incidental damages include quizlet

. c. liquidated damages. c. "We will be calling you at your home." b. perceiving the question income tax rate) and showing earnings per share figures (200,000 shares outstanding). The information is presented as an example below. The debt collector: The Hoffmans refused to agree to the additional fees and All-Right's foreman said, "Suit yourselves. Landview Appliances sells a stove to Evan for his home. The parties to a contract may shorten this period to one year, but they may not extend it to longer than four years. 2. What would be their grounds for terminating the payment of their pledges? How much of the $x is Dan responsible for paying? d. all of the above. floor. d. "Our buyers are the happiest customers around. c. notify the creditor of the error within 30 days of receiving the bill. Ralph provides ice sculptures for private weddings, parties, and receptions. Sign in Menu Why Levelset We are the people against slow payment Levelset story PR/Newsroom c. deprivation of a meaningful choice. Which defense to performance is Anker relying on? These shrubs will survive in direct sunlight. An implied-in-law contract in Yale v Fountain was between the provider and the? b. the cost of keeping the defective seed in a storeroom. Tristan has to purchase the 10 refrigerators from another plant at a cost of $3,000 each. a. Krieg could recover the fees on a quasi-contract theory. Consequential (or Indirect) Damages refers to legal damages that are indirectly associated with, or related to, the wrongful act (e.g., breach of contract). a. the agency must comply. d. none of the above. Dans credit card was lost on a vacation. $100 plus incidental and consequential damages. A dollar is a common amount for a nominal award. Reformation allows a court to rewrite this existing valid contract to reflect the parties' true intentions. Or B? 5] Damages for Deterioration caused by Delay. What I have found interesting over the last several months is that contractors, surety brokers and even surety underwriters really . Rachel agrees to sell Bill goods for $2,000. If Gary had not breached the contract, then the profit that you would have expected to make from the deal is payment under the contract minus costs: $3,000 - $1,000 = $2,000. b. Andy has no damages since Best Buy took back the computer. . In such contexts, (a) incidental damages are costs and expenses incurred by the non-breaching party to avoid other direct and consequential losses caused by the breach, and (b) consequential damages are damages that (i) are neither incidental nor direct damages and (i) normally and necessarily arise from the specific nature of either the Because Hadley failed to disclose his special circumstances to Baxendale, the court found that he was barred from the award of lost profits. c. to consumer and commercial credit. Suppose Bill steals Amy's trade secrets and forms his own software company. c. right to correction a. void. b. is liable for the bill as a necessity. a. an attorney collecting for a client a. the ability to return the contract consideration. Some of his will clients have refused to pay Krieg and he wishes to take them to a small claims court. Such an agreement: d. it could not rule on the defense of the plaintiff being a minor. When things did not go well in working with the two, Akon sought to set aside the contract on the grounds of misrepresentation. B. Evan cannot recover for his injuries because of the exclusion of damages clause. Sue and Kevin Kellman signed a contract for the construction of a cabin near Pinetop. 6] Pre-fixed damages. \text { Family } \\ Compensatory damages Compensatory damages aim to restore the party who did NOT breach the contract back to the position they would have been in if the other party had held up their end of the deal as promised. Rose, a minor, purchased a new car from Sheehan Buick for $5,000. The buyer's incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include: "We will be contacting your employer to let him know of this problem." Article 2A authorizes liquidated damages payable by either party for default or any other act or omission. ", b. c. can provide a separate credit report C. The buyer may have the right to obtain specific performance. On the breach of a contract, the suffering party may incur some damages arising naturally, in the usual course of events. Consequential damages are also commonly referred to as "indirect damages" because they arise indirectly from a breach due to various events that flow from a breach. Paula Sanford has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. Consequential damages (also referred to as special damages) are damages suffered by a party due to another's wrongdoing that are reasonably foreseeable or within the contemplation of the parties. If the breach by the seller concerns the whole contract, the buyer may cancel the entire contract. a. b. contacting the debtor at his/her place of employment The Canasta then began to rethink its events focus and marketing and decided to cut back on ice sculptures. b. Dodd-Frank - Consumer Financial Protection Act. The Windsors also agree to pay a carrying charge for the payments of $250.00. Which step in the scientific approach is she currently focusing on? What are the three types of remedies? MONTHLYPAYMENTFORA$1000LOAN\begin{array}{c} 2 & 2,380 & 68.4 & 2 & 1 & 6 \\ Robert paid William $1,000 for a rare first edition of an Edgar Allen Poe novel. Court generally prefer to award monetary damages for a breach of contract and will allow specific performance when money damages are inadequate to make the aggrieved party whole. a. has breached its contract with Costco. c. liquidated damages. a. storing goods in a warehouse. "We will file suit if payment is not made within 30 days." Persons deemed not mentally capable, contracts are void. a. is void as against public policy. d. CRO provisions. d. both a and c. a. Sekelow has violated the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. One of the most negotiated issues in construction contracts are liquidated and consequential damages. She took it back to the repair shop and they stated they didn't know what happened but they would refund her $250. The buyer has the right of cover and to receive damages. Consequential damages can be awarded based on a variety of consequences, which can lead to significant amounts of money awarded to a plaintiff. He has begun writing wills to see him through this time of crisis and is charging $200 per will. Which of the following is prohibited under the FDCPA? Where the seller fails to make delivery, the buyer can cancel the contract, but he must give the seller notice of his cancellation. The additional costs incurred by the plaintiff resulting from the breach of contract will be awarded to the plaintiff as consequential damages. After moving in, the Telfords learned that the home had been owned formerly by a couple that was indicted for drug trafficking. a. a fiduciary relationship. "You are going to love this house as we have." a. When approving borrowers for mortgages, it is imperative that the appraisers value the same types of properties consistently. These costs were not expected. Which of the following statements in a letter from a collector to a debtor would be a violation of FDCPA? Tom breached a contract he had with Jim. computers. c. the monthly payments need not be disclosed In a special promotion, J's Marina purchases a 10-foot fishing boat for $900. The buyer has the right to stop delivery of the goods. d. All of the above are sufficient bases for misrepresentation. They don't know much about the area so they ask the real estate agent to show them homes in a quiet neighborhood. Big Box indicates that it is happy to take the return on the computer and credit Sandy's account, but that it has no further liability. c. contacting the debtor after the debtor requests no further contact, Garnishments: Compensatory and incidental damages. b. Clothing For Accountants is a popular retail store owned by I.M. An award for lost wages is the most common example of special damages. The contract between the buyer and the seller may expressly limit or exclude consequential damages so long as the contract is not unconscionable. If the seller has failed to comply with Code requirements in making a resale of goods that were wrongfully rejected, a good faith purchaser at the resale takes the goods subject to rights of the original buyer. This car is a real honey. b. Lack of performance The fair market value of a 10-foot fishing boat is $1,000. The realtor is guilty of misrepresentation. B: But, assume that Bill operates in an entirely separate market and that Amy either cannot convincingly establish loss profits or, alternatively, that she has not, in fact, suffered lost profits. The lease provided that if Doug ended the lease early, he would be 4] Nominal Damages. Cover. 12.00\% & 11.02 & 10.54 & 10.29 \\ Which of the following is true of internal recruitment? What issue is there about whether there is a contractual obligation? Without acknowledging the possible existence of zombies, provide an alternative perspective on the insurance company's ethics. Incidental Damages are costs and expenses incurred by the non-breaching party to avoid other direct and consequential losses caused by the breach. c. the difference in the cost of the goods. Which of the following is correct? Credit counselors are regulated under: c. The agency can only contact Bentley within normal hours and cannot contact him at inconvenient places or times. d. failure of conditions. d. banks. a. the buyer did not purchase substitute goods in good faith and without unreasonable delay. a. Specific performance is an equitable remedy in the law of contract in which a court issues an order requiring a party to perform a specific act (e.g., to complete performance of the contract). Amy agrees to buy goods from Van for a contract price of $2,000 payable on delivery. b. may be liable to Ralph under a theory of a lack of good faith. Use the stepwise method. a. is a minor and need not pay the bills. c. a potential employer b. Plains can use the defense of impracticability. expectation damages a. a bankruptcy in 2012 Stop delivery of the goods by the carrier. c. can rescind the agreement. d. This contract need not be in writing to be enforceable. What are general damages? In early 2004, news articles reported that prescription drug prices were rising almost three times faster than the prices of other products. The distinction between this "officious intermeddler," and a party operating under a valid implied-in-fact contract is that the recipient of the goods or services has knowingly accepted the goods or services, with the intention of benefiting from them without providing compensation. To make sure that this is the case, the bank asks the appraisers to value 10 different properties (in $). Breach of one installment of an installment contract never gives rise to breach under the whole contract. \text{Earnings per share} & \underline{\underline{\$\hspace{25pt}2.09}}\\ - not from special circumstances. These are the damages (such as costs) that a. He has ordered 10 Subzero refrigerators for his store at a cost of $2,500 each from Plains Manufacturing. c. The contract was not valid because of duress, but the Hoffmans signed anyway - so there is a valid and enforceable agreement. However, Broomfield did not tell Akon that he knew that Khalilian was a liar and that he had also been in prison. Nominal damages are damages awarded when a wrong has occurred, but no actual financial loss was suffered. When existing goods are identified to the contract of sale, the buyer acquires a special property interest in the goods. d. Cancel the contract. b. can allow Paula to declare bankruptcy but Paula may have to go into a Chapter 13 debt adjustment plan. a. a. is a minor and need not pay the bills. Rose later, while still a minor, elected to disaffirm the purchase and notified Sheehan of her decision. The following, however, are examples of losses classified as special damages: Lost wages. In addition to other remedies available, Jim may be able to recover commercially reasonable expenses incurred as a result of the breach. She experienced many late-night visitors and often noticed cars parked outside near the street curb with the drivers and passengers studying the home. a. contacting third parties for current address information on the debtor \text { Income } \\ \text{Income from discontinued operations} & 160,000\\ d. This car represents status. e. none of the above. d. All of the above. Van would recover from Amy: I. Andy indicates a. sending the debtor a postcard that reads: "Don't let this bill affect your excellent credit rating" c. a hospital using its collection department to collect fees from patients, Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, consumers have which of the following rights? Bethany Tolson had a contract to supply ice to Jake's Creamery. How do the laws of supply and demand affect the labor market? . B:$1,000. Which of the following is true? What are economic damages and the three types? b. he cannot buy replacement goods. b. novation The buyer's incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include: a. expenses reasonably incurred in inspection of goods rightfully rejected. c. the Credit Repair Organizations Act. \text{Total income taxes expense for period} & (179,100)\\ b. Plains does not owe any damages to Tristan because of impracticability. a. is void as against public policy. Andy experiences significant difficulties with the computer and returns it to Best Buy. Civil damages refers to how much money you may get in a settlement or court award (Kenton, 2020). Vandehal Company's total liabilities are $520,000 and its total assets are $460,000. Which of the following statements is true? b. voidable. The information about the drug dealer was material and should have been disclosed to her. If the liquidated amount is unreasonable and grossly disproportionate to the actual loss, then a court may refuse to uphold the agreement as a legally-unenforceable penalty designed to penalize the breaching party, not to make the innocent party whole. Suppose that Angela turned 18 between the time of the accident and when she received the bill. b. When the buyer breaches a sales contract, if the difference between the contract price and the market price will not place the seller in as good a position as performance would have, then the seller may recover the lost profit. c. the cost of replacement seed. d. liquidated. c. are, under the UCC, the same as a buyer's remedies for the seller's breach. Which of the following would not be a basis for misrepresentation? She just wants out of the house. Buyer's Incidental and Consequential Damages (1) Incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include expenses reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt, transportation and care and custody of goods rightfully rejected, any commercially reasonable charges, expenses or commissions in connection with effecting cover and any other d. none of the above, Force majeure clauses: This company is just taking advantage of people." Punitive damages Punitive damages go beyond compensatory damages. AnnualInterestRateLengthofLoan(Years), 20253010.00%$9.66$9.09$8.7810.50%9.999.459.1511.00%10.339.819.5311.50%10.6710.179.9112.00%11.0210.5410.2912.50%11.3710.9110.6813.00%11.7211.2811.0713.50%12.0811.6611.46\begin{array}{ c r r r} Material has just sold the business to Phil Forma. The former owner has been convicted of drug charges. Akon had an idea for a website called "Fantrace," a site that would help celebrities connect with their fans. Brianne wants to find an explanation for the behavior of her lab rats in her study. d. none of the above. 1. "Damages" refers to monetary compensation for harm suffered by the claimant, due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional action of the liable party. What was the holding in Hadley v. Baxendale ? c. $350. B: Rather than seek compensation from Bill, she can seek restitution, meaning Amy seeks to recover from Bill any profit that Bill has made by means of his wrongful act (i.e., theft of trade secrets). Many large trucks are commercial trucks, including delivery trucks, big rigs, 18-wheelers, and tanker trucks. a. is a means by which international transactions can get sellers of goods paid. d. allows the buyer to collect damages from the seller. b. are protected by their three-day rescission rights under Regulation Z. a. the contract price of $2,000. Which of the following is correct? Which of the following is not a remedy of the buyer? The party conferred the benefit with the reasonable expectation of being paid. What is incidental damages quizlet? c. is entitled to refocus its business and has not breached its contract. c. Akon can have the contract rescinded on the grounds of misrepresentation. a. the costs of finding substitute buyers or goods. c. mistake. So if a software developer has a contract to repair a broken website by a certain date and fails to do that, the indirect damages to the client would include, for example, the value of . However, after 3 years, half of the money has not been dispersed, and nearly 500,000 people still live in tents. \text{Gain on disposal of discontinued operations} & 140,000\\ Paula has a job but admits that she is in over her head on credit card debt. c. The inability to enforce international contracts. Jones Co. says it must be allowed to install the replacement heater. A company may be considered insolvent under the Code only if it is unable to pay its debts as they are due. Legal Remedies: Legal remedies are monetary relief or compensation to the aggrieved party. This lawnmower has a safety turn-off switch. Consequential damages are more indirect, being incurred not as a result of the breach itself, but due to the end result of the breach. Question: _____ damages for a seller include storage charges and sales commissions. It could be also $5 or a hundred dollars or something like that. c. replevin. Compensatory damages are paid to compensate the plaintiff for loss, injury or harm suffered. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Dana Riley purchased a home in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. c. both a and b $45,608 -$64,733 = ($19,125). Whether there can be a pledge across country borders. UCC 2-713: Market Price minus Contract Price, plus incidental damages (2-715) UCC 2-717: On notice to Promisor, Promisee may deduct damages caused by breach from any part of the price still . Identify the factors that explain why the drug companies were able to raise prices so sharply. As a result, many who have made pledges have decided not to fulfill the remainder of their pledges because of the inaction on the part of the relief fund in getting the funds dispersed, the buildings rebuilt, and the housing constructed. The contract for the additional $12,500 is invalid because of duress. a. credit contracts in which a security interest in the home is given. a. there is a three-day rescission period. The bankruptcy court: a. have breached their contract and will be liable to Fun-in-the-Sun for damages. . ", If entered into by a minor, which of the following contractual situations may be enforceable against the minor? d. extraordinary damages. c. Perry wins since the contract breach concerns the whole contract. b. Sandy is entitled to recover the price difference so that she can replace the computer. a. d. 120 days. NO. It falls within the bankruptcy meaning - but not the Code's definition - of insolvency. False Under the rule in Hadley v. a. a contract with no consideration. Mosaic Company applies overhead using machine hours and reports the following information. The starting point in calculating compensatory damages is to determine the loss in value of the performance that the plaintiff had the right to expect. c. can be compensated under the doctrine of commercial impracticability. c. serve to shift the risk of unforeseen events. When dealing with a breach of contract action, it is . b. may be liable to Ralph under a theory of a lack of good faith. A. d. The Canasta may be liable to Ralph under a theory of a lack of good faith and owe him compensatory damages. d. all of the above, The Fair Credit Reporting Act applies: Family income, size of the family, if a senior adult parent resides with the family (1 for yes, 0 for no), and the total number of years of post-high school education for the husband and wife are examples of independent variables. D. The buyer may have the right to recover incidental and consequential damages. a. can allow Paula to declare bankruptcy because she has debts. \end{array} A contract with a minor. d. reporting her results. However, after 3 years, half of the money has not been dispersed, and nearly 500,000 people still live in tents. c. have no remedy because neither sellers nor brokers are required to disclose psychological issues with The value of the goods accepted is $1,500. a. What necessaries were provided to the minor in Yale v. Fountain? d. Both (b) and (c) are correct. An attorney can estimate how much your claim may be worth based on your damages. If the buyer makes a wrongful rejection, the seller may resell the goods in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner and the seller may recover from the buyer the difference between the contract price and the resale price, plus any incidental damages. There was no indication of any price difference between the computer Andy bought and the unopened b. b. the agency need only include a copy of the request in its report. b. Krieg could recover the fees since the licensing after the bar exam is simply to raise funds. A buyer's right to purchase, in good faith and without unreasonable delay, substituted goods from Seller B when Seller A breaches a sales contract is: a. a. the lost profits from a contract to sell the bean crop. The Kellmans: b. Jones wins; Perry can only cancel if installation is also delayed two months. Incidental Damages Law and Legal Definition. Perry is building his house and orders a hot water heater from Jones Co. to be installed by them. b. b. d. all of the above, Which of the following sections of the federal bankruptcy laws deals with consumer debt adjustment plans? - not from special circumstances. 10 & 2,800 & 95 & 3 & 0 & 6 \\ 1. When damages are uncertain or difficult to prove, contracting parties can agree in advance on the amount of damages, known as liquidated damages, that will be paid in the event of a default or breach of contract. d. is valid and enforceable. Phil has asked that a covenant not to compete be inserted into the agreement. Since the purpose of remedies under the Code is compensation, punitive damages are generally available. . Where the buyer has accepted the goods. Recall from our discussion of contracts the implied-by-law contract that exists for the purposes of remedying this unjust enrichment. c. Chapter 13 b. economic duress. $100. Which of the following is true? The cap applies regardless of how serious the injury is or the number of defendants there are. Gainondisposalofdiscontinuedoperations, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition. 10.00%10.50%11.00%11.50%12.00%12.50%13.00%13.50%20$9.669.9910.3310.6711.0211.3711.7212.0825$9.099.459.8110.1710.5410.9111.2811.6630$8.789.159.539.9110.2910.6811.0711.46. (Round earnings per share figures to the nearest cent. SalesCostofgoodssoldOperatingexpensesRestructuringTotalincometaxesexpenseforperiodIncomefromdiscontinuedoperationsGainondisposalofdiscontinuedoperationsExtraordinarygainNetincomeEarningspershare$1,110,000(550,000)(225,000)(110,000)(179,100)160,000140,00072,000$417,900$2.09. b. is void as unconscionable. b. incidental damages. B. What is the remedy for misrepresentation? Where the buyer has been unable to obtain cover. b. a. "I will buy your house, but first, the kitchen sink needs replaced", Not directly involved in the formation of a contract, but is listed within as a beneficiary. Keiser can recover $17,000 in consequential damages. Bob, age 17, has entered into a contract to buy a car. b. only valid in employment contracts. A: Under loss-based recovery, Amy can sue Bill for harm that her company has suffered, for instance, loss profits. b. right to dispute information in the report Incidental costs occur when a promiser breaches his part of the contract, and the other party ends up having to pay extra charges to cover what was lost or missing because of the breach. Which of the following remedies are mutually exclusive and could not be obtained simultaneously? d. it could not rule on the defense of the plaintiff being a minor. d. This contract is governed by common law principles of damages. d. none of the above. What are the elements of unjust enrichment? Costs associated with repairing or replacing damaged property. Rose, a minor, purchased a new car from Sheehan Buick for $5,000. d. $250. a. must be reasonable in light of the inconveniences or lack of feasibility of obtaining an adequate remedy. Incidental damages are reasonable expenses incurred by one party to a contract as a result of the other party's breach of the contract. Normally, compensatory damages include one or more of three possible items: loss in value, any allowable consequential damages (also called special damages), and any allowable incidental damages. a. Misrepresentation RaeAnn and Rick Telford purchased an existing home in a neighborhood of multi-million-dollar homes. Which of the following is not a remedy available to an unpaid seller against the buyer? 7 & 4,480 & 125.4 & 6 & 0 & 6 \\ The contract for the additional $12,500 is valid and binding. Should have been disclosed to her damages so long as the contract on the insurance company 's.. 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