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance and others. Players "buy" abilities for their characters, assuming that the character has the required number of points and that the group to which an ability belongs is available to the class and race of that character. .-60SubabilityChecks .. .2O SpecialistWizards ..More About Ability Checks . may add a +1 bonus to his Armor Class.Half-ogres This hybrid comes from ogre and Humans can advance without limit in all human parents. Character 's six ability scores.. Rogues.. 51 Thief.. they are the most com-mon all! 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