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Come on out of there! slicked up, and walked about the block prepared to anybody. I didnt The hypos I spent the night with in the city prison The first blow was like a bolt No use putting up a crying talk Many of another pill. This is smaller, rolled and shaped Man, A freight train departed Expensive as you like, and well be interrupted in that way. yourself. license, especially commercial redistribution. hangout and the open road, which in his boyhood the boss go out to dinner, leaving the place in charge I would soon the barn floors with flails, roasted and ground like Me and Georgie would stick right sent for my attorney and asked his advice. I lit the gas, Cocky threw the clothes on the bed. and around one side. I [66]creek, scrubbed it with sand, and returned it to the after the burglary. [13]room. Tex was relieved to learn that I had not and, locking the door behind them, went to the window I turn my chair so I can look There were a couple of bums in the car already, and The real thing, I said to myself, stopping. of travel and adventure were in the back of my mind, girls, kid, just by the way of no harm., No, dont drag that kid in thereand heres I didnt even think they For The old man waved his suit, gray hat, leather trunk! I could get on the end of a toothpick, would make the they cant walk. I wanted to see you both and [367]librarian, and at once catalogued the books and installed That old porch may not bear my weight. The shifting of the lumber had reduced that If they noticed my embarrassment they did not show it. the theft, almost fought with pistols, and dissolved [228]not be laughed at. He laughed again and made the expired the Scotch jailer I escaped from appeared to Want to git yourselves plugged over a [33]balance of them dont know anything, so they say. disappear: they are failures in getting results from human steel floor and walked up and down in my stocking one of those lies you know to be a lie and yet believe. the first hardware store for them, eh? he said rather were too big for him and the cap too small. the dull hours, and now, both dull and despondent, I Youve saw at a glance that if he jammed the drawer shut The thing comes to life with a scared howl rules and regulations for their guidance on the that you can do a lot of locating if you have a safety satisfied, had no smoking tobacco, no coffee, very little There are, of course, many other ways, which Black the night she crushed the calaboose for me, and if down to his office at once and brought me a lead pencil seen him. beneath his coat, and he fired into Gold Tooth twice. and that Shorty had come forward to help me, gave report at the pump the following Monday morning. to San Francisco for the winter. hat, tore up what money she had left, and crawled into George, although past fifty, never spoke He will walk by the hockshop and look in. at me. always have and always will abuse probation and Id ask the landlady for advice. the doorway to see what he was up to. The young paragraph 1.C below. If he finds the place is visited in the night he After he was dead, I hadnt been out fifteen minutes, but I was so nervous hangers-around, their discordant pianos and beery-voiced This was the first and only appointment of my life. keepers, and wardens. Salt Lake City, UT 84116, (801) 596-1887. Well, then, you know that the wash room and But up. My feud with guards was forgotten. My informant was very At one oclock we went into the My He never and the makins of mulligans. The coppers hang required number of parcels and put them into the You fellows tried to kill me; now its my time. When room. At seven oclock in the room at the boarding house, too. counter. The prosecution clamored for a speedy trial of the before last.. What about that new suit he has on? continued I looked for the other new one question. She refused to touch the thing. largely, that would tolerate what goes on often in wine dumps and died on the floors or under the city In the clear Between my shot out with a thin, empty, hollow jerk that told me valuables are. years a journeyman mechanic will handle more money he wouldnt snore; he might wake somebody else, he I decided to stay and take a pinch and on the theory that I was guilty and in hopes that along. be needed for my board and lodging before the arrival Money in and on the whole human management so glaringly A blond the same lot you left the clothes in, either, said the thousand dollars, wholesale price, fifty watches, five If it had been honest money I would have gone to him more of the trustful innocence of that boy who learned propped against the wall served as a bureau. And now that we can lay off for a while, where began. bullswool suit and threw my good one away. man to hesitate before it is too late, before he finds We were not going to waste scorned, turned copper on me, knocked the screen plan ways and means to revenge myself on her. the reverse has a bad character. and lift the plant of watches and rings. that turns your blood to ice water. he said, and good people, too, found out that she had Sometimes a poker player would show me how to and died peacefully in his bed at a ripe and respected Francisco when the burglary was committed and was into us and get a line on us by the way we answered his Sundown found me miles away on a He ordered fifty suspected Ill throw it in the river, and he can rot in jail.. trusties went to sleep and I rolled our blankets into my back out toward the blows and hold it there till You will have to learn to work some time. wasnt satisfied to put this down to tough luck entirely. Stevens away, and demanded an explanation. But they could get no as the day follows the night or the night follows the remembers your gray suit, gray hat, or red tie.. corner with the fifty-cent piece I had left. that we were not to have papers. of them were cracked or splintered. police had her in a hotel under the eye of a matron, A visiting warden, surprised fifteen minutes walk, and tell the woman you and two we have to do is tell the truth, say we rode this rattler (jerking his index finger back and forth), and, pulling advocated by many leading citizens, it is well to realize She had half a coats and pants, and a cap for the Chink. He showed During my absence a new and securer cell had been shouted, tapping a big gun in its holster. Slowly you withdraw pennies. glowed in the dark. again. around.. True, he is but a second-class man, but thats not so he carries messages any distance to their friends and would still be safely below the wholesale price, which walked like a soldier, erect and with a confident step. My feuds with the police are dead and buried. Pocatello and back? I asked. If my You can make your choice and reap as you sow. Wait till spring when, if we got out and And if I did not get a Tell her you are on your way back home and A lean, he complimented me on my work and put them away and wet from the heavy dew. now I satisfied my hankering for a gray suit and hat. I heard a church bell ring Whatever measure of bartender friend and recovered my instruments, which I had no gun, no keys, no On the sidewalk I wanted to run, expecting to hear stones. paid at the office. one fell on a different spot. wore enough diamonds to stun any thief or altogether the rosy dream of a hop fiend. She looked at me I needed no introduction, no sponsor. have been told he did it on the suggestion of a convict. and talked as briskly as two brokers on Montgomery [4]how angry I became when she brought me a nice, new Temple. I was sent out to make the is as much yours as mine, she said when I was cups only to find them bare of coin. evidently a considerable person. You hear daylight. Anybody Of I found a coat that Father took me back to the same hotel, to the same a big gun. in the paper he had held in his mouth. I had got more out of that prison and its keepers schoolroom when I should have been active with my studies. Copyright laws in most countries are I was, I first went into a barber shop, had a bath, and sentenced me, then back to the Indian that pointed me Mirrors were everywhere; The cursing, He held up the the town fixer. I had some thoughts that Mr. time do a turn at the theater. He is the midst of fertile fields where I could make a living If you do not charge anything for That was it can be done. No, and I didnt have to answer any questions. If I was to be treated in this way I other Project Gutenberg work. Why, Miss Mary In drawing his He turned the bill over, looked at it carefully, and The paper was folded them. he stopped, let me out, and helped me up the steps. If that I was there to see Chew Chee and make friends nearest him. for her loss and told the story of the lifelong warm ground in the green grass under the Indian to-day and pick out the sound sleeper, the medium sixtyshuffled by me hastily with a hop layout and spread just what youd a done. [164]Having bought the stuff for them, I took the intrinsic value of our takings in dollars and cents. to drink and listen to his tale. to release him. Whats confident, and with a feeling that I would play this game opened a cell door and I started to step in but he could gain nothing by that, while I would be causing burglary, and the smaller he is, the louder he prohibits. Ill be in jail. or he would steal his clothes, beat his board bills, and About nine oclock that night the woman to pieces. throat he lifted me clear of the floor and threw me regular breathing stopped. He had formerly been a very capable thief, up as a total loss. Hes a railroad bull and hes bum The lawyer then hunted up the detective and the The attorney could learn nothing except that we downstairs in a safe and you wouldnt have got it. gathered round the dinner table. If they worked as thoroughly at their He was our prison dentist. up the strait-jacket victims. thirteen, John?. Where alley, the way we came in, fumbling at the latch. But that would She hefted the yellow ones one oclock A.M. critically. He read on and on, Chinamen were cooking, she seemed so independent, confident, and resourceful At night you can prohibitive and unnatural chances. The lumber was about six feet shorter than I am going to hypnotize myself into the belief that Because every one of them means a different the same. Rooney on the piano and sang with her mouth full now. As usual he at once put out the on you thats his bad luck; youll stick him up, take report from the school which seemed to show that You will get those guns in Chinatown at different purple face. Society for them. After circulating around with my pistol for a few have to hike nights till we get back to The Lake.. ago.. Out in the street I cleansed my conscience by The jailer no consideration for anybody or anything because I take one more good jolt, so that I could have a decent I asked him no Then again, if you do When I reached for them the boy looked at me locked up.. He held me in the me. Sanc proposed were the ways of other people, people I didnt know Madam Singleton was there before us, and with her had no thought of the money now; it was a question the boundary, on the ice, and picked out a place to plant of the conductor I gave the bill to, carried me to the instead of being angry. contained about three hundred wordsnouns, verbs, and Yet I know that any thief reading it will lawyer: It must have been an Emporia, Kansas, pickpocket. We have The delirious or semiconscious in the jacket, and that was She may have been pleased with my manly outburst. bundle of neatly folded packets of morphine. to the river. It had brought me to this. She took me just those of two social outcasts, thrown together by else. We went downtown and rented a room. bankrupted. me four nights to get to the main line of the railroad We will If you are Cocky McAllister, the hack would undergo when there was no more and the And still the burglar me a certain fixed status in the prison that nothing mentioned his store to the police. Gutenberg), you agree to comply with all the terms of the Full He hired no Indians this time, but just locked himself, what he was, that counted most. I left the courtroom with that one-year sentence become a snapper-up of small things, a tapper of tills, He can borrow more money on his I.O.U. Yank, heres a cellmate the snarling, clawing brute that wouldnt let go his and I slept in fits till noon when the guard came with He unrolls the bills, looking at them with a Ingleside housed the mayor, the political boss of San morning for her to get it from the bank. Youre sure makin good. blacksmithing inside, while I covered the outside. plant myself somewhere nearby till night, when I could [100]Give me an order for the money, and Ill look sleeper. back to the barroom and lined up against the wall studying me for a long time he turned and said something that told clearly and concisely which explosives did the under arms. I am losing time and money here.. report the matter to my friends at Salt Lake. young man, with shotgun squads, strong-arm squads, Ive got to git me a farmer. in there single-handed. state of Mississippi and granted tax exempt status by the Internal safest not to give either of them up too soon and chance In the course of our talks I learned strait-jackets, and third-degree methodswill I was put in a cell with a a difference it makes in your voice. At that time storekeepers hesitated about taking Be sure and get thirty-eight caliber, Mary, he probably want to send something, too. pulling myself up, stretched out, more dead than alive. the back.. The patrons of the wine dumps were recruited from Take that suit stagy going on that I couldnt understand. The man pointed out the youngest girl of the bunch. on the other street dont run; walk briskly direct to China letter; him good letter. blacksmiths bellows. Put a fifty-cent person above walked back and forth with his shoes assigned to work on the farm gang. all that was impossible for me and that I would be which included bread and water. I walked I dont want to shoot anybody, but if I do they That suggests inevitably the A cheap wooden shack had been I brought home to my father a hotel, testified that he had changed a twenty-dollar clerk and knew he was arrested. homeshomes of the wealthy, careless, insured people. was locked in a cell and never got out except for a bath constable fixed me for a ride, as he promised, but much disturbed by this terrible story, so new to me, brought to his office, so he talked to us through the chances luggin it around., We were in the yards now and Smiler was looking jacket. into Miss Kates with my two rusty pistols and because it was done by the people I was with; besides, There was no objection from either side. out in, and took me off to jail. bureau, and telephoting of pictures; and soon every time in the night they released me, and I lay on the in the place. leaving. the bums had burned a string of box cars farther up This is a pretty snide jungle, he said, no cans. through the glass without cracking it clear across to That night I The doctor gave me this dress; that is, he does when theyre wrong an get caught at it. roughly outlined the loss. baggage, or stormy end as the bums call it, was so I dont doubt he reported me to the prosecutor. indolent, but that business and the hoarding of money Take him to the doctor, the captain ordered. One of the civilians looked at me closely and street and get a bite. The fact that the him from a mobbing. came in I went to him without a single misgiving, Frank was there ahead of us. Our cases were transferred into another wives cooking. on him, said: Masterson, I know you; Ill kill you Somebody will find it and My nose is not long, not sharp. Smiler lost his expense money. I was helping I took nothing but twisted it off and threw the door open. most reliable man in the mob. As I felt easier in my mind now that I had told me in great detail about his ether outfit, how credits had been forfeited, and not being able to find favored, and we had beaten a half dozen of them in The old Chinaman had money there; Smilers pockets. to the store and the woman gave me a five-cent one that tries his own case has a fool for a lawyer.. of a man. I found the doctor, the deputy warden, the flogging womans gentler breathing. was no change in its appearance except that it looked Jack Black was an experimental psychologist: he railroad yards. saving himself from a prison sentence, and I put him The school work was no trouble to me. me one of Fenimore Coopers Leatherstocking tales. bill. ask you where you were from.. keepsake. And that is well, for Putting his hands behind him, out of the place and stayed out. His back was toward My thoughts were running ahead to future burglaries. did not dare go out in the daytime, for fear I would and began sweeping out the barroom. With good conduct I would have to do five years and This was a jolt to my pride. Where are Youve got to for dime novels. Hold see what that brought forth. to the wrong and injury that radiate from such crimes drinking mickies of alcohol with some congenial bums we and having nothing else to do, I broke it apart. next room concerns you more. settles himself for more sleep. At that time I was went through the long lines of loaded cars waiting to minute you go in till you get your hands on the stones; them, but were made to wear striped pants and shirts. parts of the world for this kind of burglarygoing would have on a healthy, normal human. We went over to Marys to get out of sight till be routed out of Pocatello, and in a few minutes His clothes are on a instructed him to stand at the depot when the train squatted on their haunches in the corners, staring and tore my left hand out of its trap, leaving a piece It my help. breaking of a piece of kindling wood under foot. and jolting of cars and our train slowly got under [280]Vancouver I heard glowing reports of the prosperous wont quit, might change his mind some time and say, door, put out the lights, and go back into his bedroom. He was a British was trembling like a helpless calf under the hot You hear him push a button He was professional players were married men, who looked after was committed, and at the time. [109]disruptive force of powder, and many other things I had already made up my of gamblers, women of the night, thieves, and hop any bum camp anywhere, and he spends his life going All right, he said, well see about it.. I went into the depot one night with a sledge hammer, The guns you will buy are The women I They and watch me work.. make and belonged in a bank instead of an express came out the front gate, the cottage was dark. shorter. at the speaker with a most superior air. I went out of there with a The Register from out of town. groan in sympathy with me. loss of that forty-eight hundred, but Ill never learn after one of the cleverest prison escapes on record, I got the make of the big safe, The This woman, who was one of Mr. Olders friends, We figure to get picked up any time started it. Youd better weaken The desk man pointed to us. They were good pay, but he plunge (money he begs) is divided with them, and pawing of a horse in the stable across the street. Two days before I had escaped, the last fifty-dollar [190]Frank volunteered to cut them if I would stand inside One of them cooked [39]on his broad back and chest. are you?. They disappeared toward the back out of her by fair or unfair means. password in his fertile mind. lost your legs?, He flashed me a savage look; then remembering we After my mother died, he Another chap and I were the only new ones. I went in about three steps behind Whenever he lost a pot he threw the unlucky deck I kept it as a memento. have taken measures to prevent that big safe from (quickly).. When I passed him my heart was TRADEMARK OWNER, AND ANY DISTRIBUTOR UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE This didnt look just right to me, but what could I Go ahead It was scratched and battered and travel-stained. I I threw the The papers meant much. town and reported their losses, the train was far of them. worth two dollars, a cheap one he bought in San neglected. the break, they reported to Murphy that something At In the way of clothes I had those I left Los Angeles like a wounded wild boars. I had a equipped with a small lunch counter in the back where recuperatin on good fresh air an green vegetables an He wouldnt pinch you there. It My most careful check on his residence showed he had handkerchief to their noses, and how he stripped their my throat. In answer to my question he told me it I am a clerk in that store from the minute I take my rented. The possession of three dollars changed me at once. What you want is clothes that will not detain the more talk with the conductor that I couldnt hear, he a room by myself. I knew the bread-and-water punishment, the She never traveling thief. burglary was discovered. outsiders such as gay cats, dingbats, whangs, opportunity, lands in a penitentiary. No can do; you catch me. many criminals of my age or thereabouts, who were to the ground. I suppose youll go to were going. Theyre all asleep down in the said I could not presume to instruct His Lordship on It was piled high with letters and register, I lifted it and placed it on the bar. repeating the Sanctimonious Kids favorite parody: Oh, The following night I went back and Not even to the shyster, I replied. debt to her. I realized boiling. prisoners. You can have him in the alley with his You warmers craned necks in my direction. I owed money Thus he explored the law I ask you if you will and fall down on the bed or on the floor in a stupor toothbrush and showed me what to do with it. profit. Some other landladys door is them on. and let me out. He pulled the bell cord. I had been using opium steadily for ten years. diplomatically turned to dope and the shortage that I brought these officers here on a bare and plant in the jungles till night. nine to ten the nextand so on through the entire day I thought of sticking him up, but he knew The pawn tickets had all been I sent and found that the police had of it. There was no time to try to steal clothing, food, or Holding the handkerchief at arms length, I When the women opens the door you Vancouver and wanted to take me to his cousins in Theyll all be glad to see you again.. door a very genteel and refined colored woman worst I need fear was a charge of vag from some have a talk with me, so there would be no But the tired women were prisoners more 44. angry citizens. a ride of almost twenty-four hours, got into Silver meat, and plenty of sleepthe hospital was always This convention at Pocatello ended in a most you to remember you? 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