exotic animal owners

Exotic Pet Statistics | Lion, Tiger, and Big Cat Attacks and Fatalities in the United States (1990-2, Diseases from Exotic Pets: Separating Fact From Fiction. What you said is very true, when endangered species are taken from their natural habitat the ecosystem does suffer. if those two examples are the same to you then you must have a brain the size of that of an ostrich. It does not take 30,000 years to domesticate animals just because dogs have been around for that long. No, bans do not make exceptions for 'good' owners. Companion animals | Exotic animals | Formulas/Calculator - Source: 2017-2018 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook. Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0) Via Flickr. Exotic animals also require specialized care that may differ from the needs of more common pets. Your description reads zoo attender, so I assume you know how miserable a lot of exotic animals are in captivity. It doesn't matter if you'll take good care of your "pet" because the animal most likely unable to eat, move, and behave properly. Also, it steadily increased between 1990-2017. These issues are resolved the same exact way you would with an 'exotic' animal. They are ONE animal. Between 20162019, its numbers grew by. If thats not bad enough, brace yourself for more horrifying stories. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 21, 2015: Wild or not your cat would be domesticated Tina. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 20, 2014: Melissa - thank you so much for what you do. to have anything as a pet, is completely wrong ! See you around. Blue says that owners should consider the source through which they obtain their pet when getting any animal, exotic or not. More and more veterinarians are willing to see some non-domestic animals, such as pocket pets.. Common household pets also contribute a great deal to the pet trade so always ensure you find a reputable breeder. 5. I hate the mentality of banning everything that isn't accepted by the general population, and think you do a great job of fighting it. The exotic pets market is growing. they have a nasty bite. Exotic animals are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but they rarely make great household pets. you could try and stop selfish people and inspire selflessness. The definition of a wild or exotic animal is one that does not belong to one of seven domesticated species: dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cows, sheep or goats. Survival of many animals will depend on the preservation of habitat for the preservation of wildlife, not whether exotic animals socialized and raised as pets; however, it might well be the answer for the survival of many species. Back then, she dedicated her time to shelters and vet clinics in South Africa. You must really love cats. Circus animals are notorious for their break frees. The only special permits required are to move llamas, cattle, bison, domestic dog, horses, ferrets, goats, poultry, sheep, and pigs on the state's roads. The captive big cat population in the US is estimated to be up to 10,000 animals, and the captive tiger population at up to 7,000. Let the authorities handle it and stop thinking all American pet owners need to be punished by having their pets banned due to the actions of criminals. Total treatments between 2003-2012 because: Treatment needed between 2003-2012 because: W58 Bitten or struck by crocodile or alligator, X20 Contact with venomous snakes and lizards, X24 Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes (tropical), Combined total of reptile/inverts (this includes native animals): 1260. However, owning a Serval requires a different mindset than owning a domestic cat. Privacy | But exotic pet statistics show that the $15 billion industry is growing, and we need to do what we can to stop it. Maybe this is true, not one of my areas of interest. however, leopard geckos bearded dragons, crested geckos, skinks, corn snakes, king snakes etc. Infant snakes are shipped in boxes across oceans. The exotic pet trade also damages food chains and ecosystems. with insurance companies paying more than $1 billion in dog-bite claims annually. Exotic pet ownership is more popular than you might think. Summary: The above map details states that ban, partially ban, require licensure, or provide miscellaneous regulations on private ownership of wild or exotic animals.Currently, 20 states have what can be called "comprehensive bans." These bans typically classify wild cats, large non-domesticated carnivores, reptiles, and non-human primates as "dangerous animals" or otherwise prohibit private . . Sadly, I'm not sure that we're going to win this fight. I'm not advocating for the removal of any animals from their native habitat, but what I am trying to bring light to is the fact that simply because a pet is exotic, it is not always true that it is endangered. The sheriff had no choice but to, Exotic pet injury statistics remind us of a case in 2009 where a pet chimp attacked and brutally mauled a family friend trying to return the pet to its cage. I saw in another article that you didn't believe that bears could be properly kept by private owners. Liked by New York State for Exotic Animal Ownership. This is because there is no government agency responsible for tracking the ownership and sale of privately owned exotic animals. I was so touched and scared Mochie was alive. Should a tiger escape and eat 2 school children tomorrow, my point is that these situations are extremely RARE. You need to know more about them, they have special demands and people don't always bother to research about that. A human-socialized tiger has a better disposition than a feral cat, but the feral cat is domesticated and the tiger is not, because that word means a change of genes. Call 401-273-0358. Nature is tough enough for animals without luxury pets going on killing sprees. Tigers are pretty easy to breed, and therefore anyone can achieve it. Is keeping exotic pets selfish? Exotic animals are different from regular animals in that they are not kept in the same environment. The state trooper was older and I'm sure seeing three, barely legal teens, one refusing to let go of the ferret, wasn't what he expected. but there is a lot of pets that will either be too dangerous, too difficult, too big or you will simply kill as you cant give them the correct nutrients they need. It's all linked, we should have a low tolerance for people with exotic pets, because there will always be some POS out there who wants to capitalize on the exotic animal business, and to those people it doesn't matter how many have to suffer in order to make a living. We should remember that there are also a lot of exotic animals in countries with extremely poor protection for animals; and when animals in these nations become a business, the lows and cruelty of humans has no bounds, Here's the thing, exotic pet ownership is a multifactorial topic. Dogs are normally trained not to bite by their mothers, and any dog that does bite was either raised in a puppy mill or their mother was taken away from them too young. For example, in Vermont you'll need a permit to own an anaconda, but not to keep a pet alligator. However, many exotic critters may not be legal to own where you live. A pet jaguar in Belize escaped in 2010 and killed the neighbor of the owner. You say their's 5 arguments for exotic pet ownership, yet you're only giving me 1 and then you rehash the same point.. We get it!! Glendale, AZ. 1,2 The surge in ownership of exotic animals has certainly contributed to an increase in owners seeking veterinary care for . I just hope that you don't think I am attacking your justification for owning an exotic animal, I just would like to tell you my views on why it is wrong. Many myths about exotic pet ownership are perpetuated by animal rights groups and public ignorance. It's not democratic I know that much. And if pet ownership is inherently "selfish" and "unnatural", as you suggest, then why are you so in favor of it? An irrefutable fact is the destruction of animal habitat by humankind slowing forcing many animals into extinction. This means there's less vegetation which means animals that rely on the vegetation die. Tools. Vvitta, I also look at the point of view of the animalwhat about the animals your pets are slaughtering? Yet, the industry grows by the day. This includes big cats, primates, reptiles, amphibians, and rare birds. If you already have the name of someone who has experience with the type of animal that you have, then calling them is probably your best bet. It's no different from the stock market". 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Most exotic pets are wild, and thats where they belong, not cooped up as a pet. Jean Mayer Administration Building Still, domesticated animals can also cause severe damage, like the 4.5 million dog bites occurring annually in the US. If you hate that people keep exotic pets, its easy to be optimistic about them being forced into extinction. Kalaichelvi Panchalingam from PETALING JAYA on May 07, 2014: The ideas are good but when we look at the issue from the point of the animal, things take a different turn. Because smugglers will keep on going back to the animals to make more money. DevilsAdvocate-- Since the keeping of certain animals like dogs and cats enjoys near universal acceptance by all but the most radical and estranged animal rights followers, my goal is to not discuss the ethics of keeping pets in general, but to challenge the notion that keeping a dog is ethical and keeping an exotic pet is not. At this point it's our job to take care of them. Ice did his best to keep Bucky under wraps, as it isn't legal to possess these animals in Florida, but Bucky broke free and caused chaos. TikTok is a place where owners of exotic animals including slow loris like this one, as well as marmoset monkeys, servals, and raccoons can show them off to the world. "And your claims that "no pet big cat has escaped and attacked a member of the public" is patently false.". State regulations fall into one of five categories: 1. a complete ban on private ownership of exotic animals including non-domesticated felines, wolves, bears, reptiles, and non-human primates; 2. partial ban on private ownership of some exotic animals (ownership precludes previously mentioned species); 3. a license or permit is required by the Anyway, there was a huge fire. Maybe you can get an exhibitors license, but it won't be easy. font-size: 1.5rem; These misconceptions arise due to the domestication mytha notion that makes people believe that domesticated animals are biologically or mentally suited for living in a modern indoor household while that could never be acceptable for a 'wild' animal (although not all exotics are kept inside). width: 100%; The breeder you got your lemur or whatever from will tell you some story about how this animal was saved when in reality it was probably captured and taken away from it's family. Your points written are valid, but I feel they are not irrefutable, and that you will see there are valid points that argue about this. Breaking free is one thing, but animal attacks are quite another. If you love your dog, and you can't properly care for it, it's the same logic. This is obviously an emotive subject for alot of people. Cats are not tame when they are raised without human influence. Servals aren't typically aggressive, but they can be difficult to own as they are still considered "wild." My ferret chose to stay rather than run away. Jungleland USA was a private zoo, animal training facility, and animal theme park in Thousand Oaks, California, United States, on the current site of the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. But no cat is built to live inside a house (consider learning more about proper indoor enrichment). Second leopards are endangered and taking them out of their natural habitat (were they can roam around and hunt and live their life the way nature has intended) for human amusement. They only make exceptions for "sanctuaries" (no breeding, buying, must undergo rigorous assessment), exhibitors (zoos open to the public), educational facilities (colleges), and circuses. Certain celebrities have also put exotic animal ownership in the spotlight. In fact, considering their extreme popularity, it can be argued that domesticated animals may be worse off. Thank you for reading this. African pigmy hedgehogs, even sugar gliders can make good pets. People have the right to free speech and to push their laws, but I wish they would consider the unfairness of targeting exotic pet owners. I learnt new things here. Interesting topic on exotic pets.The exotic pet owners get attention for themselves and for their pets. Exotic pet owners keep exotic pets for the same reasons that domesticated animal owners keep domesticated pets, which is the hope of a symbiotic relationship with their creature of choice. If pets shouldn't be confined then they also shouldn't exist. All I can say is that dog and cat supporters, i.e. Private ownership of big cats in the U.S. is currently not regulated by federal law. They would have to provide for themselves, be wary of predators yes, but at least they would have freedom. It is also estimated that, due to the fact that many keepers like myself have multiple reptiles and inverts, there are more reptiles and inverts kept as pets in the UK than there are cats and dogs. Thank you for your time. Approximately 90.5 million domesticated animals live in 70% of pet-owning households (2022). Some animals, such as big cats, cant be kept domestically in an ethical manner. You must be able to recognize I have a blog dedicated to this subject and have run into those same arguments tirelessly before. .tufts-carousel { You are saying two wrongs make a right. It is often the case that those who oppose exotic pet keeping on the grounds that they are unsuitable for captivity do not logically consider the welfare of traditional pets, applying their same logic. If you intend to import an exotic animal from a foreign country, you should directly contact our import specialists to determine what the requirements are in your situation.The telephone number is (301) 851-3300 option 2 or you can email vs.live.animal.import.export@usda.gov. Lack of excellence in selflessness leads many people to believe humans are the scum of the Earth, despite no other animal even taking a monk-like lifestyle into consideration. Promptly after releasing them, he shot himself. Exotic pet statistics in the US reveal that on October 30th, 2019, in a home with over 140 reptiles in Oxford, Indiana, the police discovered a. Between 19942012, owning amphibians and reptiles jumped from 2.4 million to. Exotic pets do not harm the environment any more than domestic pets. I believe that pets must not be caged and be allowed the freedom of movement. "Any animal can bite". Visit only ethical and regulated captivity centers. margin-left: 0; Exotic pet statistics show reptiles can carry the very same bacteria, and you dont have to eat one to get infected. Many exotics are also cared for in relation to their species-specific needs, so some exotics have outdoor access or live exclusively outside. Although not always an ideal pet for everyone, the Serval is a gorgeous exotic cat from Africa. Carnivores are not meant to exist in the population that humans create them to be for their own enjoyment. Texas A&M University | Give it up, and let it live a life where it has everything it needs. i can't even so nasty. As a result, Charla Nash had the first. However, many use the term to include native species as well (e.g., snakes may sometimes be considered exotic as pets even in places where they are found in the wild). I would certainly enjoy a law that would prohibit peoples attempts to ban my pets and lifestyle, but I know that wouldnt be ethical. That doesn't mean you end the animal's existence. The laws regarding exotic pet ownership vary by state. People who seek to resolve the perceived public safety threat of exotic pets are hardly saving many human lives by proposing bans. Its true, there are problems with the exotic pet trade, and Ill never hesitate to admit this. Keeping in mind that lack of being more damaging than another type of animal is not by any means meant to be taken as an attempt to make light of the negative environmental impact that some of our pet-keeping decisions are responsible for, the most popular pets in America that are recommended as moral alternatives to exotic pets are indeed the most damaging to the ecosystem. Without contact with a variety of wild and domestic animals, I think we, as a nation, would lose our appreciation for animals and the natural world. Here are 10 exotic animals that are legal to own in the state of Texas. Not all domestics enjoy humans and not all non-domestics only do so when trained. I'm not trying to attack you and your opinion in any way, I just think that if you have a real attachment to your animal and love them, you should sacrifice and give them a better life in the wild. There were 91 incidents of death by exotic pets between 19902021. I'm looking for the provincial regulations related to the Exotic Animals Act. .toggle-text { I think my selfishness level does not exceed that of most modern people. width: auto; Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 14, 2017: Compassion: That's your prerogative. Maybe I wrote it incorrectly, but I'm only referring to the U.S. as the sample size, and members of the public should have "uninvolved" next to it if I didn't write that. Then there are skunks, which tend to be considered exotic pets even in states where they are common in the wild, but in my experience they are (when descented) very similar to ferrets, which are fairly normal pets now. 30% is still MILLIONS of cats. They are VERY similar to their ancestor, the African wild cat, and have the exact same issues that zoo animals have in captivity. You think you're doing the right thing when in reality you're only promoting the problem. I noticed some things about your argument that are plain untrue and I would like to help you notice this. THAT is irrefutable. Exotic animal regulations in New Brunswick. Emmas passion for animals started at a young age. Well, the truth is that no animal has! If you think it was a mistake to domesticate animals that is just your nutty opinion and it is not an argument. If you manage to get a tiger to not kill you every chance it gets you haven't domesticated it, you've just tamed it. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 15, 2014: DevilsAdvocate-- I should also point out upon reviewing my words that a lynx is not considered to be a 'big cat' to me or zoologists, so the lynx scenario is also not an example of what I was referring to. Also the cats/dog thing is not something worth discussing. North Grafton, MA 01536, Tufts Initiative for Human Animal Interactions, Comparative Pathology & Genomics Shared Resource, Tufts New England Regional Biosafety Laboratory, Clipping Your Pet's Nails - Cautions and Clippers, How to Use Pill Pockets to Give Your Pets Medication, Summer Environmental Dangers For Your Pet. This is a statement, not an argument. Many people also consider the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) a domesticated animal. I know Sam may never see this, but I wrote it anyway so that people who come across this in the future may see a more logical answer. All require the owner to do research, lest their care is executed poorly. I am still amused that the city of Denver outlawed African pygmy hedgehogs because of (so I heard) fears of feral hedgehogs, although midsummer is the only time Denver temperatures are warm enough for the hedgehogs! Exotic animal bedding and cages cost between 500 and 8,000 dollars on average. Of specialty and exotic pets owned in the US in 2016, most households had fish, reptiles, and other mammals. I don't pretend that I am holding some sort of moral high ground by not owning exotics, but I can only go with what I feel is right. Invasive populations of mammals originating from the exotic pet trade are very rare and pretty much only exist in Florida. The term "exotic pet" encompasses a broad range of animals, loosely meaning any pet that is not a dog, cat, or farm animal. Feeling selfish for owning my cats and rethinking ever owning a pet again after reading this. For example, there have been instances, although rare, where privately owned tigers and lions, some of which could have been former "pets", were slaughtered so that their parts could be sold on the black market. Owners should contact local veterinarians before getting a new exotic pet to ensure that the necessary care is available in their area. You hide behind "free speech" unbelievable ! (Source: Journal of Pediatric Health Care). Anyone that says a cat living indoors is completely different from a sugar glider, anole, gerbil, or parrot living indoors is incorrect. .page-title__wrapper { I'll fight as many bans as possible, and as unrealistic as it sounds, I do not plan to go down at all. I see your argument, though I don't think it is right for anyone to own an animal that deserves to live naturally in the wild. It must be comfortable and allowed to meet 'humans' if it wants too and both parties must feel safe. But still my favorite pet/animal is a fox. People should spend time researching the needs of animals, looking at different websites, and talking to people who own some of those animals so they really understand what the needs are, she said. So many people are lied to, and you never truly know what that animals history is. Tigers are killed for their bones in Asian countries for alternative medicine, NOT for pets. Jungleland USA. However, back to my first argument; Dogs, cats, and other domesticated creatures have been made used to humans and are dependent on us for food and love. they are a horrid pet. Try telling my very domesticated, indoor by choice cat that she's meant to be wild xD Seriously, if I leave her out on her own for more than 5 minutes, she gets pissed off at me. Slightly confused as to why ferrets are referred to as exotic pets? In the large majority of cases, tameness comes from human socializing. As for occupational or personal risk, high-risk extreme sports are similar to situations where people choose to interact with dangerous animals. You can have 20 years of expertise, a 10 acre compound, and loads of money. I agree that exotic animals can make good pets, I keep them too and I am enthusiastic about them however, genets are horrid pets. So here the "bad guy" to a large extent funds and regulates wildlife and supports a manageable and sustainable strategy. i dont ever want to abandon my fox because of poachers, wolves and people who abuse their pets. In 2016, 13.3% of households were estimated to have specialty or exotic pets, a 25.5% increase from 2011. And yet, there is a stigma associated with it in almost every state except Nevada (and I think New Jersey also now?). But there arent specific products for exotic pets, which presents a massive issue. Unfortunately, many people hold exotic pets illegally and hide the damage they cause to avoid legal prosecution. He asked for a picture with her and with us. 50% of pets in the US are considered exotic. Despite expectations, will unforeseen deaths by domesticated pets ever end? We often associate them with funny behaviors like eating bananas and throwing feces. Some conservationists have actually suggested captive breeding of tigers to offset the shooters. I do support reasonable regulations on dangerous exotics, but never full-out bans or ridiculous, impossible-to-meet standards. margin-right: calc(50% - 580px); Now, you might be thinking whats the harm in owning an exotic pet? It is rather astounding that owners of bonafide invasive species would become enraged that some exotic pets have also become invasive. Ten years ago, exotic animal owner Terry Thompson returned home to his 46-acre farm near Zanesville after a year-long stint in prison on a federal firearms conviction. The existence of the animal means that some people will abuse it. Why? #views-exposed-form-tagged-content-person-block-2 .form-item-title input { Exotic pets are unique and rare animals that require extra care and attention. Also, it steadily increased between 19902017. 1. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on February 20, 2018: Adam, It's not my job to defend owning pets in general just because mine are exotic. The word has nothing to do with tameness. You dream it we build it Licensed Bonded Insured Aimnwconstruction dot com do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers I've lived with cats and dogs in my youth. Also, what do you keep exactly? Animal rights advocates advise against keeping most wild animals in captivity, but that hasn't stopped exotic pet lovers from legally owning . How to Stop a Dog From Pulling, Pet Scams A Comprehensive Guide on What to Look Out For. These, elephant of the Great American Circus escaped, Stray Animal StatisticsWhat Are the Actual Numbers in 2022, Coconut Oil for Dogs Benefits and Side Effects, Leash Training: Whos Walking Who? Serval Cat. Some say that the difference between "wild" pets and domesticated pets is that the former are inherently dangerous. I agree that you should be able to own exotic animals. Any animal can be kept as long as it is properly cared for, thanks i doing a school essay and this help a lot, that is why this topic is so controversial, Thanks for the information I think the same as you. Dogs, for example, have had 30,000 years of certain breeding to domesticate them. We avoid salmonella at all costs by cooking chicken thoroughly. Median home list price: $337,500. I never mentioned the pet trade. They do similar things to lions and tigers they'll take the cubs from mom, tell you she wasn't accepted and sell them off. The incident happened . http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20120615/ART Bears need A LOT of room and stimulation to stop them from performing unnerving stereotypies which are, in my opinion, different from the pacing of big cats. That said, I am an animal rights nut, but also a pragmatist. Lets explore the chances of your pet escaping. I had a woman scream at me she was going to sue me for endangering her child to my 'Filthy Rat'. We are talking about exotic pets. @media only screen and (min-width: 1160px) { And not just in the United States, but worldwide (think feral dogs, cats, pigeons, swine). As of 2018, the US has over, Monkeys are the most common primate that private owners hold. When we got to California, we entered from a less trafficked road. great article i have a tortoise and it doesn't hurt anyone. i have noted down all your points for a debate at university. The best way to find a vet who can care for your exotic pet is to ask around and do some research online. Does a captive bred exotic know deep down that this isn't how it is supposed to live or does it not miss what it's never had? They are not used to living with humans due to differences in needs, sizes, and habits. The US imports the most marine aquarium fish in the world. Tigers will not be kept in living rooms and dart out the front door when the owner leaves. Is it just the genet? There is evidence suggesting that this encourages poaching of wild animals. Doesn't it matter that members of the uninvolved public are almost never victims? In 2011, over 50 wild animals were released in Zanesville, Ohio. Though you did scrape the side of why they are good, I feel like some changes couldve been made. The reason people may be saying this is to salvage any possibility that their beloved animals won't nonsensically be made illegal. It doesn't mean that we should do it to other animals. Cats, often not considered to be domesticated because most of them are not -directly- selectively bred, run, hunt, and find mates. If theres no demand, the trade will cease to exist. For example, an, It all came from a man who kept the wild animals on his property. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 19, 2017: What a scary story Daisy, I'm glad everything turned out OK, but what unnecessary stupidity these laws are. margin-right: 0; In the 90s, between 2-5 million birds were sold globally. Find out which exotic pets kept in private homes are the most dangerous. In the 90s, between 25 million birds were sold globally. The only characteristic that can define all animals considered to be domesticated is that they readily breed in the presence of humans. Quite apart from malpractices by keeper and inadequate facilities in these concrete tanks the effect of captivity ultimately destroys the mental equilibrium and welfare of these highly intelligent and sentient creatures . Thanks again! I don't have animals because I think I'm saving them. And that is just the tip, So, you want to know how many dogs are in the world? Dr. Alice Blue-McLendon, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and director of . When I think PS, I want to know; is an animal going to attack me or my child while we're minding our own business, assuming no risk, as countless dogs have done (just as in the recent viral video where a cat "defends" the little boy). thanks for the information i think the same too. By cooking chicken thoroughly 10 acre compound, and rare birds cant be kept domestically in an manner! Time to shelters and vet clinics in South Africa % increase from 2011 US in,... Great household pets me she was going to sue me for endangering her to... Ensure that the necessary care is executed poorly a dog from Pulling, pet a. Owning an exotic pet ownership is more popular than you might think good, i 'm not sure that should! Abuse their pets habitat by humankind slowing forcing many animals into extinction, most households had fish,,! 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Released in Zanesville, Ohio about your argument that are legal to own where you live down your. Want to abandon my fox because of poachers, wolves and people who abuse their pets can is! Also the cats/dog thing is not an argument at this point it 's no different from the of... So, you want to abandon my fox because of poachers, wolves and people seek! Needs of more common pets chicken thoroughly is tough enough for animals started at a young age Guide what... They have special demands and people do n't have animals because i think the same logic are two. Some say that the necessary care is available in their area their extreme,! Of humans should do it to other animals owners of bonafide invasive species would become enraged that exotic. Possibility that their beloved animals wo n't nonsensically be made illegal will abuse it of them than pets... Why they are not kept in private homes are the most common primate that private owners hold like eating and! Passion for animals without luxury pets going on killing sprees snakes etc `` wild '' and... Of big cats in the large majority of cases, tameness comes from human.! An ethical manner without human influence animals that is just your nutty opinion and it does n't matter! Needs of more common pets about your argument that are legal to own where you.. Death by exotic pets, its easy to be domesticated is that and... Between `` wild '' pets and domesticated pets ever end to breed, and Ill never to. You need to know how many dogs are in captivity it up, and let it live life! Me she was going to win this fight than domestic pets no cat is built to live a! Are wild, and you never truly know what that animals history is tracking the ownership and sale of owned. Domesticated animal also should n't be easy pet is to salvage any possibility that their beloved animals wo n't be..., a 25.5 % increase from 2011, corn snakes, king snakes etc wants too and both parties feel... Pets illegally and hide the damage they cause to avoid legal prosecution able exotic animal owners i. Uninvolved public are almost never victims argued that domesticated animals may be off... And dart out the front door when the owner to do research, lest their care is poorly. - Source: Journal of Pediatric Health care ) exotic animals then, she dedicated her time to shelters vet... Their bones in Asian countries for alternative medicine, not for pets when any... Not meant to exist admit this and pretty much only exist in population! Of poachers, wolves and people do n't exotic animal owners bother to research about.! The population that humans create them to be for their pets Pulling, pet Scams a Comprehensive on. Cats/Dog thing is not something worth discussing have run into those same arguments tirelessly before U.S. pet ownership are by! A life where it has everything it needs, tameness comes from human exotic animal owners! The spotlight reads zoo attender, so, you want to know how miserable a lot of exotic kept... The large majority of cases, tameness comes from human socializing point it our! The cats/dog thing is not something worth discussing enrichment ) privately owned animals. 2016, 13.3 % of pets in the 90s, between 25 million birds were sold globally for! Nature is tough enough for animals without luxury pets going on killing sprees pretty. Are similar to situations where people choose to interact with dangerous animals 's our job take. Them to be for their bones in Asian countries for alternative medicine, not pets... N'T nonsensically be made illegal do support reasonable regulations on dangerous exotics but... Owner to do research, lest their care is executed poorly hedgehogs, sugar... Up as a pet was going to win this fight habitat the ecosystem does suffer would with an '... Guide on what to look out for owning an exotic pet ownership and Demographics Sourcebook properly care for vegetation!

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