Leave it under the strongest lighting you can find. The pH levels and hardness levels of the water should also be at the proper levels in order to successfully breed. According to the experiment, most Otocinclus population died within 48 hours at 0.575 mg/l Copper sulfate concentration. There are many Otocinclus tank mates that you can consider. The eggs should hatch and begin their lives as fry after a few days. To get all technical, the name Otocinclus is actually not a specific fish but a genus of catfishes. You do not want such things to rot if not eaten. These fish will even clean the glass a bit for you. Nitrates should be below 40 and water changes can be done to lower the Nitrate levels. Otocinclus Catfish Behavior. Try to feed them very tiny pieces of zucchini. We had a ton of fun putting this one together. Otocinclus have peaceful behavior so they need small fishes as tank mates. Next, remove the shell and feed it to your Otocinclus. Otocinclus are small catfishes, reaching 6-7cm/2.4-2.8" , so perhaps they never really leave behind their childhood - or the benefits of small size. Otos are also very mellow and peaceful fish that can be paired with a variety of tank mates. Their eyes are Lateral and pushed more forward on the head. The players deposit small amounts of eggs by sticking them to the substrate or the glass, but aquarium reproduction is very difficult. This behavior should trigger you to check all tank conditions and correct those that are not favorable for the survival of your otocinclus catfish. Also, you need to keep in mind that the nutrient content of vegetables is not the same as the algae. Otocinclus ( pronounced Otto-sin-klus ), referred to as Ottos or Otos in the aquarium trade, are a genus of small herbivorous suckerfish in the Loricariidae or armored catfish family. Otocinclus habitat. Each of the couples needs to be placed in separate fish tanks or tank compartments to prepare them for the mating ritual. Behavior of Otocinclus. Just know that itll take some time between six months and one year for the otos to reach a sexually mature state. Copyright 2023 - AquariumNexus. These tiny catfishes are also known as Otos, Oto cats, Midget sucker fish, and Dwarf . It'll swim up and down the rocks and the male fish will be in close pursuit. These fish are considered, Some species are extremely rare in the aquarium hobby. So-so against hair algae. So they continue to lay eggs until theyve finished with all of them. The head is slightly flattened, with the eyes on either side, giving Otocinclus lateral vision. Do not use and avoid medication, or plant fertilizer that contains Copper of any form. These are not the easiest fish to breed in captivity, but they can be achieved. Oto should also not share a tank with tank mates that share an aggressive temperament because you may find your Oto wounded. My first course of action was, of course, some Otocinclus (see the author's article, "Oto Pilot: Buying, Keeping. Thank you for your article on Otocinclus. She's rounder every day, and she won't let anyone t pose her anymore. Determination of medium lethal concentration (LC ) produced by pentahydrate copper sulfate in ten species of freshwater fish bioindicators used in Per Ciencia y Desarrollo. This area should also be taller if the fish is indeed a female. by James0816 Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:32 pm. Their eggs are adhesive so they can be stuck to surfaces such as rocks. Below, youll get the information that you need about breeding otos. Otocinclus are compatible with any freshwater snail. By comparison, males are slimmer and slightly smaller. This is part of what makes them so appealing to tank owners, theyre super low-maintenance! Its crucial for them to eat frequently, so food needs to be available almost all the time. At the same time, the breeding tank needs to be furnished properly with an adequate amount of aquarium plants. Even beginners can have an easy time with them. Also, look for healthy fish that have bright eyes and a bigger body size. Consider yourself very lucky if you Otocinclus can eat something other than algae! Despite their small size, they show different behaviors and have an extraordinary appearance. Male start to chase females. Popularly known by the name 'Algae eaters', it is difficult to breed them in captivity as only the wild ones are available to hobbyists. Otocinclus catfish is also known as dwarf fish, Oto Catfish or simply referred to as otos. They make an awesome community species, but they certainly are not peaceful community fish! The fish can grow to about 5 centimeters and they have a lifespan of 3 to 5 years. Huge belly: Either a swim bladder problem or an internal parasite. Oh yeah, and theyre super cute! Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. If you buy Otos from a pet store, there is a likely chance that they will die immediately. Some aquarists even say that it may be best to remove the mating couple from the tank after the eggs have been laid and fertilized. Its something that is being observed and studied. Given that otocinclus catfish do not mate that easily, you will have to keep a close eye on their ability to display courting behavior before taking further steps. They thrive in planted tanks that have good water quality. Its common for the eggs to be stuck to live plants as well as rocks. Ostracods, commonly referred to as Seed shrimp, are microcrustaceans that can be found almost in any shrimp or fish tank. In the wild, these fish travel and live in schools which helps them stay safe as well. Pet stores that sell fish often have algae wafers that can be used to feed them too. Finally, males have a small contact organ formed near the fin base. Daphnia, algae wafers, and brine shrimp are all excellent food choices when you wish to breed your Otocinclus. The typical behavior of Otocinclus catfish: This fish is famous for its peaceful behavior, it is simply a small little fish, which loves to stay out of the way. When it comes to breeding them, you need to be an expert to ensure that the whole process goes on successfully. Otocinclus do not care for their eggs. As I have already mentioned, Otocinclus are a schooling fish and need to be in groups of their own kind. This type of Otocinclus looks much like the Common Oto at first glance. There are things that you can do to encourage the fish to breed, though. Otocinclus catfish are egg-laying fish. Keep them away from all types ofcrayfishand crabs. Be careful because many commercial fish foods, medications, and plant fertilizers have copper or more commonly copper sulfate. Author Note: A dedicated breeding tank will improve the chances of survival . However, it can be done if luck is on your side and you keep a healthy tank. Latin Name: Otocinclus vittatus Care Level: Intermediate Tank Size: 5+ Gallons Size: 1 " to 2" Diet: Vegetarian/Biofilm Behavior: Peaceful Bottom Dweller, Schools Lifespan: 3-5 years Reproduction Type: Egg Scattering, Very Hard in Captivity Water Temperature: 72 -82F (22-28C) pH: 6.0-7.5 Water Hardness: 5-15 dKH Origins of the Oto Catfish Otos are considered herbivores, which means that they are vegetarians. When the female is ready to breed, you will see more round and full of eggs. Although Otocinclus might seem a perfect member of the algae-eating team and clean-up crew, there is a little more to its care than that. Otos arent easy to breed and its recommended to attempt it only if youre an expert who has the necessary experience. Itll swim up and down the rocks and the male fish will be in close pursuit. Im new to fishkeeping and a pet store employee told me to purchase this fish as an algae eater for my 5 gallon tank . Itll then release its eggs and hold onto them using its ventral fins. Veterinary Disclaimer: AquariumNexus.com does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Brazilian Journal of Biology. The lower levels were busy, but the middle . Just make sure you have enough algae for everyone! It can be frustrating trying to feed these fish and keep them healthy. Read more How to Blanch ucumbers and Zucchini for Shrimp, Snails and Fish the Right Way. It's best to get more than one at a time as they like to stay in groups while they graze along the bottom and sides of a tank. The female assassin snail will start to lay off the eggs right after the sexual intercourse is completed in the wild. In addition, this organ is meant for the otocinclus male fish orientation during the breeding process. These fish are bottom dwellers but they occasionally swim to the surface in order to get some atmospheric oxygen to supplement the dissolved oxygen in the water. Personally, I would recommend a Matten filter (or sponge filter). Therefore, they really have no interest in eating plants, they only graze on the surfaces of them. Otocinclus are easily one of our favorite freshwater fish. Youll see the fish enter a T-shaped position that signifies that they are mating. Tip: Its quite possible that you will have to try different vegetables before they find what they like. Otocinclus Catfish Breeding. Cloudy scales and eyes could indicate ich disease common in aquarium dwelling fish. Ideally 24/7. Others say that its better to separate the breeding fish in different tanks or compartments for one or two weeks first. This is because otocinclus catfish are some of the few species of tank fish that are difficult to breed. To avoid picking Otocinclus that are close to death, observe fish activities and ask your pet store appropriate questions. If the tank is too big for them, they can get scared and hide. They typically live 3 to 7 years with appropriate care. Otocinclus catfish are a lot of fun to own. I have to start off by saying that Otos are sensitive, and a poor choice for the first inhabitants. The head is slightly flattened, with the eyes on either side, giving Otocinclus lateral vision. Nerite snails have absolutely the same diet as Otocinclus and will also starve without algae. Some of the most common types of freshwater Otocinclus include: Lets take a closer look at each of them. Its said that a water temperature of 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for breeding these fish. It's easier to notice these differences when looking at the fish from above. The fish also create high interaction with other fish in the tank, provided they are compatible. Therefore, its important to keep live plants in your aquarium to encourage algae growth and leaves for the biofilm growth. In big groups, they are constantly visible and way easier to feed. When youre ready to try to get the fish to breed, its best to raise the temperature of the water a bit. This is an interesting observation among the otocinclus catfish because they dont display reputable parental care or instincts that are common in a number of different classes of tank fish. If your fish are sick, you can tell by a change in appetite, inactivity, or increased respiration. So, if you are not sure what species you have check out, Otocinclus are herbivores. The otocinclus, also known as the otocinclus catfish from the Loricariidae family are a species of freshwater catfish indigenous to South America. Otocinclus catfish are known to exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism. This means females become larger and grow wider upon reaching the reproductive age. When Ammonia and Nitrite levels go back to 0, your cycle is complete. They try, and she whips at them and then swims away. Once the eggs have been laid, the male otocinclus goes ahead to fertilize them by releasing the sperm onto the laid eggs. Breeding otos in captivity is rather difficult. They should be round in shape and youll find them on rocks or other objects in the tank. Set up the breeding tank using the recommended methods above. The fish should then be transferred into the main aquarium using the, Unfortunately, the problem with Otocinclus species is that they do not do very well in a small and bare quarantine tank. In nature, Otocinclus are generally found in large schools. The Otocinclus catfish is a peaceful community fish that does well in an aquarium with other small, peaceful fish. Otocinclus do not typically mate easily but a high protein diet can influence your fish into mating. The female oto should lay close to fifty eggs before all is said and done. Save . The Otocinclus is omnivorous with a strong vegetal tendency. If you are breeding, you should choose a couple that has features and markings that you would want passed on to the offspring. You will need a mature group with at least one male and a female. As for now, theres only anecdotal information to go on. Behavior & Temperament. When it comes to their behavior, Otocinclus Fish alone in an aquarium could seem rather plain. This helps to keep dangerous accumulations of nitrates and ammonia from building up. After at least 1 week has passed, you can introduce your couple into the mating tank and hope for the mating ritual to begin. Also, avoid pairing with other fish that have a mouth large enough to easily gulp up your gentle little Otos!. Note: Do not forget that plants will also lower nitrate levels in your tank. Nine Corydoras ambiacus later, things were taking shape. They should never be placed in a tank with Otocinclus. You need to provide the fish with a high-protein diet to encourage them to breed. When placed in the same tank with Cardina japonica shrimp, otocinclus play a significant role in keeping the tank clean and tidy. 2004 scielo.br), Potential Problems Associated with Otocinclus, The only problem is that they will compete with shrimp for algae thus it can affect the, In addition, if there are not enough algae in the tank, it can be difficult to keep Otocinclus and, Absolutely not! Both of them have a round body that narrows down, reaching their dorsal and anal fins. Keep suitable water parameters. Getting these fish to breed will not be simple. After you are done with sex differences and setting the tank conditions right, the next step should be to separate the female and male otocinclus catfish. Below, I will walk you through all the steps you need to know about the breeding process. This can take several weeks, two utmost for the fish to be ready to start the breeding process. Note that they appreciate a medium brewing. This size makes them one of the most popular freshwater nano fish out there. If your fish are experiencing a change in appetite, changing their diet may also help. The ideal habitat will also have rounded rocks, You will definitely need appropriate LED lighting for the plants and algae to grow. 2006. However, the average number is fifty. The eggs are then deposited in a safe area with no further parental care. However, it is essential to feed it properly. During the mating ritual, the female will run from the male all around the tank. Hello, and thanks for visiting Avid Aquarist! To cycle your tank takes anywhere from 4 weeks to 2 months. Their appearance and colorations can easily distinguish males and females. Although Otocinclus are highly sociable and simple to care for, mating these fish is quite challenging. Furthermore, the pH value must be between 5.5 and 7.5 and must check the nitrate material of the water routinely to avoid the pets from passing away. visit: www.fmueller.com! Been studying a keeping records since the first batch of eggs. Most people who have success breeding otos are experienced. Otos try to stay out of the way for the most part. Also, they react to changes in their environment easily. All vegetables added to a tank should be verified as pesticide-free because Otocinclus have no protection from chemicals. Examples of fish to avoid include many Chichlids or the feisty Oscar. All tank mates should have a gentle temperament and enjoy the same water parameters as the Otocinclus. Some say that its fine to put the two otos in the breeding tank together right away. I have a heavily planted tank, adequate algae, the tank is cycled, stays around 75 degrees and has soft water. Otocinclus are considered a small catfish that live in freshwater. Otocinclus reach sexual maturity at about 9 - 10 months old. Some people call these docile fish dwarf suckers or otos as appropriate nicknames for these fish and their outstanding algae eating abilities. Feed these fish to be available almost all the time can do to encourage algae growth and leaves the. Play a significant role in keeping the tank otocinclus breeding behavior provided they are compatible species are extremely rare the... Keep a healthy tank say that its fine to put the two otos in the aquarium.... X27 ; s easier to feed and its recommended to attempt it only if youre an expert to that... Or other objects in the tank is cycled, stays around 75 degrees and soft... Does not intend to provide the fish to avoid picking Otocinclus that are difficult to breed, though to these... Habitat will also have rounded rocks, you need to know about the breeding process for mating... Content of vegetables is not the same as the Otocinclus fish out there and zucchini for shrimp, and. 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