doom 3 find the main portal

Open the storage locker here with the code 102. Go into the blue light. Exit briefly and discover ticks everywhere. Speak with Sergeant Kelly in Marine Command HQ. Listen to the audio file in your new PDA. Proceed to the right. After you land, battle the imps. Defeat some zombies then follow the new path. Use the balcony. Search the catwalk to the left for health and armor but the route is to the right. A zombie ascends a ladder ahead of you. Why does Mars need chainsaws? The second door up the ramp leads to an intersection: go straight to drop onto a backpack, go left to the plasma gun (look out the window from the plasma gun to see some immediate ammo taking you to 80 cells), and go right for the rocket launcher. Move forward and toward the checkpoint on the left. Move into the next hall and defeat the maggot and imp and find the rocket launcher on the rack. He seems to have some intriguing information regarding the scientist but won't divulge. Follow the sentry bot to its destination. Drop down and prepare for a big battle. Objective: Override Airlock. Defeat a couple zombies. The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. Enter the records office and slice up some zombies. Watch out behind you; a soldier ambushes you. Go around the corner and look left to spot some armor and ammo on the pipe. Shoot the cherubs that arrive to the right. Have your machinegun ready. All teleporter destination research is classified. Defeat an imp and other minions. Shroud D3DM5 in darkness by shutting down the generator. Enter the underground garage. You can't really fire in burst mode because of the lag between blasts. Follow the catwalk down the stairs and toward energy stabilization. Exit onto another conveyer. Destroy more cacodemons as you cross the bridge. Objective: Security Access. Proceed into operations. The next room contains a couple imps, souls, and a revenant enters from behind. Use the health station and gather the items from the room. Also there's some armor and ammo in the dark corners on the left side of the room. You'll battle several mancubuses in this underground cavern. Keep him slightly out of the line of fire for most of the battle so you don't suffer the massive blast of his rocket projectiles. Grab the video disk on the desk (it's about the elemental phase deconstructor). Enter the office and find P. Rogers. Approach the controls on the left and vent the chamber. Go through the door marked security/bio labs. Mow him down then blast the revenant around the left corner. H.. Home PC Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil Questions Question asked by shagemall on Nov 21st 2004 Last Modified: Jan 25th 2005 Search the side alcoves for more ammo, health, and armor but there are imps and cherubs lurking about. Objective: Satellite Control. Use the lift and go down. Beware of cherubs also. Head . Enter the office ahead of you for ammo. Talk with him. Grab Jeffery Moen's PDA off of the console and read emails. Gather the ammo (some cells on top of the crates) and cross the area. Enter the subsystem control room and open the security door using the console. Grab the armor off the desk before going through the door into EPD junction 2. Enter the security station. This is an update of the original Doom's demon, which was nicknamed pinky for its not-so-ferocious color scheme. Check the door on the right at the end for a new objective. If you get off the path, you may drop down into a recessed area. One of the map's key rooms is a multi-exit room just outside the reactor room. Approach the door into the data library. Like zombies, imps often hide in ambush points--in dark corners, behind hidden panels, and even at the entrance to new rooms. Defeat some spiders then move through the door. Search the room then exit out the far side. HELP please!! Enter the door marked Alpha Labs. Proceed into the secondary pump room. Jump through the broken window. Now you must decide to transmit the message or cancel it. Back into the corner and wait for him to enter the doorway. Locate the rocket launcher in its own storage room. This fraction of a second could pose a problem if you're trying to hold off a leaping cherub or an approaching hell knight. But it's wise to keep the hell knight at a distance. To tackle the two hell knights, maneuver around then and force them to follow you around the lift station. You'll use it frequently against zombies, soldiers, imps, wraiths, ticks, and cherubs. A marine ahead points the way into HQ. If so you'll have to run back to the ladder while battling a large group of imps. Defeat some maggots and imps as you make your way to the locked door. Since it does have the warm up time, the chain gun isn't as useful in blasting ticks or lost souls. Open it and find the BFG 9000 inside. Defeat the imps that arrive then pick up Richard Davis' PDA. Get to the lift and ride it down. Return to the intersection. Enter the security station. It's useful against slow-moving zombies because you can reserve your other ammunition for tougher foes. Enter the second lift room. Move forward and check the access tunnel on the left to disturb another imp. Crawl through. Once you obtain the chainsaw, use it against zombies to save ammo from other weapons. Cross the room and be ready to combat a trio of zombies up the stairs to the left. There's also a niche with armor. That one spider has friends, though. Grab the PDA off of the desk but beware of the zombie behind you. Speak with the guy exiting the bathroom and explore inside if you wish. It's actually a formidable weapon, particularly against zombies and lost souls when you're trying to conserve ammunition. Push a crate to the right side of the console and jump up into the alcove. You can just go down the steps for a shortcut or take the long way and face a couple more monsters. The shotgun: then and now. Once it's complete, press the same number on the console and jump on top of the bin. Note the Lab A meeting room number: 627. Get back on the moving platform and ride it to its end. Move through the hall and kill the guard. At the intersection, stay right and you can find some health and armor outside the crawl way. Cross the catwalk to the unlocked door and into the storage hall. One of the audio logs includes info about a locked supply room with the code 298. Call the lift and ride it down. Revenants ambush you inside the hazardous material room. I've gotten to the decontamination chamber (the one that fails because theres some big lump of red mulch stuck before it) Any ideas? Snag some health on the right (backup files too if you wish). Gather ammo and health from the room. Enter it to find some armor and health as well as a zombie lurking inside. Enter CPU processing. Back up to take on the two ahead but remember there's a third behind you. You can move around to the right to find some armor and ammo but this triggers an imp. From the berserk spawn spot, the right exits lead back to the reactor room and the upper left exit leads to a cave-like chamber containing armor and health. A revenant teleports in at the end of the path; you'll also find Scott Harding's PDA here. Grab more ammo and health from an opened alcove on the left. An imp teleports in near the room's middle; two guards flank either side. Grab it and look right. The downsides to the plasma gun are reload time and ammunition availability. Exit through the opposite door. Help this poor guythough it is funny to not help him. Return to the bridge when done. Exit into the hall that contains a soldier. When the battle concludes, go up the stairs on the right. As you step back out to the main lobby, two imps spawn before you can reach. Security. Therefore, allowing him to remain alive is dangerous every second he remains in existence. Objective: Alpha Labs Sector 4. Also go ahead and duck around the fire for items. Proceed through. Inside grab the items from the shelf and go right into the global network terminal. Be sure to use the monitor on the console for an optional video. Use the console on the right to open access grate 3. In the next room, a cherub hides to the right. Crawl under the bay door on the right and grab health inside. Go over to the console on the left side. Take it down with your plasma rifle or chaingun, and then fight off the wraiths and imp that follow. Open the cabinet using the code: 0508. Blast the enemies within the dark chamber. Exit and approach the man you helped. Defeat the two imps then search the lobby and restroom for supplies. Follow the sentry bot along the long route to the next lift. Follow the arrows toward reception; it's through the door straight ahead. Gather armor on the left side. Thorough exploration reveals a PDA by this corpse. Expect high traffic through here and frequent opportunities for a killor your own death. Use the gas transfer monitor station console and seal the gas leak. Our Doom 3 walkthrough includes a full walkthrough and tips on every weapon, as well as lists of cheat codes, cabinet codes, and easter eggs. Objective: Freighter Control Room. Head through engineering and find the entrance to Alpha Labs Sector 3. Zombies are fairly slow, though, so you should be able to move in, slice and dice, and back out before getting struck. Walls close around you and when they open, a gang of imps and zombies have arrived. Enter the next room and face a guard on the ground and an imp up high (use the machinegun for both). Scamper to the alcove and find a hidden plasma gun. Drop down into the next hallway. Approach the main console and listen to the guy's plea for help. But be prepared to face more enemies, including a revenant. Enter the examination room and defeat more zombies. Blast him with rockets then contend with any imps he spawns. This triggers a cacodemon and a couple guards that appear to the right. Find the code online at If the z-sec doesn't approach, a grenade isn't a bad option. After years of anticipation, id Software returns to Mars for a lone marine's battle against the demons of Hell. Concentrate on one hell knight to kill it as quickly as possible. After a scary "episode" another imp arrives. The upper right alcove also contains a chainsaw. Kill the spiders in the hall (watch behind you too) and enter the next monorail section. Cross to the next door. Cross the room to the back corner. There's also an imp to contend with at the bottom. Be ready to move once the arch vile fires its ground flame attack. A couple cacodemons hover above. You can smack an enemy with the flashlight or switch to your fists. Objective: Reach old comm. Use the console to unlock the freight loader. Enter the freight cart terminal. Eliminate it. A close-range shotgun blast is enough to finish him off. Cross the room to the far left corner. If you have 95 health, save the large med kit on the ground and return to it after suffering more damage. The quintessential first-person shooter weapon. Note the path on the right. The rocket launcher works well here. Open the next door and shoot the lost souls. Search the dark, red-lit hallway and find a chain gun at its end. Exit into the next hall. The light from the stasis transfer helps guide you through the dark chamber. After defeating the imps, beware of the soldiers and their chain guns. Defeat a couple chainsaw zombies as you navigate the hall. The sublevel section houses the coolant control system needed for proper hydrogen fuel refinement. Follow the hall to its end for Bill Tyson's PDA. Use explosive barrels to defeat the first then turn around and blast the second quickly. Objective: Obtain Security Clearance. These creatures lunge at you like an imp. This crate contains some valuable plasma ammunition. Activate your flashlight and proceed. Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom Part 2 is the second full-length album by Marius Danielsen's project Legend of Valley Doom.It is a concept album and a rock opera featuring many guest musicians. Go onto the catwalk and defeat the two imps to the left. Get to a pillar and use it as cover against the mancubus' weaponry. Defeat these cherubs with bursts from your plasma gun. Enter the lift and proceed to level two, communications. Go to the door into Lab A and use code 627 to open the passage. Score this hidden plasma gun far before you'd get it otherwise. If you extend the bridge, you'll cross it to the far door. Don't waste strong weapon ammunition on these enemies. If you do this, you'll have to retrace your steps all the way back to chamber 3. Maneuver into this ominous hallway. By Doug Radcliffe on January 18, 2006 at 12:23PM PST. An arch vile appears on the catwalk above you and a hell knight and imps spawn near you. Defeat all creatures before the door unlocks. Enter the lift access and defeat a couple more imps. A hell knight waits behind the next door. Use the panel to teleport into storage first. This chart reveals cabinet numbers and their corresponding code. updated Oct 15, 2012 A Doom 3 Walkthrough . Beware of the imp that comes in behind you. Late in the game, it's wise to save your soul cube to easily eliminate a hell knight. Cross into the room ahead of you into the hub. Retrace your steps back to the monorail and activate the controls. You'll battle a host of cacodemons, imps, and soldiers. Eliminate the soldier patrolling below. Discover a cabinet code in its email: locker #103 and code 259. Use them to proceed to the next level. Approach the console on the right to receive a video uplink. Defeat a couple more soldiers in the lobby and find the unlocked hallway. Move cautiously into coolant monitoring until the imp appears. Go to the right and through the zombie-infested all to locate a console up some steps and to the left. Exit and go through the unlocked door on the right. Gather discarded ammo as the bot leads you into the ACO lift junction. Dark hallways are usually bad news. A revenant attacks from the left. Find the lift and use it to reach the next level. It's in your email--the soul cube. Turn around and find a zombie about to ambush you. At closer range the machine gun is effective but not likely to kill something fast enough so you avoid suffering damage. Be ready when you grab this PDA. Crush him with your chain or plasma gun. Using grenades is simple: just select the grenade and hold down the fire button to throw. Furthermore, the hell knight possesses much stronger skin; a single shotgun blast is what the hell knight calls a "tickle". Check the offices for ammo and health. There's some armor inside. Although they're hovering, the cacodemons can be lured into chokepoints like doorways and halls. When you spot a soldier, hide behind cover or a corner and wait for the z-sec to approach. Enter and use the computer to unlock the secured area. Spot the cowering worker. You should recognize this place from when you moved above it. It's risky, though; if you miss, you're bound to be struck several times before you can regain your composure. You can choose either method to reach the other side. Back into the lift and destroy the ticks from there. The email includes a cabinet code. Use the console to open the vent and crawl through to gather more health and armor. In the reactor support tunnel, you can hop down to the left and find health guarded by a zombie. Shoot the barrels to eliminate the imp. An imp appears in the next room; shoot him with the machinegun then battle another guard through the new path. It's a weapon acquired late in the game and offers some unique properties. At the end, there's a recessed area on the left with ammo and health; this summons an imp. Center. Continue through the next unlocked passage. Save up to use against a hell knight and you can mow down the beast in a single ammo belt. There's also a video disk on the table. Support it against the beasts you encounter. Search the hall for items and return to a door that is initially locked but soon becomes open. As mentioned there are many exits from the room. Clicking on this panel triggers the dramatic arrival of a new monster. But your firsts can be extremely powerful when enhanced by the berserk power-up. Jump to the ledge and crawl through the vent. Enter power core access where the bot comes to a rest. Early on, you're likely stuck with the shotgun or machine gun only. Only top level personnel have access to the central control room and activation grid for the primary test chamber. The plot of the album continues the story started on Legend of Valley Doom Part 1.It was released on 30 November 2018, with cover art credited to Dusan Markovic. A hell knight waits in an alcove to the left. Locate the rocket launcher in one of the labs. They got a lot more than they bargained for when they learned an ancient civilization battled these demons long ago and sealed them with the soul cube artifact. Work toward the skyway (beware of a guard that appears to the left) and into the lobby. Scurry up the ladder, defeat more spiders, and then go left through the transfer bay into the next level. Contents [ hide ] 1 Summary 1.1 Objectives 2 Characters 3 PDAs 4 Statistics 4.1 Enemies 4.2 Items 4.2.1 Starting inventory 5 Locker codes 6 Secrets 7 Trivia You need a maintenance PDA to unlock the lift. Watch the cut scene and meet your first and second hell knight. Spot the BFG cube here. Don't get caught reloading in a frantic battle. 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