Moreover, the finish will also prevent the wood from splintering or cracking . How To Remove Hot Glue From Carpet? Gets tired. Never burn treated wood - indoors or outdoors. Use plates or a plastic tablecloth instead of serving food directly from a treated wood surface, like a picnic table. Interestingly, porcupines subsist almost entirely on bark and twigs throughout the winter, a diet offering about as much nutritional value as plywood, which I find fascinating because almost every northern woodland resident knows porcupines LOVE eating plywood! Wood, whether treated or not, will absorb moisture. Porcupines will also warn predators by making loud vocalizations. If a large amount of pressure treated wood is consumed, the dog may also experience liver or kidney damage. Car tires and hoses may also be chewed on for their mineral content or road salt coating. While they're known to chew on creosote fence posts, they won't go for the copper-chromated arsenic salts used in pressure-treated lumber (that's the green stuff employed most often for docks . You would have to eat 1.3 pounds of the lettuce in the experiment EVERY DAY to exceed the safety limit. Based on wood treatment, it is not safe to grow food in beds made of treated wood as safety has not been established. From there, itll be almost impossible for them to climb back up. But start researching porcupine diets and youll soon land in Bigfoots lair. Get stuck on porcupine particulars A porcupines most vulnerable space is their soft underbelly. Since then, two other copper-containing products have been widely used in pressure-treated wood: alkaline copper (ACQ) and copper azole (CBA). With winter concluding in Northern New England and already past farther south, amphibians in the northeast are, Ever since my first introduction to the Northeast Kingdom (NEK) of Vermont back in high school I was, While kayaking in a town wetland a couple months ago I noticed a slow-moving trail of bubbles ahead, Egg Mass Identification in the Great Northern Forests, Species Spotlight: The Spotted Salamander. However, the attacker sometimes also gets seriously injured or killed by quills in its face or throat. Other water-based preservatives: rely on boron salts that are widely considered safe for humans and are usually used as a coating or gel. Then, as the wood dries, moisture leaches out, causing a few issues. Keeping and restricting porcupines from your property is one thing; repelling them from chewing on the wooden structures and tools you have is another. Just steer clear. Cerulli writes eloquently of cultivating a mindful relationship with wildlife. How do I stop my toilet flapper from closing too fast? Youd need to reapply this every time it rained, though. We have a cabin in PA and as a kid I learned quickly not to leave things outside that you didnt want to get gnawed by a porcupine. Termites are less attracted to certain types of wood, preferring to feast . The addition of salt to the bait will ensure no innocent species are lured into the trap instead. They are actually very docile animals that will not attack passersby, but rather lumber away slowly to a comfortable distance then resume whatever it was they were doing. Never worry about porcupines jeopardizing the condition of your wooden furniture any longer! Pressure-treated lumber is the result of adding chemical preservatives to wood using a high-pressure treatment. Gloves should be worn when handling the trap to keep human scent to a minimum and to protect your skin when transporting the caught porcupines. How To Decide Who Gets The Master Bedroom? More noticeably is the green or brown colors from the treating process. Even if they penetrate the fence I made, I had the guarantee that they would not look at my wooden pieces like a buffet! The chemicals that manufacturers use to create pressure-treated wood protect the material from insects, and they work by repelling bugs as opposed to killing them. It eats them. Take the appropriate safety measures when handling pressure-treated wood, including wearing safety goggles, gloves, and a mask. They dont wander very far from their dens or foraging areas to defecate, so places they frequent are easily identified by massive accumulations of peanut-shaped scat. Here is where you will find the most applications of the lumber. Pressure-treating wood saturates wood under pressure with a chemical preservative. Doing so can vaporize the chemicals, allowing them to hitch microscopic rides on smoke particles into your mouth, nose, lungs, and eyes. I sure hope this article doesnt incite a porcupine killing spree across the country. This is where the wood is preserved before purchase by subjecting it to chemical treatments under pressure so that as much wood as possible can be absorbed. Pressure-treated wood is ideal for decks, posts buried in the ground, and even ground contact in finished basements, but its not always the best product for every job. There are wooden structures (i.e. Porcupines are fond of salt, and will sometimes chew on wooden objects that have been exposed to sweat, such as canoe oars or axe handles. For many of us, one of the main benefits of growing our food is knowing that our vegetables have not been artificially sprayed, processed, or improved. The traditional wood treatment made from natural flaxseed oil has excellent preservative and water resistance properties. Porcupines in trees eat bark around the roots or trunk near their resting places. When actual research was conducted they found that this was untrue. In the 1800s, when pioneers kept large quantities of salt in . And, because all that leached copper is bad for aquatic life, pressure-treated lumber is not appropriate for marine applications such as docks and piers. Dropping twigs and fruit to the forest floor benefits other wildlife down below. By stripping tree trunks this way, the rodents expose the trees to disease. They attract rumor and tabloid-style coverage, most of it myth. With over 5 years of experience in Furniture Industry and Home Decors, she has immense knowledge & Expertise. Axe handles and canoe paddles. Despite pressure-treated wood subjected to a solution of chromium, copper, and arsenic, the treated wood will still rot in time. This love of salt often leads them to roadsides where salt has been spread. Thats what had been feasting on the logsso I had them ringed in a copper skirts to stop it from chewing around them. Sometimes they also show a preference for pressure-treated lumber. These 3 methods have been, so far, the most effective ways of deterring and keeping porcupines from gnawing on your wood. Lets Find Out. First, pressure treated wood used in home building materials have an approximate lifespan of only 10 years. Jan 15, 2009 26 southern NH. This is a particular favorite of pulp outdoor literature. I had those distinctive chew marks at all around the support logs on the porch of our home in MT a couple of summers ago. And what are those intended and suitable uses mentioned above? Wood preservatives penetrate sapwood easier than heartwood, so woods with a higher percentage of sapwood (like Southern pine) are used most . The resin used to bind plywood is sodium based, making it an ideal porky snack. Of course, this is the same bastion of journalistic excellence that claimed sasquatches are attracted by raves. If your plan of keeping them off your lawn isnt successful, what do you do? How to Get Vomit Smell Out of Leather Couch? There are three main types of pressure-treated lumber: lumber for ground use . are highly recommended. Protection of trees through regular fencing, low strung electrical fencing, and trapping are the most efficient methods for reducing damage.. What are the most dangerous parts of Baltimore? Mountain lions, coyotes, bobcats and foxes all occasionally hunt these spiky rodents. Trees can suffer very obvious damage by having their bark gnawed on and girdled by porcupines, which is another clue to look out for. For this, you simply need to place bait inside the trap, and then ensure that the traps enclosure will be kept closed even if the porcupine moves and tries to escape. This solution has been the product of deep research and experiments done by various homeowners from all over the country. Utah is centrally located in porcupine territory, but in Utah they are usually found in the woods away from people. Siding is usually attacked because of the bonding glue in plywood. They break down into three categories: The amount of moisture that pressure-treated lumber can retain is truly remarkable. The time of year may dictate how heavily porcupines feed on certain food types. As a result, many of the available flaxseed oils are not pure raw flaxseed oils but rather a mixture of solvents such as mineral spirits, often called heated flaxseed oils, to speed up the drying process, making them less natural. But in case youre thinking about not rinsing off your face after a hard days hike on the Appalachian Trail? Install 18 to 24 inch high woven wire fencing around gardens, orchards or specific areas of your property that require protection. So newer wood is easier to identify as treated. Here are a few proven, and most effective ways of keeping porcupines off your property. It looked like some kind of Christmas ornament. Her guides and reviews are well appreciated by Industry experts. By submitting your information via this form, you agree to receive electronic communications from Cottage Life Media, a division of Blue Ant Media Solutions Inc., containing news, updates and promotions regarding cottage living and Cottage Life's products. How is it treated? These products no longer contain arsenic. I mean, what is there to love about wood? Livestock chew on treated lumber because of mineral imbalance or boredom. They tend to conserve their energy, so they might eat the lowest, most accessible food first. They eat trees, decks, anything. Large scraping marks made by their two front teeth. Porcupine scat. Their diets vary by region, species, and even season, but popular staples include tree barks, sweet potatoes, bamboo shoots, beans, nuts, skunk cabbage, twigs, and carrots. Leaves tool outside. They often seek out natural mineral licks for their needs. Burning pressure-treated wood is not recommended. The list includes lynx, bobcats, coyotes, wolves, wolverines, and great horned owls. This is to be expected for something covered in barbed quills. It ended up in a cornerapparently it was a large porcupine. You should see no noticeable health issues if you choose the convenience and reasonable price of copper-treated wood based on scientific studies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi Jon, One product however, Thiram is registered as a repellent for rodents and rabbits, and has incidentally repelled porcupines, as well. Instead, copper is used, which helps in protecting the wood. But in eastern North America, by far one of the porcupines most formidable predators is the fisher, a larger cousin of the American marten. Plywood. How Much Is Furniture Marked Up? Last year my dog chomped into a porcupine and we spent a couple of hours removing the quills from his mouth, lips, and throat. Hope youre well They can make a wide range of vocalizations that resemble the sound of a kazoo. Ciao for now, Have tried all kinds of methods but the lowest branches are too close to the ground for metal trunk wrap to work. This idea was popularized on the regrettable Animal Planet show Finding Bigfoot. Their shoulders, backs and tails are covered with light-colored guard hairs and quills that typically lie flat. | BUGSPRAY. The very best thing you can do if you come across a North American Porcupine is to keep your distance and respect its personal space. Be that as it may, original item confirmation offices dont permit the utilization of copper-offered wood to produce confirmed organic vegetables. Antlers are rich in minerals and shed every spring. Strictly herbivorous, porcupines in the east are a northern species inhabiting a variety of forest ecosystems. If youre part of the category of house owners who do not want to spend time looking for repellents, then heres a homemade solution I have for you! Creosote continues to release fumes for some time after use and can seep into soil and groundwater, entering the food chain. Will porcupines eat treated lumber? When they gnaw near the base of the trunk, porcupine feeding sign can be confused with beaver sign. What he actually said was that porcupines almost completely ate his aluminum tree stand . Youll find many different types of porcupine traps, and this might be where the dilemma is. There are no registered repellents or toxicants that have proven effective for repelling porcupines. ACQ is a water-based solution that uses ammonia to penetrate the timbers. Fences work best if an electric hot wire can be added 1.5 inches above the top strand of the fence (either the folded or unfolded top of the wire fence). Not fun. During the spring and summer the porcupines eat buds, tender. Moreover, understanding what porcupines want out of your wood can help you establish a better and more effective plan to keep them away. The pressure-treating process merely prevents and slows the rotting process. Im serious. O. North American porcupines are native to the coniferous and mixed-forest habitats of Canada, the northeastern . Also, as pressure-treated wood dries, it shrinks, causing the paint to wrinkle, crack, and flake. However, they can, and do, burrow into pressure treated wood. The problem is that it is generally difficult to obtain information about the chemical mixture used in the process, especially since wood may have been treated with pressure before arriving at the place where it was purchased for a long time. But what is pressure-treated wood? A couple of nights ago I heard scratching on my house and I thought it was Kitty, wanting to come in. Especially horses on long backcountry pack trips. Ask me within five years, and I will tell you if you made the right decision. Weve had more than one person stranded up there after porcupines chewed on their vehicle. This is the typical trap used for different animals. Your email address will not be published. Treated wood is found in many places on a farm because over time it holds up to weather . Due to their heavy bodies and short legs, porcupines cannot easily navigate deep snow, therefore wintertime adds extra pressure on this strict plant eater to find accessible and nutritionally dense food. Aboveground wood is suitable for fence slats, railings, pressure-treated deck boards, framing lumber, and in other scenarios where the wood doesnt touch the ground. Then again, you can produce your garden beds with pressure-treated wood (ACQ or CBA) and trust that the information provided to you by the manufacturer is correct. Trick the porcupine by placing the bait at the edge, and then at the bottom of the pit. Lets Find Out. Each 1.25 lbs will protect approximately 50 sq. Solubility of Cr and Cu is greatly reduced in neutral soils. Porcupines have a taste for salt, succulent plants, fruits, vegetables, woodend tool handles, wooden wheel barrow handles, boat oars, porch furniture, toilet seats, saddles, tires or anything else which may have had salt on them or some other mineral. I was going to use pressure-treated lumber so they'd last a long time, but a friend told . Start by building a fence around trees, gardens, and where damage has been most prevalent. If the wood is wet, howevereven in the summer when you know fixation is completeyou should exercise greater care working with the wood. This will weaken the tree and make it more vulnerable to damage from diseases, insects, and birds. Porcupines prefer the young bark, leaves, and terminal twigs commonly found high up in the crown of a mature tree, but will strip bark anywhere on a trees trunk or branches. All Rights Reserved. Porcupines remain common throughout most of their range, but conservationists know by now that everything can change in the blink of an eye. Other options may workdistracting the porcupines with a salt lick, or startling them with random, irritating noisesbut there are drawbacks: The salt lick . The 4 Factors! Aug 3, 2013. What To Do, What To Do When Neighbors Dog Poops In Your Yard? It can dissuade the rest of us from regarding cryptozoology as science. Most woods do not last long in a humid environment and outdoors, so designers often look for wood treated with pesticides that prevent fungi and insects from breaking down wood fibers. 6x6s for support posts and plywood. Pepper Spray on Plants and Trees. bridges, signs) along the trail that are constructed from pressure treated Pine and exhibit severe Porcupine damage. This sturdy pressure-treated timber #2 southern yellow pine meets the highest grading standards for strength and appearance. Noncombustible wood, another type of pressure-treated material, is less applicable for residential projects. This makes for weak bonds and often results in the paint peeling or sloughing off. I had no idea what that was fromneither did anyone else! Being rodents, there is a certain frequency they consider unfathomable and thats another thing you can do to repel them from gnawing or chewing through wood. In addition, trees that are killed and felled due to porcupine damage can provide shelter and nest sites for other wildlife. Porcupines are primarily nocturnal, docile animals with few predators due to their quill-covered body. Fencing trees and gardens is the most effective way to prevent porcupine damage. The bait should be placed near the back of the trap. Its well documented in the literature, and its based on porcupine physiology. The process involves the use of a vacuum cylinder and chemicals. The Easiest Solutions! An older hardener was not convinced. and may chew on it as well. Not porcupines eat sasquatch untrue but in no way a major factor in timber harvests. Be that as it may, they once in a while list fixings and may contain a full scope of different mixes, including fungicides, additives, UV blockers, and plant-based colors. These salts retain the color of the wood and protect against insects, mold, mildew, and fungi. Beyond the three types of pressure-treated lumber, there are also two types of contact usages: above ground and ground contact. I cannot imagine waking up to a kiss from a quilled rodent. Saddles. Also, as mentioned earlier, pressure-treated wood isnt suitable for marine applications. In the winter, they eat primarily evergreen needles and the . Porcupines do dine on bones. The lumber may have splits up to 1.5 times the board's width, knots no larger than 3-1/2", and one hole every 2'. They are best known for their stout, quill-covered bodies, and their lumbering gait. This raises concern over animal health and meat safety. Great Article Matt! Some of them rely on vegetable oil. By ordinary human standards, porcupines have many bad habits. If the water beads, then it's still too wet. The bottom of the fence should be buried in the ground as deep as possible (12-18 inches is ideal). Is that Moisture? How do you stop porcupines from eating plywood buildings?Craig Loucao. Dont worry, ACQ copper-based solutions have little to no effect in the garden. Animals and people must actually come into contact with the quills for the quills to detach and become embedded. Also remember that pressure-treated wood is for outdoor use only. Is it safe? A professional wildlife remover will come in and trap the porcupine with a live-trap baited with something coated in salt. Painting pressure-treated wood is difficult because the paint cracks when the lumber shrinks. high-potassium, low-sodium diet of foliage, physiologically tolerate this imbalance at times of the year, created a harrowing situation for nature writer and ethicist Tovar Cerulli, Catskill Mountaineer offers this tantalizing sentence, Weird Nature: An Owl That Uses Dung Tools, Urban Wild: Flying Squirrels of the Beltway, An Overlooked Threat to Freshwater Fisheries? Together with my family, we settled in a region far from the city, and therefore, both our indoor and outdoor furniture are primarily wooden furniture. That said, some guidelines still suggest that children shouldnt be around the sawdust created during the construction process. Porcupines are not typically aggressive toward humans, but we recommend covering the trap with a thick tarp to avoid being quilled. But the EPA banned arsenic-treated PT wood in 2004, and the products available today are completely safe. Critter Ridder is an organic repellent that works for a number of animals, including Porcupines. Porcupines used to be considered a much bigger problem for home owners. 5/4x6s and 2x6s for decking. Combine this with the notoriously bad aim of boys, and you have porcupine nirvana. Containing a greater amount of chemical treatment, these wood products can last much longer than aboveground lumber, and up to 40 years, in some cases. But the human environment is not low in sodium. Not only is pressure-treated wood different from typical lumber, but it also comes in different types. Use Low-cost softwood and paint with a wood preserver. Manage your garden soil to reduce plant availability As, Cr, and Cu. Eleanor and David. Still, they may be costly unless you can collect stones near your home or find rice which can be tough; it is not the most environmentally friendly way. Roads are de-iced with salt in the winter. You could try to deter porcupines by sprinkling cayenne pepper on the wood, or painting the wood with a pepper-water solution. Up until 2004, the main chemical used in pressure-treated lumber was arsenic, but the EPA banned it in the residential market because of health concerns. And your face. They have also developed a taste for plywood and glue. The predominant species of treated wood is a regionally available softwood. The only good porcupine is a dead porcupine. It is a simple method with remarkable efficiency. As the final prevention measure, youll want to make all your wooden furniture, tools, and structures less appetizing to them. Decking. Economic losses to forest stands can be quite substantial with commercial timber, nurseries, and orchards. Regarding code issues, section R317.3.1 of the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) addresses fasteners for pressure-, preservative-, and fire-retardant-treated wood; Bolts of " and greater do not need to be hot-dip galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicon bronze or copper. Me, I see no problems using ACQ-treated timbers in my garden. Although wood preservatives can also contain many toxic substances, porcupines seem perturbed by only some of these. Can You Dry Towels With Clothes Or Not? Porcupines are also attracted to the resins in plywood (often used in outdoor decks, outbuildings, etc.) Purchase one that is at least 32 inches long and 10 inches wide with a spring-loaded door.. The name porcupine is very appropriate, coming as it does from the Latin porcus, meaning swine, and spina, meaning thorn. Unlike other rodents that also remain active all winter, porcupines do not collect and store food in . There were no visible chew marks yet. Updated November 30, 2016. Porcupines are primarily nocturnal animals who rest during the day in hollow trees and logs, underground burrows or in crevices found in rocky areas. STEP 2: Prepare the surface you plan to paint. The North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) is one of the most widely distributed herbivores and the second largest member of the rodent family in North America. From how its made to its intended and suitable uses, treated lumber is a product all its own. Carpenter bees often build their nests in untreated or weathered wood, given the choice. And unlike most of what I learned at Scout camp, this bit of lore was actually based on truth. Not that this fact is likely to dissuade the True Bigfoot Believers. Theyll especially target your wood in winter or early spring, when natural food sources are in short supply. Be on your guard! We get paid a small commission from your purchases. Or, if you are looking for something that can stand the test of time, mold-resistant wood such as rice or natural stone is two options, but they are expensive. What types of wood do termites not eat? Some natural plant products are available from specialized companies but are primarily intended for coloring or indoor use and are often very expensive. Mountain lions and fishers have different stratgies for attacking porcupines. Organic principles can be applied very successfully to family gardens. I was grateful for a long driveway and a hand brake. Or will you remain using untreated wood? Complete Guide! Research has been done that has shown that pressure-treated wood is safe for both chickens and humans. Another option is to circle the tree trunk with wire mesh or hardware cloth. Cedar is a popular choice for siding due to its appearance and longevity, and cedar siding costs $12,500 on average. If you come across information saying that pressure-treated wood is not good for chicken coops, then you should take it with a grain of salt. Conservation science, field reporting, and cool creatures. twigs, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, berries, nuts and other. Whether you're building a deck out of redwood, southern pine or cedar . Just keep your valuables out of reach, and watch where you sit in backcountry outhouses. Generally speaking, arsenic-free pressure-treated wood is considered safe for children to be around in a play environment. Once, society regarded porcupines as a major nuisance. Porcupines have their young from April to May and the juveniles stay with the females for the first summer of their lives. The salt craving leads the critter to all sorts of strange places. While the base material is the same, pressure-treated wood is very different from typical wood products. In general, you will want to choose Number 2 grade boards, or higher, for decks. Who knew that a need for salt could lead porcupines to such extremes. Repeated exposure can cause permanent irritation to the bronchial tubes resulting in asthma, greater likelihood of upper respiratory tract infection, or prolonged colds. What Color Curtains For Yellow Walls? Things You Need To Know! When Logging Stops, Does Biodiversity Benefit. Some might think this resistance makes it a great all-purpose building material, but thats not the case. Finished compost has a near-neutral pH, so adding compost to CCA-framed beds isn't a problem. I dug deep and tried finding the best ways to deflect porcupines from my property, as well as create all my wooden furniture less pleasing to them. Experts in Wildlife Help suggest using fruits soaked in saltwater. The reintroduction of fishers, a major porcupine predator, keeps their populations in check. growing our food is knowing that our vegetables. Extra coats of a suitable woo d finish will safeguard the wood from moisture, mildew, mold, decay, and ravenous insects such as termites. The wood is placed in a depressurized holding tank that removes the air and replaces it with a preservative. Bigfoot bones. However, my family eats vegetables from the garden, and you would hate that this oily mess seeps into the fresh produce that I give to my children. This article doesnt incite a porcupine killing spree across the country, then do porcupines eat pressure treated wood #! Are three main types of wood, given the choice Canada, the dog may be. Can, and birds tablecloth instead of serving food directly from a quilled rodent and glue and.... Is consumed, the treated wood is very different from typical lumber, there are also to! Protect against insects, and cedar siding costs $ 12,500 on average porcupines do not and... Because the paint peeling or sloughing off did anyone else inch high woven wire fencing gardens! 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