chola dynasty girl names

La Greisy is mostly used to call people who have a certain charm in them. La Muerte (Spanish origin) means 'death'. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. It was quite a popular name for girls in the late 20th century. Around 1118, they lost control of Vengi to the Western Chalukya and Gangavadi (southern Mysore districts) to the Hoysala Empire. [54] Rajendra CholaI built a new capital called Gangaikonda Cholapuram to celebrate his victories in northern India. Therefore, he conducted a land survey in 1000 CE to effectively marshall the resources of his empire. It played a significant role in linking the markets of China to the rest of the world. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Unique Mexican Chola Nicknames. It can be spelled as Kasper as well. A. L. Frothingham, Jr. Kal: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress, The Congress, 1995, p.31, ndia: The Most Dangerous Decades by Selig S. Harrison p.31. The Chola Empire was at its peak and achieved imperialism under the Medieval Cholas in the mid-9th century CE. [135] Wootz steel was a major export item. [51], Rajaraja CholaI and Rajendra CholaI were the greatest rulers of the Chola dynasty, extending it beyond the traditional limits of a Tamil kingdom. The legendary King Karikalan was the common ancestor through whom small Deccan and Andhra families called Chola or Coda claimed a . Many diseases were cured by the doctors of the hospital, which was under the control of a chief physician who was paid annually 80 Kalams of paddy, 8 Kasus and a grant of land. Did you know that the influence of Chola names extended even a little beyond China at its prime? Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. See the popularity of the baby girl's name Chola over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. Gabriela (Hebrew origin) means 'god of Strength'. The former, unlike his father, is said to have been a repentant son who supported vaishnavism. And you can't deny that it is an adorable name. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. The largest and tallest of all Indian temples of its time, it is at the apex of South Indian architecture. [141], There existed a brisk internal trade in several articles carried on by the organised mercantile corporations in various parts of the country. [50] Through their leadership and vision, Chola kings expanded their territory and influence. Aadhishakti - Goddess Parvati 8. The guild was one of the most significant institutions of south India and merchants organised themselves into guilds. They established a centralized form of government and a disciplined bureaucracy. However, the Chola influence on Srivijava would last until 1070, when the Cholas began to lose almost all of their overseas territories. They were not swayed by the rise of Buddhism and Jainism as were the kings of the Pallava and Pandya dynasties. [193] Jain and Buddhist authors flourished as well, although in fewer numbers than in previous centuries. There is no evidence that Rajendra was followed immediately by another Chola prince. They unified peninsular India south of the Tungabhadra River, and held the territory as one state for three centuries between 907 and 1215 CE. [78] Subsequently, the Cholas also lost control of the island of Lanka and were driven out by the revival of Sinhala power. However, this is more of a direction to the Shaivite community by its religious heads than any kind of dictat by a Chola emperor. [145][146], During the Chola period several guilds, communities and castes emerged. La morra has a beautiful meaning which is 'a bitter ocean'. Gabriela (Hebrew origin) means 'god of Strength'. Francisca (Spanish origin) is one of the most popular names for baby girls in Spanish. Based in the fertile Kaveri River delta in the present-day Indian state . The second Chola King, AdityaI, caused the demise of the Pallava dynasty and defeated the Pandyan dynasty of Madurai in 885, occupied large parts of the Kannada country, and had marital ties with the Western Ganga dynasty. Mariana (Latin origin) means 'of Mars'. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. A Chola record gives their rationale for engagement in foreign trade: "Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses attach to yourself by providing them with villages and decent dwellings in the city, by affording them daily audience, presents and allowing them profits. There were also local organisations of merchants called "nagaram" in big centres of trade like Kanchipuram and Mamallapuram. The navy commanders also acted as diplomats in some instances. It was the age in which the great Telugu poets Tikkana, Ketana, Marana and Somana enriched the literature with their contributions. La Smily can be used to refer to a girl who always has a sweet and smiling face. Cholita is mostly used to refer to girls who have mixed heritage or races. Copperplate grants of the Pallava Buddhavarman (late 4th century) mention that the king as the "underwater fire that destroyed the ocean of the Chola army". Due to the lack of a legislature or a legislative system in the modern sense, the fairness of king's orders dependent on his morality and belief in Dharma. p.15, The State at War in South Asia by Pradeep Barua p.17, Temple art under the Chola queens by Balasubrahmanyam Venkataraman p.72, Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of Sino-Indian Relations by Tansen Sen p.159, A History of Early Southeast Asia: Maritime Trade and Societal Development by Kenneth R. Hall, Aryatarangini, the Saga of the Indo-Aryans, by A. Kalyanaraman p.158, India and Malaya Through the Ages: by S. Durai Raja Singam, Relationship of the Cholas with the Chinese, "Fields of Protest: Women's Movements in India", "Pre-Colonial Cultural Legacy and Colonial Intervention: An Historical Appraisal", "The Politics of Plunder: The Cholas in Eleventh-Century Ceylon", "The Telugu Cholas of Konidena (A.D. 1050-1300) [Part 1]", UNESCO World Heritage sites Chola temples,, Founder of the Chola Empire, and descendant of the, Son of Amangai Devi Chola, daughter of Rajendra I, and, This page was last edited on 12 April 2023, at 16:30. The last Chalukya king's territories did not even include the erstwhile Chalukyan capitals Badami, Manyakheta or Kalyani. Rajendra Chola III was the last ruler of the Chola Dynasty, and he reigned from 1246 -1279 CE. The Chola dynasty was a Tamil thalassocratic empire of southern India and one of the longest-ruling dynasties in world history. Answer (1 of 2): According to one account, Queen Chola Devi, whose husband had been blessed by the Goddess of Wealth, Mahalakshmi, the Consort of Lord Vishnu had to incur the wrath of the Goddess when she came in disguise whom she neglected. Ayoti - Denotes hopes for the future 5. [26] However, there was little in common between the local chiefdoms of the earlier period and the imperial-like states of Rajaraja Chola and his successors. The Cholas were the subject of the 2010 Tamil-language film Aayirathil Oruvan, and the 2022 film Ponniyin Selvan: I. The king then granted the management of the Ranganathaswamy temple to Dasarathi and his descendants as per the wish of Ramanuja. [j] Roman ships found their way into these ports. The template for these and future temples was formulated by AdityaI and Parantaka. A girl with sapphire-colored eyes is mostly called by this name. [187][188][189] Among the existing specimens in museums around the world and in the temples of South India may be seen many fine figures of Shiva in various forms, such as Vishnu and his consort Lakshmi, and the Shaivite saints. Josefina (Hebrew origin) means 'god will give'. They had their own mercenary army for the protection of their merchandise. [k], The Cholas' system of government was monarchical, as in the Sangam age. Guadalupe (Spanish origin) has a beautiful meaning 'mother of god'. The water tanks that came up during the Chola period are too many to be listed here. They ruled a significantly larger area at the height of their power from the later half of the 9th century till the beginning of the 13th century. Other famous lakes of this period are Madurantakam, Sundra-cholapereri, Kundavai-Pereri (after a Chola queen). Camila (Italian origin) means 'attendant'. [166], There was tremendous agrarian expansion during the rule of the imperial Chola dynasty (c.9001270 AD) all over Tamil Nadu and particularly in the Kaveri Basin. [154] Vocational education was through hereditary training in which the father passed on his skills to his sons. Rajaraja CholaI was a ruler with inexhaustible energy, and he applied himself to the task of governance with the same zeal that he had shown in waging wars. Marana wrote Markandeya Purana in Telugu. La Blue Eyes is quite a self-explanatory name. [89] The last recorded date of RajendraIII is 1279. The Chola rulers issued their coins in gold, silver and copper. Chola dynasty was a Tamil dynasty that ruled over southern India & established their rule during late 9th century. [159][160] The Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya empire under the Sailendras, and the Abbasid Kalifat at Baghdad were the main trading partners. Thus, this period saw constant warfare between the Cholas and the Pandyas. "After the second Pandya War, Kulottunga undertook a campaign to check to the growth of Hoysala power in that quarter. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. [28], While the Cholas did build their largest and most important temple dedicated to Shiva, it can be by no means concluded that either they were followers of Shaivism only or that they were not favourably disposed to other faiths. [19] In Tamil lexicon Chola means Soazhi or Saei denoting a newly formed kingdom, in the lines of Pandya or the old country. 2. Admissions closing on 10 DEC'22 | Enrol now - time-te. I'm Chola 821 I know Chola 385 [3] The power and the prestige the Cholas had among political powers in South, Southeast, and East Asia at its peak is evident through their expeditions to the Ganges, naval raids on cities of the Srivijaya empire based on the island of Sumatra, and their repeated embassies to China. [b] There are also brief references to the Chola country and its towns, ports and commerce in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (Periplus Maris Erythraei), and in the slightly later work of the geographer Ptolemy. The earliest datable references to the Chola are from inscriptions dated to the 3rd century BCE during the reign of Ashoka of the Maurya Empire. [192], The revival of Hinduism from its nadir during the Kalabhras spurred the construction of numerous temples and these in turn generated Shaiva and Vaishnava devotional literature. [95] These two towns became hubs of trade and commerce and attracted many religious faiths, including Buddhism. [142] Rajendra CholaI dug near his capital an artificial lake, which was filled with water from the Kolerun and the Vellar rivers. This is quite a sweet name for girls. [8][9] A UNESCO world heritage site, the Brihadisvara temple at Thanjavur, commissioned by the Rajaraja Chola in 1010 CE, is a prime example for Cholar architecture. This is borne out by the fact that the second Chola king, AdityaI (871903 CE), built temples for Shiva and also for Vishnu. The Tirumukkudal inscription shows that a hospital was named after Vira Chola. [198] Commentaries were written on the great text Tolkppiyam which deals with grammar but which also mentions ethics of warfare. During the reign of Rajaraja CholaI and his successors Rajendra CholaI, Virarajendra Chola and Kulothunga CholaI the Chola armies invaded Sri Lanka, the Maldives and parts of Southeast Asia like Malaysia, Indonesia and Southern Thailand[70] of the Srivijaya Empire in the 11th century. Arianna - The one who is holy; the one with peace 3. [18] Killi perhaps comes from the Tamil kil () meaning dig or cleave and conveys the idea of a digger or a worker of the land. The default format of this map would be . In order to understand what a Chola name could mean for a shy girl, it is important to understand its history a little bit. [92] The fate of Virasekhara Chola, the last of the line of Cholas is not known. This describes the events during Kulothunga's war in Kalinga and depicts not only the pomp and circumstance of war, but the gruesome details of the field. Cholas also dominated the entire eastern coast with their feudatories, the Telugu Cholas, Velananti Cholas, Renandu Cholas, etc.. [141] The prosperity of an agricultural country depends to a large extent on the facilities provided for irrigation. It is quite a popular name for babies in Mexico, more so for baby girls. Tanjore was thus named as the founding capital of the illustrious Chola Empire. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. [115], The Chola rulers built several palaces and fortifications to protect their cities. [170], The Chola conquest of Kadaram (Kedah) and Srivijaya, and their continued commercial contacts with the Chinese Empire, enabled them to influence the local cultures. Seria (Spanish origin) is a wonderful name for girls, which basically means 'expression'. For example, the great temple complex at Prambanan in Indonesia exhibit a number of similarities with the South Indian architecture. Kocengannan, an Early Chola, was celebrated in both Sangam literature and in the Shaivite canon as a Hindu saint. Ayushka - Refers to life 4. The earliest datable references to the Chola are from inscriptions dated to the 3rd century BCE during the reign of Ashoka of the Maurya Empire.As one of the Three Crowned Kings of Tamilakam, along with the Chera and Pandya, the dynasty continued to govern over . [122], The Chola navy was the zenith of ancient India sea power. It means they ruled for a time close to 1500 years, which makes them one of the oldest and longest-ruling . [c], The earliest Chola kings for whom there is tangible evidence are mentioned in the Sangam literature. Sara (Hebrew origin) is a beautiful name meaning 'princess'. Casper (Persian origin) means 'one who brings the treasure'. During his rule, the Chola Empire was beset by upheaval, including invasions by the Hoysala Dynasty . It is quite a common name for babies in Mexico. Chola Dynasty: Origin. Moreover, under Chola's protection, Veng remained largely independent. Tiny has a quite similar meaning to the name mentioned above. [23], The Sangam literature also records legends about mythical Chola kings. [137], The Kaikolar community were weavers and merchants but they also maintained armies. a little boy or girl would draw thirty names. [22] The internal chronology of this literature is still far from settled, and at present a connected account of the history of the period cannot be derived. [178][179][180] The Chola temple architecture has been appreciated for its magnificence as well as delicate workmanship, ostensibly following the rich traditions of the past bequeathed to them by the Pallava Dynasty. In 1279 A.D., the downfall of the Chola dynasty seems imminent as the Pandyas drive the Chola people out of their kingdom in southern India.To escape them and save the life of his successor, the Chola emperor sends his son, his royal advisor (Raja Guru), and the remaining Chola people to a secret territory. [143][141], Hospitals were maintained by the Chola kings, whose government gave lands for that purpose. It is quite a popular name as it is simple and easy to pronounce. [24] Ptolemy knew of this, which he called Khaberis, and the other port town of Nagappattinam as the most important centres of Cholas. Certain charm in them josefina ( Hebrew origin ) means 'one who brings the treasure ' so for baby.! In Mexico earns from qualifying purchases monarchical, as in the Sangam age Kidadl inspiration... Mariana ( Latin origin ) means & # x27 ; Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns qualifying! 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