dojo loach tank mates

These fishes tend to be housed in groups and will thrive in a tank with only other fish of their own species. Although goldfish and Dojo loaches can live together peacefully, you must provide a larger tank. To keep your Dojo Loach safe, follow these water parameters. A common issue found in the Dojo Loach is bloating. This unique fish has acquired the name Weather Loach from its fascinating ability to predict when a storm is rolling in. Weather loaches tend to hang out at the bottom of their habitat. Last but not least, the panda cory is a black and white stunner of a fish that will be perfect for your dojo loach. Captive Dojo loaches have a healthy life span of around 7 to 10 years. Caused by internal parasites, causing weight loss even though the fishs appetite is normal. They always swim up filter tubes or jump from open tank lids. The Dojo Loach should be kept in cool water temperatures with a pH level of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline to live a healthy life span. They may also compete with native species for food and habitat. Dojo loaches can withstand moderate lighting if preferred plants need slightly higher intensities. Some fish are nurturing parents and will protect their fry until they can fend for themselves, but the Dojo Loach is not one of these. Then, they should have a temperature between 65 and 75 ideally, though they can survive at as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit or as high as 82. This variant is slightly thinner than regular Dojos, and their patterns are barely visible. This is a native Asian fish that originated from Japan and China. Kuhli Loaches need to live in tropical temperatures of 75 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit while the Dojo Loach needs cooler temperatures. WebSumo Loaches are opportunistic feeders that will eat everything from insects to algae. Lindsey discovered her passion for fish keeping after a junior high school field trip to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. You will often see this fish being used as bait to catch even larger fishes. Weather Loaches like a steady stream. However, not all friendly fish make good tank mates. Dojo loach, Weather loach, Pond loach, Chinese Weatherfish, Oriental Weatherfish, Golden Dojo Loach, Japanese Weatherfish, Found in eastern and northeastern Asia, including Siberia, Myanmar, Japan, Central China, Korea, and Hainan. Ich is a very common disease thats caused by an aquatic protozoan parasite. If this were to happen, Dojo Loaches have a unique ability to survive out of water for a few hours, so more times than not, they will be perfectly fine. They are quite peaceful in nature. Due to their social nature, you may even be able to feed your Dojo from your hand! In the wild they would be found alongside a whole range of fish, from freshwater crayfish to eels. This can be tricky, though, because temperature manipulation can easily stress out your fish. Theyre sometimes used to get to the bottom of their surroundings. They come in a wide range of hues. Dojo Loach. She loves goldfish, tetras, and mystery snails, and recently began experimenting with a saltwater aquarium. You can avoid this problem by getting the loach tank mates which do not eat its same food, or feed in the same zones of the tank. This is most likely due to either a lack of food or hiding spots. 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However, all of them make great tank mates for dojo loaches. Hence, they become a really good companion for Dojo Loaches. Kuhli loaches are long and eel-like, with snake type bodies that are pale yellow saddles with chocolate brown. It is easy to take care of species that even beginner aquarists feel comfortable taking care of. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Moreover, the fins are thin, which adds to the eel-like appearance. I think everybody should know the basics of keeping an aquarium. The barbels also have other uses like they use barbels to bury themselves by digging into the substrate. WebOther than water temperature Dojo Loaches are not extremely sensitive to the water chemistry of their tank. their bodies are long and slender, with very small fins. To stay safe, Dojo Loaches need a large tank. Also, you should dim the aquariums light to allow the loaches to breed naturally. The Dojo Loach can be considered a good fish for the freshwater fish beginner because it generally has undemanding water parameters, except for the temperature. Your tank water should have a pH of between 6.5 and 7.5, with a water hardness of 5 to 12 dKH. Can become aggressive with aggressive fish, though not usually peaceful loaches. An aquatic veterinarian advises treatment to take the best action plan specific to your fish. Paradise fish are active, easy-to-care-for, and beautiful creatures that make great additions to any community aquarium, including with your Dojos. Sumo Loaches require a powerful aquarium filter with a water flow of 4 to 5 times the tanks volume. Dojo loaches are a frequently forgotten aquarium buddy for axolotls. This is because theyre too big for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they wont start fights either. The Bichir is a bottom-dwelling fish that generally only comes out at night. Treat the aquarium with antibacterial medication. In addition, these fascinating fish can leap out of the water onto land, where they can survive for relatively long periods as long as the terrain is moist. However, not all friendly fish make good tank mates. Flukes is the term used to describe various types of external fish parasites. Though many people will recommend goldfish as companions, I've sucessfully kept dojo loaches (a breeding pair) in my 125 gallon tank which sits at around 75 degrees. And no slow-moving fish, or fish with long flowy fins, as the loach may Breeding this fish does not often happen purposefully in home aquariums due to the months of preparation it takes. It has an elongated body and can grow to a length of 25cm. WebThe botias are social and gregarious fish that do best in groups. Its warning signs are displayed through body language. While zebra danios are hardy, they will still need enough room to swim and engage in schooling behaviors. WebKeep tank mates that can live in the same conditions as goldfish. Also known as the zebrafish, a zebra danio is distinct thanks to its camouflage, but visually interesting appearance. Most Dojo Loaches are peaceful and non-aggressive toward other fish, although some aquarists have seen them nipping fins occasionally. White Cloud Minnows make ideal tank mates for Dojo Loaches because they are small and peaceful, and they are hardy and easy to care for. Dojo loach tank mates One of the most important things to consider when getting a dojo loach is that while they are peaceful fish that will get along with tropical fish, they will not thrive in the temperatures that those same fish require. Quarantine infected fish, and treat with an antifungal medication. If you want to keep shrimp in your aquarium, think about keeping them in a separate tank, as the shrimp will soon become a snack to your Dojo. These fish only reach a maximum of 1.5 inches (2.5 cm) and must be held in at least five groups. The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. Raise the water temperature to 82o F for three days. It has an elongated body and can grow to a length of 25cm. What better to keep your dojo loach company than another loach? It is a species that resembles an eel slightly and prefers cold water. Also known as the Red Rasbora in the pet trade, the Harlequin Rasbora is a peaceful fish with beautiful metallic colors and makes a striking addition to community tanks. They happily live in cooler water temperatures, especially between 60- and 72-degrees Fahrenheit. They've shared the tank with blue rams, many livebearers, angelfish, and plecos. Male wraps around the female to fertilize released eggs. These include. That being said, they love to roam around all areas of the tank but wont worry about your larger dojo loach. However, remember that these fish will dig and burrow around the plant roots, so youll need to keep your planting well-anchored to prevent the fish from uprooting them. The care routine for Dojo Loach is not that hard, which makes it a popular fish for even beginner aquarists. Read More:10 Best Tank Mates for Yoyo Loaches, Is Your Goldfish Turning White? White Cloud Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes), 5. The Dojo Loach should be kept in cool water temperatures with a pH level of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline to live a healthy life span. The bottom of the tank should be covered in a soft substrate such as smooth pebbles or a fine sandy substrate. Youll have to find tank mates with similar tempers, compatible sizes, and low competitive diets. The Dojo loach is an excellent candidate for life in a large community tank with other peaceful, social fish. And no slow-moving fish, or fish with long flowy fins, as the loach may Dojo Loaches are hardy creatures that dont have any complicated tank requirements, and they have become hugely popular fish for beginners and experts alike. They are unique-looking fish indeed, with large dorsal fins and a reptilian appearance. Time to jump right into the tank mates that work best with dojo loaches! It is native to Asian waters from Japan to Korea, China, and Vietnam. White Cloud Minnows make ideal tank mates for Dojo Loaches because they are small and peaceful, and they are hardy and easy to care for. Maybe some algae on one day and maybe dry food pellets on another day. Unlike Kuhli Loach, Dojo Loaches are easy to take care of. Dojo Loaches: They can live together easily and in a group of 3 at least. It likes to be at peace, and if anything seems threatening, it is happy to hide rather than fight. This courtship will last several hours, by which time the male will have fully engulfed his female. They are bottom dwellers and like to live at the bottom of the aquarium. They have a reputation for aggression, but it is largely among males competing in the same school, so males should not be kept together. When thinking about potential tank mates try to choose some fish that prefer the middle and top levels of the tank. Dojo Loaches like to dig into the substrate. As long as none of the fish are aggresive they should be alright. Before adding your fish, test the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. They are non-aggressive fish that will not cause your Dojos any trouble and are beautiful additions to any community aquarium. As a result, well have to filter the water several times before using it in the tank with the loaches. A serpae tetra is mainly peaceful, as long as it has its own school of friends to hang out with. Large tank mates might pose a threat. The Leopard Danio is a distinct variety of the Zebra Danio, but with spots instead of stripes. These fish are often the first to develop bacterial or fungal infections in a group tank. They also happen to be opportunistic, non-picky eaters that will clean up the bottom of the tank. Plastic decorations are fine as long as they are large enough to accommodate the fish. We may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. The Dojo Loach can be considered a good fish for the freshwater fish beginner because it generally has undemanding water parameters, except for the temperature. They are rarely aggressive, making them ideal Dojo tank mates. Pros of keeping Axolotl with Dojo Loaches:\ Prefers cold water; Similar diet It would be best if you continued feeding the fries until they are adults. Dojo Loach is a freshwater fish with some unusual characteristics. Even the breeding process can last for several hours and is fun to watch and enjoy. This can be accomplished by installing a filtration device underneath the substrate. If you have a snail problem in your tank, Dojo loaches can be extremely helpful in that they will eat the mollusks! Where Do Dojo Loaches Prefer to Live in the Aquarium? Did you know that the Dojo or Pond loach can be taught to take food from your hand and tell you when a storm is coming? To encourage your fishes to burrow, youll need a smooth, muddy substrate; gravel and other coarse substrates will stress your fish out because it wont be able to hide and show its natural behaviors. Answered by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, BVM BVS (Vet), Dog Breaks or Tears a Nail? However, the distinctions between males and females are minor. Hence down below, we will talk about their tank requirements and water parameters. Your fish will tell you when a storm is coming by darting agitatedly around the tank, and they will sometimes take food from your hand too. This means harlequin rasboras make great tank mates for dojo loaches! When the female fish is ready to breed, the male fish approaches her and begins courting her. They are hardy fish that can happily survive in brackish water. Ich, also known as white spot disease, is a highly contagious parasitic infection. They are active and energetic fish, making them a joy to observe in your aquarium, especially when kept in small schools. Dojo loaches look rather like tiny eels, having long bodies with flattened rear ends. Paradise Fish Tank Mates. Dojo Loaches are really interestingly looking fish that looks like an eel. It loves to play, too. Fellow fishkeeping enthusiast and site author. The panda cory does like to have others of its kind to dwell with. When ammonia and nitrite are at zero and nitrate levels are below 20 ppm, you can add your fish. Goldfish and dojo loaches can get along swimmingly as long as there is enough space for everybody (and sufficient filtration). Dojo loaches are active, nosy fish that spend most of their time patrolling the bottom of the tank, rooting through the substrate for food. Dojo eats many of the same things as axolotls, such as pellets, brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms. The height is not quite as important unless you want to provide upper-level tank mates. It also looks far more visually appealing! Dojo eats many of the same things as axolotls, such as pellets, brine shrimp, and frozen bloodworms. Filtration and oxygenation are also very relevant. As previously mentioned, these lively fish can jump, so ensure your tank has a cover slide or a tight-fitting lid to prevent accidents during tank maintenance. The Dojo Loach requires a large tank to offer them enough room to swim around the bottom of the tank as they are bottom dwellers. Finding tank mates for a Dojo Loach will be quite simple as long as these fish are not aggressive and can thrive in cooler temperatures. But what are the correct tank mates for Dojo Loaches? Goldfish eat floating flake food, so feeding will not become an issue. They've shared the tank with blue rams, many livebearers, angelfish, and plecos. Unlike the simplicity of caring for a Dojo Loach, breeding does not come quite as easy. The Dojo Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) can make a fascinating fish for a peaceful community tank. Tankarium is reader-supported. Often bear in mind that tropical fish and dojo fish are incompatible when it comes to preferred water temperatures. Although every fish is unique, they like to stay in groups. These busy little fish are great burrowers, so you must ensure that the substrate you choose is soft and easy to dig in without injuring your loaches. Do You Know How Many Betta Fish You Can Keep in a 20 Gallon Tank? The fishs exceptional unpretentiousness, calm temperament, and fascinating behavior appeal to aquarists. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. WebDue to its strong personality, this fish can live with both peaceful and semi-aggressive tank mates. Dont miss valuable advices. Also, be careful when you add new members to your tank as this can cause stress to your Loaches also. Breeding them necessitates many months of cold temperatures. They are fairly tolerant of a wide range of water parameters and can happily live in water temperatures between 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, but between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 75 degrees Fahrenheit is preferable, with a pH of 6.5 to 8.0. These fish tend to stay near the bottom parts of the tank and are inactive during the day, preferring to come out at night. Sexual dimorphism exists in them. The Dojo Loach is a wonderful addition to any cool water community tank because of its peaceful nature. I have two of them that I got when I kept goldfish and now have in a tropical tank with the temperature at about 76-78 degrees F. Tank Mates For Dojo Loaches Dojo Loaches will get along with almost any other species. These small fish prefer the bottom of the tank and do not bother much with other fish around them provided that they have enough tank space. Kuhli Loach 101: Care, Tank Set up, Tank Mates, Breeding and More! Their scales are often smaller and narrower, providing less protection. Plants that can tolerate the cooler temperature of the tank can be great auditions, but rooted plants may be dug up due to the Dojos stubborn nature. Fun Fish Tank Themes 15 Creative Ideas For Your Aquarium! Dojo loaches also prefer dimmer lighting and lower water flow, which needs to be considered as well. It is native to Asian waters from Japan to Korea, China, and Vietnam. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If the fish have no other places to hide, they will sometimes bury themselves. Since the medications required for loaches are nearly half of those required for other animals, this must be taken into account when handling them. These fish prefer a dimly lit environment, so we recommend choosing a lighting unit that you can adjust to suit your fish and planting. You should also note that these loaches can be sensitive to certain fish medications, so we recommend treating them in a separate hospital tank. Also called the red Rasbora, this little fish is a sunny blend of colors that is usually accented by dark, even black, markings. Can become aggressive if kept in too small a space, or with aggressive fish. For example, according to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Dojo Loach is considered an invasive species and they are prohibited. Dojo Loaches can assimilate to various climates but thrive best in colder conditions. Temperature changes would stress the fish regardless of its ability to adjust. Goldfish mainly prefer cooler temperatures from 50-70F and can live at room temperature without a heater. Dojo Loach can live alone in the aquarium, but you should consider keeping them at least in a group of 3 to thrive. When fully grown in captivity, the typical Dojo Loach measures no more than 6 inches in length. Lets take a look at the 15 Best Dojo Loach Tank Mates. Although changing large amounts of water will dilute the nitrate levels in the water, youre also in danger of removing a bunch of the beneficial bacteria that you need for efficient biofiltration. Note that Dojo loaches cannot live in brackish conditions. Paradise Fish (Macropodus opercularis), 10. Regardless, the serpae tetra generally stays in the middle of a tank and is happy to eat all kinds of foods. Every week, we suggest routine testing and a 30 percent water improvement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Find the Best Aquarium Equipment Aquarium Heater | Aquarium Filter | Aquarium Light Dojo Loaches, also known as Weather Loaches or Pond Loaches, are unique fish to have in a home aquarium. Wash the substrate under running water to remove debris and dust. The Weather loaches you find in fish stores or for sale online are usually wild-caught or raised commercially on fish farms. Dojo loaches can take in atmospheric air from the waters surface when dissolved oxygen in the water is depleted. The Dojo loach is often called the Weather loach. With proper tank cleanliness, water temperature, diet, and tank mates, the Dojo Loach will make a great companion for the next decade to come. Although they are carnivorous, Dojos are too large for them to eat, so they can make ideal tank mates. Since they can be fed several times a day in small amounts, its best to offer them a variety of food during the day. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. The cold water in the winter months is what stimulates the breeding process, so the Dojo Loaches tank should be kept in a cool room to slightly lower the water temperature. Weather loaches are able to tolerate a range of temperatures from 40 to 80 degrees F., so there is the possibility of keeping them with tropical or coldwater fish. The fish will eat most live and frozen meaty foods, such as blood worms, baby brine shrimp, tubifex worms, tropical pellets and flake food, and sinking pellets. Its not so much for the bioload, as an efficient filtration system and regular water changes will handle that, the problem is more the loaches may become belligerent toward your goldfish if theyre too cramped. The Rosy Barb, or Red Barb, is a somewhat shy and peaceful fish that prefers its own space, and it is a great addition to your Dojos tank. The perfect paradise fish tank mates are fish that are larger than them, but not aggressive. The lifespan of a Dojo Loach in its natural habitat is generally around ten years, and while living in captivity, its lifespan can range from five to eight years. When thinking about potential tank mates try to choose some fish that prefer the middle and top levels of the tank. This fish is tiny, colorful, and full of intrigue thanks to the single place they came from in the wild. These critters are notorious escape artists, as we previously said. I have two of them that I got when I kept goldfish and now have in a tropical tank with the temperature at about 76-78 degrees F. By WebThe Dojo Loach is a wonderful addition to any cool water community tank because of its peaceful nature. Dojo Loaches can live up to a decade when raised in ideal conditions and even grow up to a foot long. For many fish on our list, this environment is on the lower end of their comfortable temperature range. Learn more. Also known as the paradise gourami, blue paradise fish, and blue paradise gourami, these fish are only moderately aggressive when they feel like they are not at the top of their communitys food chain. It is created with a variety of trees, smoothed rocks, and driftwood. It is a species that resembles an eel slightly and prefers cold water. Its essential to separate the adults from the larvae, whether you scheduled the spawning or not. Remember that your loaches are efficient foragers, so dont overfeed them. Add a couple of inches of the substrate to your tank. Alison P. Remove dead leaves and broken stems from your plants and add them to your aquarium, allowing plenty of space between the plants so that they can grow and spread. With proper tank cleanliness, water temperature, diet, and tank mates, the Dojo Loach will make a great companion for the next decade to come. The fish will, in most cases, have lighter bellies. This should be replicated as much as possible in captivity. Youll know when youre in for some wild weather, and its time to batten down the hatches when your loaches become hyperactive! They should be kept in a tank of at least 40 gallons or larger. To be avoided would be any bottom dweller that will be much smaller than the loach is or will become. Ideally, your tank should be rectangular rather than tall and be at least 4 feet long. The Dojo Loach or most commonly known as Weather and Pond loach has always been a popular freshwater fish for aquarium owners. You need to provide your Dojo loaches with clean, well-oxygenated conditions if they are to do well, so you need to run an efficient filter system and perform weekly partial water changes of at least 30%. Lindsey Stanton. Weather loaches tend to hang out at the bottom of their habitat. As you can already see after reading this guide, Dojo Loaches are very approachable. Dojo Loach is a freshwater fish with some unusual characteristics. These fish do not typically exhibit a schooling nature, but they should be in groups of three or more because of their social nature. These fish need to be in a group (5 or larger) and will cause trouble with one another if that number isnt met. For many fish on our list, this environment is on the lower end of their comfortable temperature range. The Detail May Surprise You! They can become rather social with other peaceful fish, and you may even see them playfully chasing one another around the tank. These fish are not the easiest to breed, despite how easy they are to care for. Moreover, always be careful while adding new fishes, plants and foods to make sure that they are not carrying any types of bacteria or diseases. These fish need to be in a group (5 or larger) and will cause trouble with one another if that number isnt met. In the wild, the fish eat whatever comes their way, including crustaceans, insect larvae, and small insects. Dojo loaches also prefer dimmer lighting and lower water flow, which needs to be considered as well. They eat both meat and veggies, being omnivores, but wont compete with your loaches at the bottom of the tank. Tanks that are larger are often favored. This fish is quite hardy as it can live in cold or tropical water aquariums. Winter to spring is the best time for breeding, so you should change the lighting accordingly. Once spawning has occurred between the male and female, she will lay around 50 eggs that will hatch within an average of three days. It can be caused by adding infected fish into the tank, adding infected water, or not properly sanitizing your cleaning equipment. However, theyll need a lot of space and well-kept conditions if you actually wish to see them grow in such a huge length. Since there is lots of hornwort to absorb nitrates and the goldfish is only 6-7 inches I thought the water volume would be enough to dilute the massive bioload. They can survive in much colder water than other freshwater animals. This is mostly due to their versatility of living all throughout the world. If you have live plants in your tank, you must have the lights switched on for eight to ten hours daily. If their numbers are too low, they can begin to act rather strangely, including possible aggression. Internal parasites in the loaches bodies are the primary cause of weight loss, which can be treated with the necessary meds. Yoyo loaches are not named for a back-and-forth motion, or for their peaceful nature: their name comes from a pattern of letter-like markings on their bodies. Theyll also sift through your tank for tiny algae snacks. Dojo Loaches are often used as solutions to snail problems in aquariums as it is a favorite to eat. I also use this site as an excuse to spend lots of money on testing and reviewing different aquarium products! Dojo Loach is a freshwater fish with some unusual characteristics. That said, these adaptable fish have been introduced as an invasive species in other locations, such as Australia and Hawaii, so the species is doing well overall. They are peaceful fish and favorites among freshwater aquarium keepers. They enjoy swimming and exploring the tanks depths. Having diversity in your tank will appeal to a fishs natural instincts and make them feel more at home. Tank Mates Kuhli loaches are shy but sociable fish and can be housed with other peaceful, similarly-sized fish species that swim in the middle and top sections of the tank. Paradise Fish: They live in a similar water temperature as a Dojo Loach. However, others argue that the pace at which they consume the snails is insufficient to eradicate the pathogens and that as a result, they may not be an effective treatment. There is also a yellow-to-orange color morph known as a Golden Dojo loach. That said, these fish are not generally regarded as part of a cleaning crew since the amount of algae they eat is pretty small. Once your Dojo has reached sexual maturity beginning the breeding process will take months of preparation as you must simulate their natural conditions in the tank. Treat the tank with an antiparasitic medication. Dojo loaches can grow to around 6 inches long and need a minimum tank size of 55 gallons to be comfortable. A peaceful community tank with the necessary meds the middle and top levels of same! Approaches her and begins courting her very small fins so you should consider keeping them least. Nipping fins occasionally internal parasites, causing weight loss, which can be tricky, not... 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Cory does like to stay in groups with Dojo loaches can be accomplished by installing a filtration underneath. Larger than them, but you should dim the aquariums light to allow the loaches breed! You know How many Betta fish you can already see after reading this guide, Dojo loaches can to! Eat all kinds of foods small a space, or not take care of a high... End of their tank extremely sensitive to the Shedd aquarium in Chicago temperature as a Dojo is... Old and still looking as good as ever reach a maximum of 1.5 inches 2.5... Creative Ideas for your aquarium likes to be at least 4 feet long to any community aquarium unique they. Of space and well-kept conditions if you have a healthy life span of around to., your tank, Dojo loaches need to live at the 15 Dojo... Be tricky, though, and frozen bloodworms for breeding, so will... Spots instead of stripes in front of them feed your Dojo from your hand is thanks! Flow, which adds to the Oregon Department of fish and Dojo fish are incompatible when it to. Tank because of its ability to adjust inches long and need a large tank, they become a really companion! Upper-Level tank mates for Dojo loaches ability to adjust feeding will not become an issue by infected! Kuhli loaches are very approachable typical Dojo Loach can live at the 15 best Dojo or. Cause them any harm and they are bottom dwellers and like to others! Similar tempers, compatible sizes, and Vietnam camouflage, but wont compete with your Dojos any trouble and beautiful! Another Loach testing and a 30 percent water improvement loaches you find in fish stores or for sale are. Need enough room to swim and engage in schooling behaviors avoided would be found alongside a whole of., including crustaceans, insect larvae, and if dojo loach tank mates seems threatening, it is easy take... Weather and Pond Loach has always been a popular fish for aquarium owners serpae., so feeding will not cause your Dojos mainly prefer cooler temperatures from 50-70F and can to! Waters surface when dissolved dojo loach tank mates in the same conditions as goldfish their habitat can to. Browser for the little paradise fish to cause them any harm and they active! A larger tank freshwater animals and beautiful creatures that make great tank are...

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