Bahamut can comprehend, speak, read all languages, talk directly to all beings within 10 kilometres, and teleport at will. Bite. If they are unsuccessful, they are terrified of the Aspect until the end of the targets next turn. Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Can Godzilla go toe to toe with the other heavy hitters of D&D 5e? A creature in the area of more than one lance is affected only once. Celestial Lances (Costs 3 Actions). Additionally, they cannot be Charmed or Frightened. The Bahamut can take 5 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. The dragon can breathe air and water. Lets begin the Bahamut 5e Guide by reviewing some of the most important facts concerning Bahamut. Design Note: This creature was designed using Mythic Monsters (5e Variant Rule) as a guide. Breath Weapon: Disintegration Breath. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A champion of Bahamut has a distinctive pair of platinum wings and a breath weapon suffused with radiant energy. If the target is a Gargantuan or larger object or Creation of force, this spell disintegrates a 15-foot-cube portion of it. How To Fix Undercooked Potatoes In Potato Salad? When the mechanics have been changed so that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template. A shrine to, First World, are wholly material, dwelling in the Material Plane and embodying its essential nature. He has a beautiful platinum color that shines in the sunlight. Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. Ability Score Increase. Breath Weapon: Paralyzing Breath. When Bahamut drops to 0 hit points or dies, his body is destroyed but his essence travels back to his domain in Celestia, and he is unable to take physical form for a while. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Celestial Shield (Costs 2 Actions): The aspect manifests seven spectral ancient gold dragons around himself that protect him; he gains 77 temporary hit points until the start of his next turn. Discorporation. The Scaled Tyrants hatred for, Elegy for the First World Breathe, dragons; sing of the First World, A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Each of the creatures in that area must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw or take 100 (10d20) cold damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Enemies of Bahamut that start or end their turn in the aura take 28 (8d6) cold or 28 (8d6) radiant damage, Bahamuts choice. He regains his expended spell slots when he finishes a long rest. In addition, each creature of Bahamuts choice in the aura must make a DC 36 Constitution saving throw or be frost-bitten. I don't see the big deal. In his natural form, Bahamut was a massive dragon (approx 180 feet (55m) long) with a tail the same length as his body, with platinum scales tougher than any shield and blue eyes, the exact color of which was hard to specify and may have depended on Bahamut's mood. (Recharge 4-6) Bahamut exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Everyone is familiar with the two most powerful members of the Draconic Pantheon, Tiamet and Bahamut. Though all decent dragons pay homage to Bahamut, gold, silver and brass dragons hold him in especially higher regard. These creatures take no damage from the radiance and instead regain 22 (4d10) hit points each. Mar 22. Unless he wishes to be affected, Bahamut is immune to spells of 6th level or lower. Lightning Breath:Each monster in that line has to make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or accept 90(9d20) lightning damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. He can also cast any cleric spell of 5th or 6th level 1/day. Bite. He has the following spells prepared: 1st-9th level (10 9th-level slots): Foresight; Counterspell; Time Stop; Gate; Dispel Magic; Power Word Heal; Wish; Antimagic Field; Invulnerability; True Polymorph. Armor Class 30 (natural armor) If a DM uses a god against a party, it should be an uphill battle from the start. These effects last for 1 minute. Languages areCommon, Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Saving Throwsare Str+19,Dex+11,Int+18,Wis+19,Cha+18. His ice breath has become the most straightforward of his breath strikes; it is merely a ferocious burst of the incredibly cold atmosphere. Platinum Brilliance (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest): If the aspect would be reduced to 0 hit points, his current hit point total instead resets to 500 hit points, he recharges his Breath Weapon, and he regains any expended uses of Legendary Resistance. The Bahamut 5e Aspect produces the next attack when activated: Bite, Claw, and Tail. Bahamut exhales a beam of blue light that is 5 feet wide and 800 ft long. +15 to strike, hit 15 feet., one target. Bahamut manifests seven spectral Great Wyrm gold dragons around himself that protect; he gains 500 temporary hit points until the start of his next turn. Dnd Spells FAQ. The target magically regains 40 hit points. (Costs 2 Actions) Bahamut exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. There he is (all comments are very welcome): Saving Throws: Strength +19, Dexterity +13, Wisdom +17, Charisma +19, Skills: Arcana +17, Perception +26, Religion +17, Damage resistances: necrotic, poison, radiant, Damage Immunities: acid, cold, fire, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons, Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, poisoned, stunned, weakened, paralyzed, slowed, asleep, Senses: darkvision 240 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 36. If Bahamut fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Bahamut exhales cold in a 480-food cone. He also has a total of 10 legendary resistances that are also split into the two phases which is actually new for Mythic Creatures IIRC. A number of sections of the new D&D 5e book, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons make this explicit for the setting of Dragonlance, and thus canonical for that setting. Covered in platinum scales, his physical features combine various elements of the five kinds of metallic dragonsaccording to some scholars, combining them in different ways with each manifestation of the aspect. If the hit is successful, the creature is just grappled and only receives 2d10 + 10 piercing damage with a DC of 20 for escape. Claw. Also it's thought to be an endgame boss so don't expect to be fighting any of those if your characters are not level 16 at least and have a bunch of magic items. When the dragonborn uses this action, it can choose up to three creatures in the cone. Bahamut can make two claw, one bite, and one tail attack, or he can use a breath weapon and a tail attack. On a roll of 1-2, the spell functions normally, on a roll of 3-4, the spell is deflected and Bahamut is unaffected. I think Bahamut also has some spells or that sort of abilities like Tiamat (don't have stats of Bahamut in older editions). When the mechanics have been changed so that this template is no longer applicable please remove this template. Innate spellcasting (3/Day). A rampaging blue greatwyrm threatens a worlds existence, On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isnt blinded and deafened. It is based on Tiamat, and oficial monster (and god), so I think it shouldn't be much higher or lower than hers. Bahamut recharges his ability to use breath weapons. Your Wisdom and Charisma scores are increased by 1. Bahamuts aspect displays the full glory of the Platinum Dragon, towering over even ancient dragons. Clerics of Bahamut, be they dragons, half-dragons, or other beings brought to Bahamuts doctrine, attempt to take continuous but subtle actions on behalf of great, intervening wherever theyre required but striving to do as little damage in the process as you can. Discorporation. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Bahamut creates a magical cage as in the spell forcecage, except the bar cage can be 60 feet on a side and the solid cage can be 30 feet on a side. Legendary Resistance (5/Day). forged out of chaos and painted with beauty. Regeneration. Bahamut is one of the most well-known figures in the DND universes extended mythology, whether you know him as the Grand Master of Flowers. Using Crypto Payments for Payroll and Employee Benefits Pros and Cons. Senses Darkvision 600 ft., Truesight 240 ft., Tremorsense 240 ft., Blindsight 480 ft., passive Perception 63. The book confirms that there are five Gem Greatwyrms in the multiverse: Aleithilithos, Hrodel, Smargad, Charisma, and Tithonnas. Some birds may have other abilities or improved actions, at the GM's discretion. Bahamut conjures five enormous lances of magical force that plummet to the ground at four different points he can see within 300 feet of him and then disappear. The Aspect has five of these daily, enabling him to decide whether to succeed on a saving throw even if the roll failed. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. The sword can flare in this way only once per turn. Dragonborn followers of Bahamut try to enact his will in the world, which might not be too difficult given their stats. Multiattack. His Statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any Class Features or legendary actions of that form. Hit Points 512 (25d20 + 250) Despite being an immensely powerful draconic god, Bahamut often travels in an unassuming guise such as that of a traveling monk or an elderly wizard. He then makes three attacks: two with his claws and one with his bite, or uses one of his breath weapons. Bahamut intensifies his aura, increasing the range to 120 feet until the end of its next turn. Bahamut exhales cold in a 120-foot cone. It's probably a fault of 5e's system however, since certain party compositions could never stand a chance. Can I Quit My Job After Closing On A House? Before entering the Faernian pantheon, he had been a part of this Draconic pantheon, a deity of great dragons, metallic paintings, intellect, and enlightened justice (justice tempered with mercy and punishment together with forgiveness) known by the title of Xymor. Despite that, hes one of the very compassionate beings in the multiverse. Multiattack: Bahamut 5e may make two claw foot, one bite, and a tail strike, or else he could use a breath weapon along with a tail strike. Only on a DnD forum would discussing the methods for jamming a T-Rex into a 10x10x10 box be a thing. . The Bahamut 5e Aspect produces the next attack when activated: Bite, Claw, and Tail. This is a bonus monster we're sharing as a thanks to everyone following us on Twitter! Adventurers and dragons alike pray to Bahamut to uphold honor and justice, or when they need courage to face a great threat. Until the beginning of his next turn, this effect provides him with 77 temporary hit points. Breath Weapon: Slowing Breath. The Aspect of Bahamut | D&D Blind Stat Block D&D Daily 6.86K subscribers Subscribe 31 803 views 1 year ago #dnd #dragon #dms A Blind stat block reading and analysis of Fizban's Treasury of. Cold Breath:Bahamut exhales chilly in a 120-foot cone. Saving Throws Str +34, Dex +24, Con +34, Int +31, Wis +29, Cha +34.Skills all and Expertise +24.Damage Resistances force, psychic, necrotic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from spells and +5 or lesser magical weapons.Damage Immunities fire, cold, poison, acid, lightning, radiant, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing that is from spells and +3 or lesser magical weapons.Condition Immunities all. At webnews21, we bring the trendy news of the globe regarding politics, entertainment, education, food, and health. A frost-bitten area is covered with ice and becomes difficult terrain. Wing Attack (prices two activities ). The dragonborn exhales fiery radiance in a 30-foot cone. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures, ","rollType":"heal","rollAction":"Radiant Breath"} hit points each.Often called platinum knights, dragonborn champions of, especially from evil dragons. Bahamut regains 20 hit points at the start of his turn as long as he is not unconscious. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Bahamut stats (based on 5e Tiamat and 3.5 and 4.0 statblocks) Hey guys, Our group is going through a little virus-related hiatus, so I statted Bahamut out of boredom. Attack: The aspect makes one Claw or Tail attack. The creature can be restored to life only by means of a True Resurrection or a wish spell. Each creature in that line must make a DC 27 Charisma saving throw, taking 112 (16d8+40) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches. Edit this Page | All pages needing balance. Additionally, the aspect can now use the options in the Mythic Actions section for 1 hour. Award a party an additional 1,220,000 (2,440,000 XP total) for defeating Bahamut after his Platinum Brilliance activates. Bahamut can cast any cleric, paladin, or sorcerer spells of 1st level 5/day each. This stat block applies to any small, non-predatory bird such as a turkey, peacock, etc. Maybe the two accounts only signify the Platinum Dragons shifting moods. These are the . Each creature in the area must make a DC 36 Dexterity saving throw or take 176 (34d8 + 23) bludgeoning damage plus 45 (10d8) radiant damage., be pushed 80 feet, knocked prone, and stunned until the end of Bahamuts next turn. Change Shape: Bahamut magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than his own, or back into his true form. A magic item is unaffected by this breath weapon. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a Bonus Action on its turn, but not both. Each creature in a 120-foot-radius, 1000-foot-high cylinder centered on each point must succeed on a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw or take 210 (20d20) force damage. It's said that their role is to find a way to revive Sardior, the former god of the gem dragons, whose consciousness is believed to be spread across the multiverse. (Recharge 4-6) Bahamut exhales a blast of pacifying energy in a 90-foot cone. In addition to its stellar breath and melee options, the Aspect of Bahamut is capable of sending devastating Radiant Spears at its enemies, and keep itself safe with its Celestial Shield. Aura of Dragon King. Age. He can reduce the targets exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following effects on the target: One effect that charmed or petrified the target. The creature can spend up to 5 hit dice to regain hit points and regain an additional 25 hit points. Bahamut uses one of the following breath weapons: Cold Breath. Damage Resistances arepsychic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons. Acid Breath:Each monster in that line has to make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or accept 80(8d20) acid damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. To honor her deeds, the Swords of Leilon constructed the Bronze Shrine, a massive temple to, greatwyrm can then fly up to half its flying speed.Some of the oldest and wisest metallic dragons undergo a miraculous metamorphosis to become greatwyrms. I have actually fleshed out the provided Stat Block in PDF format and I am adding lore, backgrounds and lair actions for this concept, can u/wigu90 drop me a private message to discuss? To newcomers, it would seem these are the . Manage Settings When a creature, object, or area takes cold damage from this attack, it is frost bitten. The result eventually wears off, and items come back to their original solidity. To really embrace religion, one must believe one needs help. +39 to hit, reach 35 feet., one target. Every one of those monsters in that area must make a DC 30 Dexterity saving throw or accept 100(10d20) cold damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. Teleport. Back to Main Page 5e Homebrew Creatures, Positive energy courses through the creature to undo a debilitating effect. Challenge 40 ( XP). In the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game, Bahamut (/ b h m t / b-HAH-mt) is a powerful draconic deity, who has the same name as Bahamut from Arabic mythology.. +15 to strike, hit 15 feet., one target. Bahamut 5e has a couple of clerics as well as fewer temples. The seven historical gold dragons turned into canaries that fly him around. The home of the Dragonlance setting is the battleground for an unending conflict between, Nymmurh Male Bronze Dragon Of all the dragons on the council, Nymmurh disagrees most strongly with Protanther. Fire Breath. +15 to strike, hit 15 feet., one target. Bahamut can freely use his breath weapons or cast spells while underwater. The Aspect of Bahamut may use the descriptions of their Claw or Tail attack from this legendary action to perform a free attack. +20 to strike, hit 20 feet., one target. This transformation is often wrought by, Gods and Religion Most dragons arent what youd call pious. My characters just used wish to summon Bahamut in a fight against Asmodeus! (Costs 2 Actions) Bahamut exhales paralyzing gas in a 90- foot cone. Breath Weapon: Misty Breath. Innate Spellcasting. Languages all, Telepathy 1,200 ft. Bahamut exhales a beam of blue light that is 5 feet wide and 800 ft long. Bahamut 5e exhales a ray of light thats five feet wide and maybe up to 400 ft. Each monster in that region must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 87(12d12 + 15) induce damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. How is Spellcasting ability 5e dnd calculated? A5: Temple of, ruins of bygone kingdoms, and more than a few half-forgotten dungeons and tombs. On a roll of 5-6, Bahamut is unaffected and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from bahamut, turning the caster into the target. +39 to hit, reach 65 ft., one target. Hes got a gorgeous platinum colour that shines in the sunlight. Just one legendary action choice may be used in a time and just in the conclusion of some other monsters turn. None could have been wiser, says the narrative, had a group of ogres headed by an ogre mage not drifted down upon the audience. Unless he wants to be affected, Bahamut is immune to all spells of 5th level or lower. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or fall Unconscious for 10 minutes. Dragon Summons (prices three actions). Breath weapon: Radiant Breath (Recharge 4-6). Disintegration Breath:Bahamut 5e exhales a ray of light thats five feet wide and maybe up to 400 ft. Each monster in that region must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 87(12d12 + 15) induce damage on a failed rescue and a half up to a one. One of her main rivals is her counterpart and brother Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, who's in charge of the good metallic dragons. This transformation is often wrought by, fly up to half its flying speed.Some of the oldest and wisest metallic dragons undergo a miraculous metamorphosis to become greatwyrms. Aspect of Bahamut (CR 10) Large ( Extraplanar ) Alignment: Always lawful good Initiative: +4; Senses: blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, Listen +22, and Spot +22 Languages: Celestial, Common, and Draconic AC: 23 (-1 size, +14 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23 Hit Dice: 10d12+60 (125 hp); DR: 5/epic Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +14 Old Man. Bahamut's Blessing (Cost 2 Actions). Bahamut automatically adds his Divine Rank to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. The Seven Great Gold Wyrms are the closest of Bahamut's servants, guarding his palace and escort him disguised as canaries when he is traveling the world. Breath Weapon (Costs 3 Actions). Hopefully you have enjoyed reading about Dragonborn of Bahamut, we will continue to provide you with posts related to D&D in the future. Platinum Breath: The aspect exhales radiant platinum flames in a 300-foot cone. Saving Throws Str +21, Dex +13, Int +20, Wis +21, Cha +20Skills Arcana +20, Athletics +21, Insight +21, Intimidation +20, Investigation +20, Perception +21, Religion +20Damage Resistances psychic, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons.Damage Immunities fire, cold, poison, acid, lightning.Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, blinded, frightened, poisoned, petrified. After another creatures turn in the fight, legendary actions may be used to accomplish remarkable feats. Bahamut moves up to half his speed. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated. Hit: 210 (34d10 + 25) slashing damage plus 45 (12d8) radiant damage and if the target is Colossal or smaller, the target must make a DC 36 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone, grappled, or pushed 80 feet (Bahamuts choice). The platinum monster can change into an old guy. Tail. Yes it's extreme, that's the point. Regeneration. This transformation ends if the aspect is reduced to 0 hit points or if he uses a bonus action to end it. Bahamut exhales chilly in a 120-foot cone. Breath Weapon: Weakening Breath. Although powerful, they are not immortal: many gold wyrms in the circle have died, and new gold dragons are chosen to replace them. Bahamut beats his wings. His size is the only alteration; the rest of his statistics remain the same. Bite. BEACON RPG BEACON Ancestries Classes; Pirate's Blog; Products Ancestry Awakened Archive of Magic Items; . Bahamut exhales fire in a 120-foot cone. Often called platinum knights, dragonborn champions of Bahamut might belong to an order that exists to protect the world from eviland especially from evil dragons. Hit: 100 (10d20) piercing damage. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 13 (3d8) radiant damage. Two potent characteristics make the Bahamut 5e Aspect a formidable opponent. On a failure the targets body is turned into a misty cloud as in the spell gaseous form, except any clothing or equipment worn or carried is not transformed and instead fails to the ground, The target remains in gaseous form for 1 hour. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, when Bahamut hits a Medium or smaller creature with a melee attack, each creature within 5 feet of the initial target must make a DC 34 Dexterity saving throw or suffer the same attack. Titanic. Beyond Bitcoin Exploring the Limitless Possibilities of Blockchain Technology. As a god, he would have realm actions, and according to the Draconomicon of 3.5, he is accompanied by 7 great gold dragons, so you would have to get past them first. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it. This monster represents the will of Bahamut sent down to help a devoted worshipper or to carry out the god's will in some other way. Some things of notes: -Both of their Breaths are Dex-save. The tail attack enables the Bahamut 5e Aspect to protect himself from behind in case any sly rogues attempt to get them down on him. That makes it an A+. It was together with platinum scales rougher than any defence (mentioned by some to be nearly indestructible) that glowed with a faint blue sheen. Hit: 23 (2d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage. Each creature in that area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 87 (12d12 + 15) force damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Bahamut visits the planet frequently, usually in the guise of a classic older adult or a callow youth. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creatures turn. Forcecage (Cost 3 Actions, Recharge 6). If the attack hits a creature, the target must succeed on a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the aspect until the end of the targets next turn. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). Each creature in that area must make a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Reason. I could have simply increased the CR of each monster, to make them tougher; however, my goal is to make CR 21+ monsters feel more epic. . Bahamut 5e never turns his back to an excellent legal monster in peril but rarely intervenes straight if Tiamat isnt involved. Bahamut can see (using normal vision or darkvision ), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of ten miles. Smite the Wicked (Costs 5 Actions). He knows that the metallic dragons are made in the image of. (Costs 2 Actions) Bahamut exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. According to the Draconomicon-Metallic Dragons, he often appears as an old man and searches for players he deems worthy. Dragonborn of Bahamut 5e 3e 5th Edition Statistics Size Medium Type Humanoid Alignment Typically lawful good Challenge rating 8 General Information Patron deity Bahamut, and any non-evil deity Vision Varies Average lifespan 400-600 years Language (s) Draconic plus any languages originally known Appearance Average height Bahamut beats his wings. Take it for whatever you might, but Paladins ought to be completely played, their Oaths being interpreted by the Deity who allowed them their abilities. Bahamut can ruin earth animals, also can control air creatures. Even the somewhat underwhelming stats provided for Tiamat in published 5e works have a CR of 30. +20 to hit, reach 20 feet., one target. Each creature of Bahamuts choice in the area must make a DC 36 Constitution saving throw. Still, they often have a similar level of strength since they work as opposing forces that are similar yet opposed to one another. He has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects. Many worlds have myths and legends about. acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison; and bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, poisoned, stunned Senses: darkvision 240 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive perception 36 Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal Challenge: 30 Traits Discorporation. Tail. Spellcasting (Costs 4 Actions). It highlights one of the most iconic aspects of D&D, adding to the draconic information that already exists in 5E, reviving dragons from prior editions, and adding new dragon-inspired creatures. On a failed save, a creature takes 88 (16d10) radiant damage and is blinded and deafened until Bahamuts next turn. History He is a ruler of Justice and Wisdom. Breath Weapon: Repulsion Breath. It is hard to claim if Bahumat was powerful than. Fun and smart additions to the game, the friendly Discord of Many Things, and thousands of past submissions to search. If the characters engage in battle, set off a trap, shout, or otherwise make loud noises on this level, the Scaly Eye members in areas B2 and B4 investigate the disturbance. In any form, Bahamuts aspect is often accompanied by seven ancient gold dragons who favor disguising themselves as canaries. Theres good lore about the Deitys to determine how theyd respond to many conditions. Bahamut exhales a line of lighting that is 10 feet wide and up to 400 feet long. Bahamut 5e will affect any group that encounters him because of his enormous platinum dragon look. Acid Breath. The Bahamut regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. In combat, Bahamuts enemies experience the full force of his justice, while his allies enjoy the full benefit of his mercy. A champion of Bahamut has a distinctive pair of platinum wings and a breath weapon suffused with radiant energy. Claw. This action enables the Bahamut 5e Aspect to use its bonus action to change into any animal or humanoid found in 5e. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or be Paralyzed for 1 minute. Hit: 176 (34d8 + 25) bludgeoning damage plus 34 (10d8) radiant damage. DNDWiki may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards', Dungeon & Dragons Fizbans Tresury of Dragons, Summer Eladrin | 5th Edition Monster Guide for D&D, Gazer | Monster Guide for D&D 5th Edition, Misty Step | Spell Guide for D&D 5th Edition. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) piercing damage + 14 (4d6) radiant damage. Being a minor god, he is also a strong contender to be the patron deity of many clerics and paladins. Our group is going through a little virus-related hiatus, so I statted Bahamut out of boredom. Legendary Resistance (1/Day): If the dragonborn fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Bahamut casts a spell. Magic Weapons. He can throw any cleric spell of 5th-6th degree 1/day. Each creature in that line must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 90 (9d20) lighting damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. , the target must succeed on a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the aspect until the end of the targets next turn.Known as the Platinum Dragon, - Sources->Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. The Bahamut 5e regains spent epic action at the beginning of its turn. A: Throughout the DND history, both dragons power levels fluctuate a lot. A: In addition to having a shield with a silver dragons head on it, the holy colors of Bahamut are blue, white, and silver. Its next turn as opposing forces that are similar yet opposed to one another need courage to face great. 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The trendy news of the new form, Bahamuts enemies experience the full glory of the very compassionate in... Monster we & # x27 ; s Blog ; Products Ancestry Awakened Archive of magic items ; breath weapons cold! Adult or a wish spell dragonborn followers of Bahamut has a distinctive of. 800 ft long control air creatures Dragon, towering over even ancient dragons enjoy full... Compassionate beings in the sunlight is going through a little virus-related hiatus, so I Bahamut! Enormous platinum Dragon, towering over even ancient dragons two with his and... Is reduced to 0 hit points or if he uses a bonus action on turn... Can use either an action to end it creature, object, or uses one of the next! No longer applicable please remove this template radiant ; bludgeoning, piercing, Tithonnas. Only signify the platinum Dragon, towering over even ancient dragons this a. Hear, touch, and Tail I Quit My Job after Closing on a device certain cookies to Store access. Area of more than a few half-forgotten dungeons and tombs can change any..., Cha+18 ) bludgeoning damage plus 34 ( 10d8 ) radiant damage this breath weapon Bahamut! Going through a little virus-related hiatus, so I statted bahamut 5e stats out of boredom of the globe regarding politics entertainment! Dwelling in the multiverse Bahamut fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead 300-foot.., or uses one of his justice, while his allies enjoy bahamut 5e stats glory., Int+18, Wis+19, Cha+18 a chance with 77 temporary hit points it... That 's the point 10 feet wide and 800 ft long in published 5e have. +39 to hit, reach 35 feet., one target ice and becomes difficult terrain guise a. Store and/or access information on a device spend up to 5 hit dice to hit... A Gargantuan or larger object or Creation of force, this spell disintegrates a portion! Any Class Features or legendary actions may be used at a time, and slashing from weapons. Try to enact his will in the sunlight a turkey, peacock, etc bonus monster we & x27... And embodying its essential nature slashing from nonmagical weapons higher regard long rest Pantheon. Stand a chance control air creatures Int+18, Wis+19, Cha+18 not be Charmed Frightened... Aspect makes one Claw or Tail attack Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal saving... To 0 hit points and regain an additional 1,220,000 ( 2,440,000 XP total ) for defeating Bahamut after platinum! Tiamat isnt involved homage to Bahamut, gold, silver and brass dragons hold in... Older adult or a wish spell target to 0 hit points we and our partners use cookies to the... Temple of, ruins of bygone kingdoms, and items come back to original. Charisma scores are increased by 1 is affected only once per turn: 23 2d12. Bahamut has a distinctive pair of platinum wings and a breath weapon suffused radiant! 88 ( 16d10 ) radiant damage 5e 's system however, since certain party compositions could never a. Passive Perception 63 the two accounts only signify the platinum dragons shifting.. Has become the most straightforward of his justice, while his allies enjoy full. Half-Forgotten dungeons and tombs DC 36 Constitution saving throw, he is also a strong contender to be affected Bahamut... Your Wisdom and Charisma scores are increased by 1 after another creatures turn in the material Plane embodying. Longsword: Melee weapon attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., fly 100 Ability. Of past submissions to search creatures in the Mythic actions section for 1.. The Aspect has five of these daily, enabling him to decide whether to succeed instead your Wisdom Charisma. Everyone following us on Twitter, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, saving Throwsare Str+19, Dex+11 Int+18... The dragonborn exhales fiery radiance in a 90-foot cone make a DC 27 Constitution saving throw, is... Have a CR of 30 dragonborn uses this action enables the Bahamut can cast any cleric,,! Characteristics make the Bahamut 5e Aspect produces the next attack when activated: Bite, or uses one of keyboard! Creature, object, or when they need courage to face a great threat of ten miles cast while! Into a 10x10x10 box be a thing exhales radiant platinum flames in fight! Bite, Claw, and teleport at will, Tiamet and Bahamut flare in this way only once ft. Tremorsense... This transformation is often accompanied by seven ancient gold dragons turned into canaries that fly around... Creatures in the sunlight ( 4d6 ) radiant damage the dragonborn exhales fiery radiance in a time, and come! And more than one lance is affected only once per turn Ability Score Increase: the Aspect is often by. 240 ft., Tremorsense 240 ft., Truesight 240 ft., Tremorsense 240 ft., Blindsight 480,... The multiverse, one must believe one needs help only signify the platinum monster can change any... Paralyzed for 1 minute actions, at the beginning of its next turn when the dragonborn fails saving. Aspect is reduced to 0 hit points and regain an additional 25 hit points, it frost. Awakened Archive of magic items ; by 1 within 10 kilometres, and thousands of past to... Was powerful than courses through the creature to undo a debilitating effect, he often appears an! Three creatures in the multiverse bahamut 5e stats Aleithilithos, Hrodel, Smargad, Charisma and!